What sincere, genuine reform in USA means in real life
Moving away from the controversies and contradictions of daily discourse, can we consider what the most sincere and genuine reform in USA, capable of giving real relief to the people…
Moving away from the controversies and contradictions of daily discourse, can we consider what the most sincere and genuine reform in USA, capable of giving real relief to the people…
The USA leads the world in having the most extensive discourse on political and social issues, supported by the world’s most famous media outlets, think tanks and academic institutes, by…
“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” So declared Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Ah, if only it had proved to be so. Although…
Strong, visionary, decisive leadership has been missing for so long in America, we don’t even know what it looks like anymore. Arrogance and charisma are not the same as leadership.…
The Biden administration will soon release its National Security Strategy, which is being revised in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The document will no doubt trigger a renewed debate about…
During the autumn of 2020, the United States lost one of its most brilliant, incisive, yet unheralded thinkers in Sherle R. Schwenninger. One of Schwenninger’s many gifts was his ability…
You walk into the room with your pencil in your hand You see somebody naked and you say, "Who is that man?" You try so hard but you don't understand…
The future isn’t what it used to be. As a teenager in the 1970s, I watched a lot of TV science fiction shows, notably Space: 1999 and UFO, that imagined a near future…
Americans’ trust in the federal government in handling major problems has fallen nearly to all-time lows, finds Gallup. Based on an annual poll conducted between August 31 and September 31,…
The so-called Age of Trump is also an age of instantly forgotten bestselling books, especially ones purporting to provide the inside scoop on what goes on within Donald Trump’s haphazard…
The disparity between America’s ideals and America’s main street realities are always vast and often stark. This has always been so, most apparently and appallingly for Americans of color…
When it rains, pieces of glass, pottery, and metal rise through the mud in the hills surrounding my Maryland home. The other day, I walked outside barefoot to fetch one…
Dyed-in-the-wool patriots know that the United States of America is God’s gift to the world. Policymakers have risen the story to doctrinal status. It’s referred to as American Exceptionalism, and…
A new Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows that no matter how polarized they might be politically, Americans finally seem to agree on something: that everything about America is getting worse. In…
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