
America’s Underperforming Military

Professional sports is a cutthroat business. Succeed and the people running the show reap rich rewards. Fail to meet expectations and you get handed your walking papers. American-style war in…

Defending Japanese Imperialism

Common knowledge informs us that the surrender of Imperial Japan on August 15, 1945 brought an end to the Japanese empire and Japan’s occupation of all areas and countries that…

Are We Forever Captives of America’s Forever Wars?

As August ended, American troops completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan almost 20 years after they first arrived. On the formal date of withdrawal, however, President Biden insisted that “over-the-horizon capabilities” (airpower and Special Operations…

Was the Afghan War a Schell Game?

I waited almost three months for some acknowledgement, but it never came. Not a bottle of champagne. Not a congratulatory note. Not an email of acknowledgement. Not one media request. Authors…

Canadian Imperialism

Canada was born of empire and still thrives within that milieu.  It is the progeny of French and British imperial quests in the ‘New’ World and is accompanied by its…

So Long, CENTCOM, and Good Riddance!

The bad news stemming from the ill-planned and ill-managed U.S. evacuation of the Afghan capital just kept coming in. The Washington Post put it this way in blowing the whistle on the culminating disaster:…

Assassins-in-Chief and Their Brood

What a way to end a war! Apologies all around! We’re so damn sorry — or actually, maybe not! I’m thinking, of course, about CENTCOM commander General Kenneth F. McKenzie,…

A Forever Wall for Our Forever Wars

As a parting shot, on its way out of Afghanistan, the United States military launched a drone attack that the Pentagon called a “righteous strike.” The final missile fired during…

How Corporations Won the War on Terror

The costs and consequences of America’s twenty-first-century wars have by now been well-documented — a staggering $8 trillion in expenditures and more than 380,000 civilian deaths, as calculated by Brown University’s Costs…

Canadian Imperialism in Africa

Canadian imperialism in Africa has had a rare social media moment. On Twiter K. Diallo recently posted a map of the continent with the sum of Canadian mining investment in each African…


A word can have strong meanings associated with it, and depending on its use, can be interpreted from different perspectives. Recently I heard a citation from Michael Ignatieff, Canada’s contribution…

Stakes in Afghanistan!

Speculations resting on numerous analyses are being voiced on what does withdrawal of United States from Afghanistan and take-over by Taliban really indicate? The former aspect is being viewed by…

Failed Empire?

It was all so long ago, in a world seemingly without challengers. Do you even remember when we Americans lived on a planet with a recumbent Russia, a barely rising…

Dangerous Games in Syria 

 Just a few months since Joe Biden's election, US idea of terrorism has radically changed. With the media having spared no effort making people believe that the real terrorists are…

Scars from NATO     

After Yugoslavia’s (Serbia) President Slobodan Milosevic refused to accept the so-called Rambouillet Agreement in 1999, which in reality was NATO ultimatum that demanded from Serbia and Montenegro to allow NATO…

Washington’s kiss of death

Rudyard Kipling, Bard of Empire, wrote a poem titled “The White Man’s Burden”. Written in February 1899, Kipling urged the US to colonize the Philippines and take up the burden…

Games the Pentagon plays

Modern warfare is waged with high-tech weapons. Each battle fought eats up loads of ammunition and modern weapons systems need spare parts and fuel. All this meaning that no military…

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