Decoding Imran Khan: Struggle, Vision and Success
Co-Written by Peer Bilal Baba and M. Altaf Imran Khan was born in 1952 in Lahore into a well off Pashtun family. He received an oxford university education studying politics…
Co-Written by Peer Bilal Baba and M. Altaf Imran Khan was born in 1952 in Lahore into a well off Pashtun family. He received an oxford university education studying politics…
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhiwas born before 148 years ago on October 2, 1869. The young Gandhi grew to manhood in the state of Gujarat, where the impact of the West was…
Co-Written by Peer Bilal Baba & M Altaf Kumhar About the History, there is a thing that we are never sure what exactly happened because often, the facts get mutated…
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