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21 July, 2005

Combating Global Warming-
Blue Skies, Green Cities

By Niko Kyriakou

Ignoring inaction at the highest levels of the U.S. government, 145 mayors across the country have formed a coalition to combat global warming and begun to reshape their cities using innovative programs and technologies

23 April, 2005

Climate Change! Britain To Go Nuclear
By Marie Woolf and Andrew Grice

The British government is drawing up secret plans to create a new generation of nuclear power stations as the centrepiece of the Government's drive to combat climate change

Antarctic Glaciers In Retreat

Scientists have issued a fresh warning about the effect of climate change on Antarctica, saying that more than 200 coastal glaciers are in retreat because of higher temperatures

18 April, 2005

A Planet On The Brink
By Rowan Williams

The Archbishop of Canterbury warns that the price of our continued failure to protect the earth will be violence and social collapse

11 April, 2005

Global warming: Nuclear Power No Solution
By Jim Green

Claims that nuclear power is “greenhouse free” are nonsense. Substantial greenhouse gas generation occurs across the nuclear fuel cycle

04 April, 2005

US In Race To Unlock New Energy Source
By David Adam

Locked in mysterious crystals, the sediment beneath the seabed holds enough natural gas to fuel America's energy-guzzling society for decades, or to bring about sufficient climate change to melt the planet's glaciers and cause catastrophic flooding

Taking Care Of Ma Earth
By Tom Teepen

We cannot produce more oceans in our labs if we poison the ones we have. We can't manufacture a new atmosphere if we degrade today's irreparably. There's no fairy dust for bringing back dead species. If not panic, care at least is called for

03 April, 2005

Home Fires In India Melt The Arctic Ice
By Geoffrey Lean

Poor women cooking family meals in India are helping to melt the Arctic icecap, startling new studies show. Soot from their fires gets wafted into the atmosphere to fall out on the ice thousands of miles away, hastening its disappearance

02 April, 2005

Adapting To Global Warming: A Modest Proposal
By Gar Lipow

The carbon lobby (mainly the coal and oil companies) when they don't deny that human cause global warming exists, suggest that it would be less expensive and more humane to do nothing about it. Here are a few modest proposals for life in a green house

01 April, 2005

Carbon Dioxide Continues Its Rise
By David Shukman

The atmospheric concentration of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide has reached a new high

31 March, 2005

Global Warming Of Atlantic Could Hit Fish
By Jeremy Lovell

The potential shutdown due to climate warming of the key Atlantic Conveyor current that warms northern Europe could have a major impact on fish stocks in the region

27 March, 2005

Hot Air And Global Warming
By Derrick Z. Jackson

Every time the world calls for action on climate change, the United States emits more White House gases. The latest puff came from James Connaughton, the director of environmental quality, during last week's conference of 20 nations that met in London to attempt once again to make global warming a global priority

22 March, 2005

Rock Dust Fights Global Warming?
By Paul Kelbie

A scottish couple claim the technique of spreading rockdust may play a significant role in the fight against climate change as calcium and magnesium in the dust converts carbon in the air into carbonates

18 March, 2005

No Stopping Global Warming
By Maggie Fox

Even if people stopped pumping out carbon dioxide and other pollutants tomorrow, global warming would still get worse

16 March, 2005

Brainstorming On Climate Change
By Jeremy Lovell

As the ministerial conference of 20 of the biggest polluters on earth got underway in London the need for action to avert a looming climate catastrophe was rammed home by graphic images of melting glaciers and makeshift sea defences displayed at the venue of the meeting

Racing To Extinction
By Hill Henderson

"I am afraid the atmosphere might get hotter and hotter until it will be like Venus with boiling sulfuric acid," said Stephen Hawking. "I am worried about the greenhouse effect."If we go over this cliff no more humanity; the extinction of almost every existing species except some bacteria; the end of life on Earth as we know it

15 March, 2005

Himalayan Glaciers Retreat Fast

Himalayan glaciers are among the fastest retreating glaciers globally due to the effects of global warming, and this will eventually result in water shortages for hundreds of millions of people who rely on glacier-dependent rivers in China, India and Nepal

Mount Kilimanjaro Photo Wake-Up Call For Action Against Global Warming
By Jeremy Lovell

A photo of Mount Kilimanjaro stripped of its snowcap for the first time in 11,000 years will be used as dramatic testimony for action against global warming as ministers from the world's biggest polluters meet today

04 March, 2005

Forests Could Be Key To
Curbing Global Warming

By Alister Doyle

Effective control of forest fires may prove crucial in the fight against global warming since blazes from Alaska to Indonesia spew out vast amounts of heat-trapping gases

There is No More Time
By Lucinda Marshall

All evidence suggests that our lives and that of our planet are in grave peril.It is our refusal to face the realities of global warming and our continued illegal use of Depleted Uranium that are the true terrors of our time

03 March, 2005

Chronicles Of Kyoto
By Renato Redentor Constantino

The Kyoto Protocol is not based on science, said George W. Bush. We will meet the challenge of climate change with clean coal, said John Howard. "The only difference between genius and stupidity," said Albert Einstein, "is that genius has its limits."

23 February, 2005

Market Failure: Global Warming And Peak Oil
By Bill Henderson

If the history of denial and greenwashing of global warming is any indication, and the peak oil pessimists are right, it is probably too late for even a wartime economy government to do anything but try and keep order and save memes needed for the birth of a future society

21 February, 2005

The Final Proof: Global Warming Is Man-Made
By Steve Connor

Scientists have found the first unequivocal link between man-made greenhouse gases and a dramatic heating of the Earth's oceans. The researchers have found a "stunning" correlation between a rise in ocean temperature over the past 40 years and pollution of the atmosphere

19 February, 2005

New Data Point To Man-Made Global Warming,
Severe Climate Change

By Seth Borenstein

New measurements from the world's oceans, announced Thursday, give the most compelling evidence yet that man-made global warming is under way and hint at a more dramatic and sudden climate change in the future

18 February, 2005

Dramatic Changes In Southern Ocean,
Fear Climate Link


Scientists have discovered dramatic changes in the temperature and salinity of deep waters in the Southern Ocean that they warn could have a major impact on global climate

Greenhouse Gases 'Do Warm Oceans'
By Paul Rincon

Scientists have "compelling" evidence that ocean warming over the past 40 years can be linked to the industrial release of carbon dioxide. US researchers compared the rise in ocean temperatures with predictions from climate models and found human activity was the most likely cause

17 February, 2005

Kyoto - A Crucial First Step
By Tony Juniper

Kyoto is to be welcomed, but it must be followed by broader and more radical action

16 February, 2005

Can Kyoto Really Save The world?
By Hamish McRae

If Kyoto encourages the hunt for the new technologies that is worth something. If it makes us think a little more about our own use of energy that is worth something too. If it is the start of a wider global process of co-operation in conservation, then it is worth a huge amount. A good day for the world

Kyoto Is Not Enough
By Stephen Byers

Today, we should give a single cheer for Kyoto but recognise that there needs to be a fresh injection of political will if we are to achieve a new global consensus that will provide the world with the means to meet the challenge of climate change

Mocking Our Dreams
By George Monbiot

The reality of climate change is that the engines of progress have merely accelerated our rush to the brink

14 February, 2005

A Global Problem Requires A Global Solution
By Linda McQuaig

Greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere aren't a national problem; they affect the Earth's entire climate system. This is a global problem requiring a coordinated global solution

Global Warming: "Tragedy Of The Commons" Revisited

Even if the land becomes overgrazed, people will continue to put their animals on the damaged fields and even add to their herd. Swap the common land for Earth's atmosphere and overgrazing for greenhouse gases and you have the greatest environmental challenge of the early 21st century: how to tackle climate change

India Under Pressure To Cut Emissions
By Sugita Katyal

India, with a billion people, is one of the world's bigger polluters and is projected to account for a larger share of global carbon emissions as its economy expands. But it has no obligation to cut emissions under Kyoto's first phase to 2012

12 February, 2005

Sleepwalking To The End Of The Earth
By Geoffrey Lean

Floods, storms and droughts. Melting Arctic ice, shrinking glaciers, oceans turning to acid. The world's top scientists warned last week that dangerous climate change is taking place today, not the day after tomorrow

02 February, 2005

Climate Change Already Here

Evidence is growing that global warming is already starting to disrupt the world's delicately-balanced climate system, and the damage will reverberate for generations

31 January, 2005

"Dangerous" Global Warming Possible by 2026
By Alister Doyle

World temperatures could surge in just two decades to a threshold likely to trigger dangerous disruptions to the earth's climate, the WWF environmental group said on Sunday

27 January, 2005

Global Warming Is 'Twice As Bad'
By Steve Connor

Global warming might be twice as catastrophic as previously thought reveals a new study

The Denial Lobby
By Bob May

The climate change denial lobby - funded by the US oil industry - has now moved to the UK

24 January, 2005

Countdown To Global Catastrophe
By Michael McCarthy

The global warming danger threshold for the world is clearly marked for the first time in an international report to be published tomorrow - and the bad news is, the world has nearly reached it already

Warming Approaching Point Of No Return
By Geoffrey Lean

Global warming has already reached the level of dangerous concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and should make immediate and "very deep" cuts in the pollution if humanity is to "survive"

15 January, 2005

The Challenge Of Change
By Crispin Tickell

Climate change will force us to rethink the fundamental precepts on which we base our societies

12 January, 2005

Russians Wonder What's Happened
To "General Winter"

By Oliver Bullough

As snow and ice melt away into puddles of dirty water months earlier than usual, Russians are asking what's happened to their once-dreaded winter

09 December, 2004

US Rejects Climate Policy Attacks
By Tim Hirsch

The US has been defending its decision not to take part in the Kyoto Protocol, just two months before the international agreement to cut greenhouse gases comes into force. Senior US negotiator Harlan Watson attacked the treaty as being politically motivated rather than based on science

Kyoto Will Not Work, Warns Expert
By Michael McCarthy

The struggle by developed countries to cut back their emissions of carbon dioxide will always be overtaken by the rising new emissions of the developing nations, led by China and India, who are not parties to the Kyoto treaty

02 December, 2004

Deadly Hot Summers To Become The Norm
By Steve Connor

Blisteringly hot summers similar to the one in 2003 when thousands of people in continental Europe died of heatstroke will become commonplace because of climate change

26 November, 2004

Asia Faces Living Nightmare From
Climate Change

By David Fogarty

The weather predictions for Asia in 2050 read like a script from a doomsday movie. In the decades to come Asia, home to more than half the world's 6.3 billion people, will lurch from one climate extreme to another, with impoverished farmers battling droughts, floods, disease, food shortages and rising sea levels

25 November, 2004

Global Warming Fight To Get Harder From 2012
By Alister Doyle

Fighting global warming will get tougher once the Kyoto protocol ends in 2012 and the world must try to get Washington involved in the long term

24 November, 2004

Consuming The World's Fossil Fuels
By Mohammed Mesbahi

If we do not switch to renewable energy sources – sun, wind, wave, geothermal and hydro, demand for fossil fuel will increase, in tandem with a decline in supplies, resulting in global economic chaos and an uncontrollable runaway greenhouse effect. Our world could be reduced to a hot, Venus-like desert within the lifetime of our grand children

23 November, 2004

Biofuels Would Be A Disaster
By George Monbiot

The adoption of biofuels would be a humanitarian and environmental disaster

19 November, 2004

Melting Glaciers Threaten World Water Supply
By Ed Cropley

Mountain glaciers, which act as the world's water towers, are shrinking at ever faster rates, threatening the livelihoods of millions of people and the future of countless species

12 November, 2004

Woes Of Warming Arctic To Echo Worldwide Via Birds
By Alister Doyle

The decline of migratory birds due to an accelerating Arctic thaw may also disrupt the delicate ecosystems of their far-flung winter homes from Africa to South America, experts said this week

09 November, 2004

Fast Arctic Thaw Threatens People, Polar Bears
By Alister Doyle

Global warming is heating the Arctic almost twice as fast as the rest of the planet in a thaw that threatens millions of livelihoods and could wipe out polar bears by 2100, an eight-nation report said on Monday

07 November, 2004

Global Warming 'Will Redraw Map Of World'
By Geoffrey Lean

Maps of the world will have to be redrawn, as global warming melts the Greenland ice cap, inundating coasts and major cities

Dont Say We Haven't Been Warned
By Mark Townsend

Rising temperatures, disappearing coastlines and dire predictions that climate change poses a greater threat than global terror ... Yet still we fly, drive, consume and pollute like never before. Where will it all end?

06 November, 2004

Putin Signs:Kyoto Saved
By Oleg Shchedrov

President Vladimir Putin gave his seal of approval for Russia's crucial backing of the Kyoto Protocol, clearing the way for the U.N. environment pact aimed at curbing global warming to come into force early next year

03 November, 2004

Has A ‘Runaway’ Greenhouse Effect Begun?
By Norm Dixon

In recent weeks, scientists have released two separate findings that indicate the consequences of global warming due to the emission of “greenhouse gases” may be far greater than previously estimated

02 November, 2004

Global Warming Has Arrived
By Jim Lobe

An eight-nation study on global warming co-sponsored by the United States has concluded that the North Pole is melting. The 144-page report says the accelerated warming of the globe which it blames mostly on the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by the industrial age is transforming the Arctic region dramatically

01 November, 2004

Queen Makes Climate Plea
By Mark Townsend and Gaby Hinsliff

The Queen has made a rare intervention in world politics to warn Tony Blair of her grave concerns over the White House's stance on global warming

Environment Activists Weary of Bush, Wary of Kerry
By Kari Lydersen

Environmental groups have soundly criticized Bush's policies during the last four years, and many have endorsed his opponent. Still, most say worries will not end if Kerry wins the White House

28 October, 2004

Bush Hides Global Warming Evidence
By Chuck Schoffner

The Bush administration is trying to stifle scientific evidence of the dangers of global warming in an effort to keep the public uninformed

25 October, 2004

Dire Warnings From Global Warming Report
By Owen Bowcott

Daffodils, cod, Christmas trees and the Highlands' ski resorts could have become victims of global warming by 2050 according to an energy-efficiency report

Global Warming Effects Faster Than Feared
By Maggie Fox

Recent storms, droughts and heat waves are probably being caused by global warming, which means the effects of climate change are coming faster than anyone had feared

24 October, 2004

US Rejects Kyoto Pact

The United States, flying in the face of snowballing world opinion, said it would not follow Russia's lead and ratify the Kyoto protocol on global warming

Should There Be Environmental Refugees?
By Tanveer Ahmed

Climate change is a reality. Increasing numbers of people fleeing natural disaster is a reality. However, this is not mirrored under international law and the impoverished nations which are most affected will continue to suffer

23 October, 2004

Russia Takes One More Step Towards
Kyoto Ratification

By Andrew Osborn

Russian MPs voted in favour of Kyoto protocol ratification by 334 to 73, taking their lead from Mr Putin, whose cabinet approved the pact last month

Bjorn Lomborg's Work On Climate Change -
Just Nonsense

By Tom Burke

The messy world we live in is one in which an unstable climate will guarantee poverty for untold millions. But it is equally one in which, if we fail to solve the problem of poverty much more quickly and cleverly than we are doing at present, we will continue to destabilise the climate. The Lomborg argument that we can delay one until we have solved the other is a cruelly false prospect

21 October, 2004

Climate Change Threatens World Aid Effort
By Michael McCarthy

Britain's development and aid agencies joined together yesterday to recognise formally that climate change is the most serious problem facing the poor of the world

20 October, 2004

Climate, The Absent Issue
By Mark Hertsgaard

Climate change is to the twenty-first century what the nuclear arms race was to the twentieth: the overriding threat to humanity's continued existence on this planet. But it is resolutely kept out of the political debates

11 October, 2004

Surprise CO2 Rise May Speed Up Global Warming
By Michael McCarthy

The rate at which global warming gases are accumulating in the atmosphere has taken a sharp leap upwards, leading to fears that the devastating effects of climate change may hit the world even sooner than has been predicted

08 October, 2004

Greenhouse Denial: Australia’s Kyoto Treaty Shame
By Norm Dixon

The clock is ticking. If global industry’s greenhouse gas emissions do not begin to be significantly and rapidly reduced within decades, humanity faces potentially catastrophic consequences

06 October, 2004

Why Putin Is Backing Kyoto Again
By Gwynne Dyer

Why did Russian President Vladimir Putin decide to ratify the Kyoto Protocol on climate change last week, only six months after his top adviser, Andrei Illarionov, called it a "death treaty?" The most important reason is that Russians aren't stupid

29 September, 2004

Greenlanders Mystified By Incredible Shrinking Glacier
By Agence France Presse

The Groenlands Posten newspaper sent locals into a tizzy when a few weeks ago it described how the Sermeq Kujalleq glacier, one of the most active glaciers in the world, had receded by more than five kilometers in the past two years

23 September, 2004

Antarctic Glaciers Melting Faster
By Reuters

Glaciers once held up by a floating ice shelf off Antarctica are now sliding off into the sea -- and they are going fast

22 September, 2004

Global Warming May Spawn More Super-Storms
By Stephen Leahy

Hurricane Ivan, the incredibly powerful storm that killed at least 120 people in the Caribbean and southern United States, may be a harbinger of the Earth's hotter future

17 September, 2004

Ivan Hits America:Jeanne On The Way
By David Usborne

No one wanted to hear it, but another hurricane, Jeanne, was tracked westwards through the Caribbean last night, just north of Puerto Rico and was expected to strike the United States mainland, probably somewhere on Florida's east coast, late this weekend

12 September, 2004

Disastrous Weather Will continue
By Geoffrey Lean

Disastrous weather is set to continue for at least another six months.The US government confirmed that a new El Niño is about to strike, bringing torrential rain and droughts around the world

Devastation Linked To Global Warming
By Gaby Hinsliff and Robin McKie

Scientists are claiming that the unprecedented ferocity and frequency of the hurricanes that have battered the Caribbean this year can be blamed on one factor: the unexpectedly warm water that has been building up in the Atlantic over the past year

11 September, 2004

Global Warming Will Decimate Arctic Peoples
By Stephen Leahy

Climate change will soon make the Arctic regions of the world nearly unrecognisable, dramatically disrupting traditional Inuit and other northern native peoples' way of life

Global Warming Powered Ivan Hits Hard
By Chris Bunting

Towering waves the height of two storey buildings and winds of more than 100mph announced the arrival of Hurricane Ivan in Jamaica last night after wreaking havoc in Grenada, where 29 people lost their lives and 90% houses were damaged

09 September, 2004

Is Nuclear Energy The Only Alternative?
By George Monbiot

The politicians are once more revving up the debate that only nuclear power can save the planet

27 August, 2004

Global Warming Means More Frost-Free Days

Frost will become less and less common across much of the world as global warming accelerates. The latest of a series of reports on the real-life effects of climate change shows fewer days and nights when the air temperature dips below freezing

12 August, 2004

World Bank Undermines Efforts On Global Warming
By George M. Woodwell and Kilaparti Ramakrishna

The World Bank recently met to consider continued support for development of new sources of fossil fuels. The action calls attention once again to the growing discrepancy between what the scientific community is saying about the state of the world and what the political and economic communities are willing to hear

11 August, 2004

Greatest Threat To Human Civilization
By Ross Gelbspan

Climate change is not just another issue. It is the overriding threat facing human civilization in the twenty-first century, and so far our institutions are doing dangerously little to address it

10 August, 2004

Goodbye, Kind World
By George Monbiot

People choose to believe the climate change deniers because the truth is harder to accept

07 August, 2004

Greenland Ice Cap Is Melting Fast
By Hamish Macdonell

Newly published research shows an alarming rise in the rate of collapse of the massive Greenland ice-sheet as a result of global warming. Scientists now believe the ice-sheet is shrinking at the rate of ten metres a year, not the one metre previously thought

03 August, 2004

India Faces A Severe Drought
By Radha Viswanath

All hopes of a normal or near normal rainfall have receded. With barely a month to go before the monsoon takes its formal bow, as many as 28 of the 36 meteorological sub-divisions in India have recorded 'below average'rainfall and the nation is staring straight into a drought year

31 July, 2004

Seabird Breeding Crisis Spreads To England
By Michael McCarthy

England's biggest seabird colony is suffering from the global warming-induced severe food shortage that has devastated the birds of the Northern Isles of Scotland

16 July, 2004

Carbon Dioxide Emissions May Harm Ocean Life
By Christopher Doering

The world's oceans have absorbed nearly half of the carbon dioxide emitted by humans during the last 200 years, creating potential long-term challenges for corals and free-swimming algae

14 July, 2004

Melting Ice Can Submerge Major Cities
By Paul Brown

There is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than for 55m years, enough to melt all the ice on the planet and submerge major cities

07 July, 2004

Faced With Climate Change Britain
Reopens The Nuclear Debate

By Patrick Wintour and Paul Brown

Appearing before a committee of senior MPs, Mr Blair said the evidence was now overwhelming that climate change was the single biggest long-term problem facing the country, and conceded the world was nowhere near finding a mechanism to cut carbon dioxide emissions by the government's target of 60% by 2050

06 July, 2004

Driving Into The Abyss
By George Monbiot

We must tackle the environmental nightmare of 4x4s by taxing them off the road

18 June, 2004

Atlantic In Bloom: Hope For Global Warming
By Steve Connor

Hurricanes sweeping across the North Atlantic ocean have triggered a spectacular "bloom" of phytoplankton which can soak up huge amounts of carbon dioxide from the air immediately over the sea surface and deposit it deep within the ocean

17 June, 2004

Shell Chief Worries Over Planet Earth
By David Adam

The head of one of the world's biggest oil companies has admitted that the threat of climate change makes him "really very worried for the planet"

16 June, 2004

Climate Change Experts Despair Over US Attitude
By Maggie Fox

Climate change experts said on Tuesday they are frustrated the U.S. government and the public are not taking the risk of global warming seriously

06 June, 2004

Global warming: Skating On Thin Ice
By Norm Dixon

Hollywood’s latest blockbuster, The Day After Tomorrow, has triggered the release of vast amounts of hot air from fossil-fuel industry funded “greenhouse skeptics”. They fear the film will focus people’s political concern on the very real dangers posed by increasing industry-induced global warming

05 June, 2004

No Special Effects With Nature
By Renato Redentor Constantino

The Day after Tomorrow is science fiction, but global warming is real. Will the movie end up trivializing the impact of climate change and thus increase indifference? Or will it spur more people to take action? Too early to tell. Is reality more frightening than Hollywood? With nature there are no special effects, only consequences

30 May, 2004

Tens Of Thousands Hit By Floods In Caribbean
By Peter Prengaman, David Randall and Annabel Fallon

A disaster of grotesque proportions is unfolding in the Caribbean where floods on the island of Hispaniola have delivered death and destruction to one of the world's poorest regions on a scale far greater than first thought

28 May, 2004

A Modest Proposal To Save The Planet
By Mayer Hillman

An extract from 'How We Can Save the Planet' by Mayer Hillman advocating radical changes to the way we conduct our daily lives that would ensure a future for our children

A Film That Could Warm Up The
Debate On Global Warming

By Robert B. Semple, Jr.

With all its faulty science and melodrama the latest Hollywood disaster movie "The Day After Tomorrow" might wake up the public to the dangers of climate change

27 May, 2004

Flood Toll Soars To 2,000
By Sibylla Brodzinsky

The death toll from mudslides and flooding in the Dominican Republic and Haiti soared to around 2,000 last night as rescuers discovered more than 1,000 bodies in a ruined Haitian town

26 May, 2004

Fast Arctic Thaw Portends Global Warming
By Alister Doyle

Global warming is hitting the Arctic more than twice as fast as the rest of the planet in what may be a portent of wider, catastrophic changes, the chairman of an eight-nation study has said

24 May, 2004

A Call Of Desperation:Go For Nuclear Power
To Combat Global Warming

By Michael McCarthy

The scientist and celebrated Green guru, James Lovelock warns that there is simply not enough time for renewable energy, such as wind, wave and solar power before global warming overwhelms our civilisation, and the only solution is the massive expansion of nuclear power as the world's main energy source

23 May, 2004

Russia All Set To Back Kyoto
By Geoffrey Lean

Russia's President Vladimir Putin - who will effectively decide whether the Kyoto Protocol stands or falls - announced on Friday that his country would "rapidly move towards ratification" in the wake of a complex deal with the European Union

15 May, 2004

The Globe Grows Darker As Sunshine Diminishes
By Kenneth Chang

In the second half of the 20th century, the world became, quite literally, a darker place diminishing sunshine 10% to 37%

A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
By Geroge Monbiot

The latest disaster movie from Hollywood "The Day After Tomorrow" has Earth ravaged by a flood and an ice age caused by climate change. Environmentalist George Monbiot gives his verdict on the controversy it has stirred

05 May, 2004

Global Warming's Bottom Line
By Mindy Lubber

Global warming is a reality that is already putting the financial pinch on weather-dependent businesses. Despite mounting scientific evidence, most of the world's largest companies have been operating as if global warming is fiction

02 May, 2004

Antarctica Will Soon Be The Only Place To Live
By Geoffrey Lean

Antarctica is likely to be the world's only habitable continent by the end of this century if global warming remains unchecked

27 April, 2004

Beware The Fossil Fools
By George Monbiot

The dismissal of climate change by journalistic nincompoops is a danger to us all

22 April, 2004

Global Warming Floods Threaten 4million Britons
By Paul Brown

Risks of flooding are growing to "unacceptable levels" because of climate change with up to 4 million Britons facing the prospect of their homes being inundated

05 April, 2004

Bush Again Denies Climate Change
By Antony Barnett

George W. Bush's campaign workers have hit on an age-old political tactic to deal with the tricky subject of global warming - deny, and deny aggressively

04 April, 2004

Global Warming As A WMD
By Bruce E. Johansen

The insurance companies, whose business is making book on the future, are watching the weather—and they are worried

30 March, 2004

Global Warming Spirals Upwards
By Geoffrey Lean

Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have jumped abruptly, raising fears that global warming may be accelerating out of control

20 March, 2004

"Global Warming The Biggest
Problem": British Expert

By G. Venkataramani

"Global warming is the biggest and most serious problem faced by us in this century. Climate change is happening and its effects are real. If we do not take seriously, it will have serious consequences that will affect the generations to come"

19 March, 2004

The decline of species ...
By Tim Radford

British study covering last 40 years points to worldwide mass extinction of wildlife and plants

12 March, 2004

Damage From Global Warming
Becoming 'Irreversible'

By Jim Lobe

The latest scientific reports indicate that global warming is worsening. Unless we act now, the world will be locked into temperatures that would cause irreversible harm

11 March, 2004

'We Face Climate Disaster'
By Ben Leapman

Briton's chief scientist set out an "apocalyptic vision" of global warming bringing back the conditions which drove the dinosaurs to extinction

07 March, 2004

The Sixth Great Extinction -A Status Report
By Janet Larsen

The earth is moving toward another mass extinction that could rival the past big five. This potential sixth great extinction is unique in that it is caused largely by the activities of a single species. It is the first mass extinction that humans will witness firsthand—and not just as innocent bystanders

04 March, 2004

Insurer Warns of Global Warming Catastrophe
By Thomas Atkins

The world's second-largest reinsurer, Swiss Re, warned that the costs of natural disasters, aggravated by global warming, threatened to spiral out of control, forcing the human race into a catastrophe of its own making

03 March, 2004

Global Warming As A Weapon Of Mass Distruction
By Bruce E. Johansen

The insurance companies, whose business is making book on the future, are watching the weather—and they are worried

26 February, 2004

The Pentagon Sounds
The Alarm On Global Warming,
Why Isn't Bush Listening?

By Arianna Huffington

According to a new Pentagon study change will happen, according to the report's authors, as soon as the next three years, with the most devastating fallout potentially occurring between 2010 and 2020

22 February, 2004

Now The Pentagon Tells Bush:
Climate Change Will Destroy Us

By Mark Townsend and Paul Harris

Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters

15 February, 2004

This Parched Earth: Act or We Perish
By Juliette Jowit

Huge projects pit campaigners fearful of a catastrophic impact on the environment against the thirsty needs of an ever-growing population

31 January, 2004

How Global Warming May
Cause The Next Ice Age...

By Thom Hartmann

If enough cold, fresh water coming from the melting polar ice caps and the melting glaciers of Greenland flows into the northern Atlantic, it will shut down the Gulf Stream. The worst-case scenario would be a full-blown return of the last ice age

14 January, 2004

An Apocalyptic Future
By Ted Glick

Unless we dramatically shift from the use of fossil fuels to the use of clean and renewable energy, we are facing a truly apocalyptic future

Global Extinction: Does It Matter?
By George Monbiot

By 2050, around a quarter of the world's animal and plant species could die out as a result of global warming. To these we must add the millions threatened by farming, logging, hunting, fishing and introduced species. The future is beginning to look a little lonely

12 January, 2004

Freak Summers 'Will Happen Regularly'
By Tim Radford

Climate scientists from Zurich report in Nature online that costly extremes of weather will become the norm in the coming years

10 January, 2004

Climate Catastrophe
By David Edwards

The corporate media's refusal to address the real issues behind global warming - the corporations fighting with unrelenting ferocity to destroy not just the Kyoto protocol but the environment movement itself - represents the ultimate betrayal of us, our future, and our planet

09 January, 2004

'US Climate Policy Bigger Threat
To World Than Terrorism'

By Steve Connor

Tony Blair's chief scientist has launched a withering attack on President George Bush for failing to tackle climate change, which he says is more serious than terrorism

08 January, 2004

Global Warming Will Kill Off One Million Species
By Steve Connor

A quarter of known land animals and plants, more than a million species, will eventually die out because of the global warming that will take place over the next 50 years

08 December, 2003

Three Metros Will Sink By 2020

Here is a disaster prediction. Coastal cities such as
Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai could go under sea by 2020 at the present levels of global warming and the concomitant rise in sea level

07 December, 2003

Beginning Of The End Of The Monsoon?
By Geoffrey Lean

Global warming can lead to the cessation of the Indian monsoon and the ending of the Gulf Stream threatening the survival of life in Asia and Europe

25 October, 2003

On Climate Change And Social Change
By Doyle Canning

Our planet is literally falling apart at the seams

15 October, 2003

Environmental Refugees
By Andrew Simms

Global warming could create 150 million environmental refugees - but the countries responsible are in no hurry to carry their share of the costs

02 September, 2003

Not Just Warmer: It's The
Hottest For 2,000 Years

By Ian Sample

The most comprehensive study of climatic history has revealed the earth is warmer now than it has been at any time in the past 2,000 years

12 August, 2003

Our Future Is Laid Out, But We Do Not See
By George Monbiot

Climate change threatens the future of humanity, but we refuse to respond rationally

05 August, 2003

Is This Proof Of Global warming?
By Michael McCarthy

Europe burns like a furnace and rivers run dry across the continent. If it isn't proof of global warming at last, it certainly looks like it

22 July, 2003

Shadow Of Extinction
By George Monbiot

By the year 2100 it is estimated that the earths atmospheric temperature could rise upto seven degrees. If that happens will this not be a repetition of the mass extinction that occured 251 million years ago?

03 July, 2003

Reaping The Whirlwind

In an astonishing announcement on global warming and extreme weather, the World Meteorological Organisation signalled that the world's weather is going haywire.

21 June, 2003

Bush Fries Climate Change
By Derrick Z. Jackson

White House took a draft report on the state of the environment by the Environmental Protection Agency and deleted references to studies that directly mentioned industrial pollution and vehicle exhaust as contributors to global warming

Do Something or Perish
By James Gustave Speth

Nations should prevent carbon dioxide concentrations from exceeding about 450 ppm to prevent global warming rise to catastrophic levels. In a business-as-usual scenario, we are scheduled to reach this level by about 2030.

One Generation to Save World
By Paul Brown

The human race has only one or perhaps two generations to rescue itself, according to the 2003 State of the World report by the Washington-based Worldwatch Institute.

Hundreds of Species Pressured by Global Warming

Hundreds of plant and animal species around the world are feeling the impacts of global warming, although the most dramatic effects may not be felt for decades, according to new research from a Stanford University team.

Climate change and sustainable development
by Jurgen Trittin

The developed countries have to rapidly re-direct their societies and economies towards clean energy, and more sustainable consumption patterns.Developing world should take a direct road towards a sustainable future. There is no reason why developing countries should go through the same mistakes that developed countries have committed.

Stop Global Warming or NY Submerges
by Sugita Katyal

If the global warming is not brought under control by the year 2080, Bombay,Manhattan and Shanghai could be underwater












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