A Day at The Dorchester: A Proposal
Let's meet up at The Dorchester,that posh hotel in the heart of London.Afternoon tea is the talk of the town.Damask table cloths, linen napkins,impeccable service, and a pastry cartthe envy…
Let's meet up at The Dorchester,that posh hotel in the heart of London.Afternoon tea is the talk of the town.Damask table cloths, linen napkins,impeccable service, and a pastry cartthe envy…
Strange now to think of you while I read the words of a Jewish poet long gone on his boat of metaphors and flowers for the constant beat of time…
On October 23, Nancy Pelosi came to Harvard Square in Cambridge, MA (my old hometown) and spoke at the First Parish Church. Her talk was organized by The Harvard Book…
Now that Joe Biden is on his way into the history books as a president who refused to stop a genocide, we have his vice president coming into focus as…
It seems inconceivable, I know,but it happened, it's happening now.No one can say how it beganor where or with whom.But once it began, it spreadlike an airborne virusor an inextinguishable…
(Based on true and almost true events) the weeping is an immense angel,the weeping is an immense violin,the tears muzzle the wind,nothing else is heard but the weeping. From "Casida…
It's all about the gold.Hasn't it always been?The allure, the beauty of goldin whatever form it takes —wealth, power, fame, ironclad security. In Gaza the rush is on.Tanks, bombs, missiles,…
If it were me in Palestineand I found you on a stretcherin a shell-shocked hospital,I would kneel beside youand take your hand in mine,wipe the blood from your faceand pray…
the urge to beautify one’s surroundings is widespread and profoundly beneficial — particularly so in the harrowing circumstances of loss, displacement, and danger. — From an article by Stephanie Acker…
Gaza may be in the news, but it's not on most folks' minds — at least those folks within my own circle of friends and colleagues. I don't know what…
A few days before Christmas Eve, the President and the First Lady travelled to a well-endowed children's hospital in Washington D.C. Their visit was in keeping with the long-standing White House tradition…
In Gaza, unspeakable, unbearable cruelty goes on day after day, while I live my life in the clutches of safety and abundance. My basket is full of the fruits of…
Do you take your Catholic upbringing to bedand rest a rosary by your head?Are you a prayerful man, Mr. President?Do you pray for peace in the Promised Landand imagine the…
One of the many qualifications for the role of president of the United States is to never miss an opportunity to praise the greatness and courage of our men and…
It is right that the Western troops are finally leaving our country — they should have done so much earlier. We cannot have a serious peace process as long as…
The violence of this disease was such that the sick communicated it to the healthy who came near them, just as a fire catches anything dry or oily near it.…
Children who die in this way suffer immensely as their vital organ functions slow down and eventually stop. Their immune systems are so weak they are more prone to infections…
But for most of us, the movement was a life-giving force. To join a hundred thousand others in marches and rallies, to know that even if you felt helpless against…
Since the overthrow of the Shah in 1979 when the Islamic Republic of Iran was established, Iran has been a target of US destabilization efforts in the form of sanctions…
In the Gospels, the disciples of Jesus complain about folks who bring their kids with them to receive his blessings. But Jesus is not somebody who shuns the company of…
The most important aspect of our policy must be our ever-present, manifest desire to institute complete equality for the Arab citizens living in our midst ... The attitude we adopt…
”I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing,…
That’s what they called it— a technical error, a “mistake,” the bombs that went astray during an attack in Sanaa, capital of Yemen. They were targeting rebels in a crowded…
O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot…
We must not conceal from ourselves that no improvement in the present depressing situation is possible without a severe struggle; for the handful of those who are really determined to…
It is my intention to make my entire life a rejection of, a protest against the crimes and injustices of war and political tyranny which threaten to destroy the whole…
During the first presidential debate, on Monday evening, September 26, Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton boasted of her support for tough sanctions on Iran: I spent a year and…
(Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, with the stealthy movements of a fugitive, enters a small, nondescript Catholic church in South London. Before letting the door close, he looks behind…
Today, with these words, I light a candle to remember the children who died in Sunday’s firestorm in Baghdad, the families who were obliterated, the individuals burned beyond recognition, the…
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