
The collapse of Zionism

Many may not know that it was ten years before the conception of Israel that Albert Einstein speaking at New York’s Commodore Hotel said that: “A Jewish state with borders…

The Collapse of Zionism

Hamas’s assault of October 7 can be likened to an earthquake that strikes an old building. The cracks were already beginning to show, but they are now visible in its…

Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism

Is Zionism anything but crass racism? Do the Indigenous people have any right to exist in their homeland? Apparently not, if they are Palestinians who are evicted and killed by…

Zionism and Israel

Zionism The term Zionism is derived from the word Zion that in the Hebrew language and cultural-historical tradition of the Jews refers to the citadel (acropolis) of the city of…

Israel is a Jewish Problem

Militarized Israel has seized control of the mindset of the Jewish people. Israel is a Jewish problem. and the Jewish people, if they want to be considered a just, humane, and…

Ashkenazi Man’s Burden

  It’s been almost one hundred years since the Balfour Declaration and we are still trying to “understand” Zionism and Jewish supremacy in Palestine. For a long time, what stood…

The Zionist Exception

Today, we hear a lot about White supremacy but very little about Jewish supremacy, as if the former stands for the latter. It is true there are more similarities than…

Israel’s New Friends

  Israel’s leaders and their right-wing Jewish allies in the United States have no problem stomaching anti-Semitism so long as the anti-Semite supports Zionism. But if an anti-Semite can be…

Zionism Is Racism

Hardly any knowledgeable person doubts that Zionist ideology is the purest form of racism. Zionism is Jewish disguised racism as a raison d'etat. Israel comes right after the U. S.,…

Is Israel A Modern State?

Zionism is primarily a Christian Protestant enterprise that has little to do with Judaism. This explains why US Christians are the most ardent Zionists and the most powerful supporters of…

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