
Natural Federalism or Un-natural Feminism

In the times when ‘unifying’ symbols are used as tools to homogenise, ‘diversity’ is only appropriated in the service of ‘unification’ project, the urgency of ‘pluriversality’ is felt more strongly.…

We Need Feminism Free of Condescension

The following is from a speech given by CODEPINK co-director, Danaka Katovich, gave at Palestinian Feminist Collective’s International Working Women’s Day Vigil for Palestine on Friday March 8th I was…

Intersectional Feminism: An Insight

Intersectionality Theory was first developed in 1970-80 by a group of African-American feminist activists who accused the women’s movement of abandoning Black women. Discriminatory evils like racism and sexism aren’t…

Men, masculinities, and gender equality

Both men and women are still imprisoned by patriarchy in the vast majority of our globe. Together, we inhabit a world of social logic where prejudice, injustice, and exploitation taint…

Digital Femininity and Indian Patriarchy

In India, the hegemonic discourse on girls’ engagement with social media has been fixed on the way they are using digital tools to express their sexuality and construct visual intimacies.…

Circa,modern day thoughtfulness

This morning, I woke up to two beep sounds of my instagram notification the vibration felt like a thunderbolt ringing my lousy brain cells in bleak mid-dawn.  I immediately unlocked…

Motherhood is a Choice Not compulsion

Mothers are most important person of everyone’s life. To appreciate her efforts and love, Mother’s Day is celebrated throughout the world on second Sunday of May. On this day, we  …

The Manufactured Feminism

We live in a world where strong visuals fill our brains through screens that surround us at all times. As such it becomes impossible to prevent the inception of an…

Beyond The Muslim Veil

   This woman, who is your beloved, is in fact a ray of His light, She is not a mere creature. She is like a creator -Rumi In recent years,…

Feminist Socialism And The Commons

Hilary Wainwright, of the Transnational Institute and co-editor of Red Pepper magazine, made a lasting impression on the Commons Transition/P2P Foundation team with her panel presentation at the recent Commons…

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