Obama, Kissinger and the Nobel Peace Prize
An important feature of the western political establishment has been that while all the time speaking about world peace it has been extremely destructive in terms of its violence towards…
An important feature of the western political establishment has been that while all the time speaking about world peace it has been extremely destructive in terms of its violence towards…
If former President Obama lives to a healthy elderly age in more harmonious world than today’s, in all probability he will face trial for a million unlawful deaths, injuries, deformities,…
January 20th is unique ... unique in that it has been inauguration day in the U.S. since 1937. Thus it is on this day the people have two presidents, one…
As Democrats express disgust at and prepare massive protests against Trump on his inauguration day (as was also done regarding Bush Jr.), respected analysts detail how the public has been…
As President Obama takes his last lap around the governing field before turning it over to Donald Trump LLC many liberals and some deluded "leftists" have taken to thanking him…
President Obama's farewell address focusing on the state of our democracy offered a lofty perspective coupled with a homily on the responsibility of citizenship. Thrown in were elements of legacy…
The decisive victory of Senator Barack Obama over veteran Republican Senator John McCain in the fiercely fought 2008 US Presidential election proved to the world that America is truly exceptional.…
My book “Tackling America’s Toughest Questions” (Clarity Press: 2009) set forth a comprehensive analysis and critique of all the hideous atrocities President Bush Jr et al inflicted upon international law,…
As he prepares to say good bye to the White House, President Barak Hussein Obama leaves a trail of successes and failures. Notorious among the former are the Iran deal,…
Elections come and go but when “The Don”, Barack Obama, meets with his inner circle of Capos every Tuesday morning its breakfast with drones as in the Murder Incorporated assassination…
America’s mendacious, serial invader, war criminal, climate criminal and human rights-violating President Barack Obama made his last speech to the UN General Assembly on 20 September 2016, a speech characterized…
From Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, October 2011 as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan appeared to be ending: "There are those on the American political scene who are calling…
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