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Jesus And George Break Bread

By Ed Howes

05 November, 2006

I have a dream: Jesus dines alone with a man named George. George is uncharacteristically humble. Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall?

"George, this is Jesus. Remain quiet and I will take just a moment of your time now. We will dine at your house tonight. Please set a table for two. I will provide the food and drink. You are the decider - I am the provider."

At a suitably small table for two, appropriately set for a visiting head of state, the very first time, Jesus sits where He can keep an eye on the door and begins unloading a full picnic basket. George thoughtfully chooses to sit to Jesus' left as it would seem confrontational for him to sit opposite and it would be arrogant to sit on Jesus' right, though the temptation was

"George, I am dining with you this evening in hopes we can become closer. Please move your chair as close to me as you can. So I can look into your eyes and you mine. So we can share breath with each other. Thank You."

"I know you understand when I say turn the other cheek, I am not saying to be defenseless under attack. I am saying do not respond to every challenge to honor.

Yes Lord, I understand that.

"And when I say agree with your adversary quickly, while you are in the way with him, you know doing so promotes new friendships and reduces fear, mistrust and violence."

Yes Lord.

"I have said: Love God ---Love your neighbor ---Love the stranger ---Love your enemies. Who have I excluded?"

Evil doers?

"Has our father not publicly decreed He creates the evil and He makes the rain to fall upon the evil and the just."

Lord, I must have missed that part about Father creating evil.

"Yes, you have missed it and this is apparent to all who live and did not miss it. Do you know why Father creates evil?"

To punish sinners?

"To correct them George."

It isn't working.

"I know. That is why I AM now here and you are no where. I say agree with your adversary quickly and you say we don't talk to evil, which is true enough. This is terribly wrong headed, since we know the source and reason for it. In fact, it is the WE, I have the problem with. You have led
millions to believe you and I are working together. Because you cannot fool all the people, all the time, many know you worship me with your lips but your heart is far from me."

Yes Lord.

"You know I have made a conditional freedom covenant with my disciples. If they continue in my words, they are indeed my disciples, they shall know me and I shall make them free. You go about telling people your blood and violence will make them free. Do you truly believe that?"

I did briefly, but not any more.

"Why then, have you not repented?"

(Long pause) I would have to say it is because of the stress of my work and the expectations of my team and enemies. If I appear weak, everything I have accomplished will be for nothing.

"What is it you have accomplished?"

I have helped my people feel more secure. I have empowered people who have helped me and my people. I have made many people wealthy. I have driven tyrants into hiding. I have provided new opportunities for hundreds of millions of people.

"Including evil doers?"

Not intentionally.

"Intentions do count and you have scored a few points on that account. I suppose if you change intentions, all you have accomplished will be for nothing."

The possibility worries me.

"If you will continue in my words, you shall be my disciple and I will make it come out well. If you do not continue in my words, I will mock you, destroy your land and your people."

Yes Lord. I will be your disciple.

"You would not lie to me?"

Never, Lord.

"We shall see. Good night George."

Good night Lord. Thank you for your help.

"You left me no other choice."

Ed Howes sought and found, knocked and entered. To see more of what he sees, please visit

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