Caught between the devil Coronavirus and deep sea communalsim
There is a high water mark of the tide of the deluge that has swept through India in the name of coronavirus currently raging in India. From Assam to Kernataka…
There is a high water mark of the tide of the deluge that has swept through India in the name of coronavirus currently raging in India. From Assam to Kernataka…
Impunity in Indian context differs from region to region and from group to group. When witches were hunted tried and condemned to be burnt at the stake there was no…
It was a coup and the unraveling of events now in 2020 Delhi and in Gujarat genocide of 2002 has striking resemblances. The inductive and deductive process of reasoning…
The lynching of Tabrez Ansari was by means of threat and violence perpetrated with utter impunity for hours at end, nay, for days together. This is the darkest hour in…
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