Uranium, Another Gift
From The Imperialists
By Pauline Paulinson
16 November, 2006
Depleted uranium (DU) is cheap
toxic waste from nuclear power plants and bomb production. However,
uranium is one of earth's heaviest elements and DU easily smashes through
tanks, buildings and bunkers spontaneously catching fire and burning
people alive. The radioactivity lasts over 4,500,000,000 years and causes
cancer, leukemia, brain damage, kidney failure, and extreme birth defects.
The blueprint for DU weapons is in a 1943 declassified document from
the Manhattan Project. Harvard President and physicist James B. Conant
developed poison gas in WW I and recommended the development of poison
gas weapons from the radioactive trash of the atomic bomb project in
WW II. At that time, it was known that radioactive materials dispersed
in bombs from the air, from land vehicles or on the battlefield produced
very fine radioactive dust which would penetrate all protective clothing,
gas masks, filters or the skin contaminating the lungs and blood, thereby
killing or causing illness very quickly. It was also recommended as
a permanent terrain contaminant, which could be used to destroy populations
by contaminating water supplies and agricultural land with radioactive
dust. The first DU weapons system was developed for the Navy in1968.
DU weapons have since been sold by the US to 29 countries.
Dr. Jawad Al-Ali, director of the Oncology Center at the largest hospital
in Basra, Iraq stated at a 2003 medical conference in Japan: “Two
strange phenomena have come about in Basra which I have never seen before.
The first is double and triple cancers in one patient. The second is
the clustering of cancer in families…Children in particular are
susceptible to DU poisoning. They have a much higher absorption rate…Cancers…rarely
been seen before the age of 12 is now also common.” The Japanese
began studying DU effects in southern Iraq in 2003. During their visit,
a local hospital was treating up to 600 children per day, many of whom
suffered symptoms of internal poisoning by radiation. Dr. Yuko Fujita,
assistant professor at Keio University, Japan: “As a result of
the Iraq war, the situation will be desperate in some 5-10 years.”
Award-winning scientist, Dr. Rosalie Bertell led UN medical commissions
and has studied 'low-level' radiation for 30 years. She found that DU
damages DNA and causes cell mutations which lead to cancer. Moreover,
these particles are absorbed by body fluids and travel through the body
damaging more than one organ. Also, she found that this particular type
of radiation can cause the body's communication systems to break down,
leading to malfunctions in many vital organs of the body.
Dr. Alim Yacoub of Basra University conducted a study into incidences
of malignancies in children in the Basra area bombed with DU during
the first Gulf War. He found from 1990-1999, there was a 242% rise.
That was before the recent invasion. Because conditions now are so chaotic
in Iraq, only a small fraction of both cancer and birth defects due
to DU are being reported. There are, however, many photos of infants
born without brains, with their internal organs outside their bodies,
without sexual organs, without spines, with terribly shortened limbs,
with huge bulging tumours where their eyes should be, or with a single
eye, or without eyes, or without limbs, and even without heads. Such
birth defects are now commonplace. Doctors are making comparisons to
the birth defects that followed the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki in WWII. As a special advisor to the WHO, the UN, and the Iraqi
Ministry of Health, Dr. Ahmad Hardan has documented the effects of DU
in Iraq from 1991-2002: “I arranged for a delegation from Japan's
Hiroshima Hospital to come and share their expertise in the radiological
diseases we are likely to face over time. The delegation told me the
Americans had objected and they decided not to come. Similarly, a world
famous German cancer specialist agreed to come, only to be told later
that he would not be given permission to enter Iraq.” Ross B.
Mirkarimi, a spokesman at The Arms Control Research Centre stated: “Unborn
children of the region are being asked to pay the highest price, the
integrity of their DNA. Apparently, over 30% of Iraqis already have
cancer, and there are lots of kids with leukemia. The depleted uranium
left by the U.S. bombing campaign has turned Iraq into a cancer-infested
country. For hundreds of years to come, the effects of the uranium will
continue to wreak havoc on Iraq and its surrounding areas.” Planet
Earth the Latest Weapon of War by Rosalie Bertell, Public Health Disaster
For The People Of Iraq and Afghanistan By Douglas Westerman 05/01/06
US forces admit to using over 300 tons of DU weapons in 1991. The actual
figure is closer to 800. Also the US used 200 tons more in Baghdad alone
during the recent invasion with a total of 1500 tons in all of Iraq.
And this time it wasn't limited to anti-tank weapons but was extended
to guided missiles, large bunker busters and big 2000-pound bombs used
in Iraq's cities. This means that Iraq's cities have been blanketed
in lethal particles. Japanese professor, Dr. Yagasaki, calculated that
800 tons of DU is the atomicity equivalent of 83,000 Nagasaki bombs.
The US has used more DU since 1991 than the atomicity equivalent of
400,000 Nagasaki bombs. The "smog of war" from the 1991 Gulf
War was found in deposits in South America, the Himalayas and Hawaii.
In addition, the use of DU in huge bombs which throw the deadly particles
higher and wider in huge plumes of smoke means that billions of deadly
particles have been carried high into the air swept worldwide by the
winds. In June 2003, the WHO announced in a press release that global
cancer rates will increase 50% by 2020. In 1997, while citing experiments
in which 84% of dogs exposed to inhaled uranium died of lung cancer,
Dr. Asaf Durakovic, then Professor of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
at Georgetown University in Washington said: “The US Veterans
Administration asked me to lie about the risks of incorporating depleted
uranium in the human body.” Dr. Durakovic's UMRC (Uranium Medical
Research Center) research team also conducted a 3 week trip to Iraq
Oct/03 in 10 cities, including Baghdad, Basra and Najaf. He said preliminary
tests showed that the air, soil and water samples contained “hundreds
to thousands of times” the normal levels of radiation. Durakovic
told The Japan Times: “They are hampering efforts to prove the
connection between DU and the illness.” Since then, Dr. Durakovic
was warned to stop his work, then he was fired from his position, then
his house was ransacked, and he has also repeatedly received death threats.
After Gulf War I, the UK Atomic Energy Authority (AEA) came up with
estimates for the potential effects of the DU contamination left by
the conflict. It calculated that "this could cause "500,000
potential deaths". The AEA's calculation was made in a confidential
memo to the privatized munitions company, Royal Ordnance, in Apr/91.
This study was made prior to the more recent invasions of both Afghanistan
and Iraq where DU munitions were used on a larger scale in and near
many of the most populated areas. Since 1991, the US has staged four
nuclear wars using DU. Vast regions in the Middle East and Central Asia
have been permanently contaminated with radiation. Extrapolating the
UK AEA estimate with this recent amount gives a figure of potentially
3 million extra deaths from inhaling DU dust in Iraq alone, not including
Afghanistan. Dr. Dan Bishop, a chemist for IDUST feels that this estimate
may be low, if the long life of DU dust is considered.
With now over 10 trillion doses of DU in Iraq and Afghanistan, it comes
as no surprise that widespread field studies in Afghanistan point to
the existence of a large scale public health disaster. UMRC is the first
independent research organization to find DU in the bodies of US, UK
and Canadian Gulf War I veterans and following ‘Operation Iraqi
Freedom’, they found DU in the water, soils and atmosphere of
Iraq as well as in Iraqi civilians. In May/02, the UMRC examined hundreds
of people with acute symptoms characteristic of radiation poisoning
along with chronic symptoms of internal uranium contamination including
deformity in newborns. Two additional scientific study teams were sent
to Afghanistan in June/02 and Oct/02. The teams found that in both Jalalabad
and Kabul, DU was causing high levels of illness with tests showing
radiation concentrations 400% to 2000% above normal; amounts not recorded
in civilian studies before. Without exception, at every bombsite investigated,
people are ill. In Afghanistan, unlike Iraq, UMRC lab results indicated
high concentrations of Non-Depleted Uranium, with concentrations much
higher than in DU victims from Iraq. Afghanistan was used as a testing
ground for new ‘bunker buster’ bombs containing high concentrations
of other uranium alloys. The Pentagon/DOD, UN regulatory agencies (WHO,
UNEP, IAEA, CDC, DOE, etc) and the military and the weapons industry
have all interfered with UMRC's ability to have its studies published
by managing a persistent misinformation program in the press against
UMRC and destroy the reputation of its scientific staff, physicians
and laboratories.
UMRC is not alone. “Ingested DU particles can cause up to 1,000
times the damage of an X-ray", said Mary Olson, a nuclear waste
specialist and biologist at the Nuclear Information and Resource Service
in Washington DC. Also, a 2001 study of DU's effect on DNA done by Dr.
Alexandra C. Miller for the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
shows DU causes 1 million times more genetic damage than from its radiation
effect alone. Just 467 US personnel were wounded in the 3 week Persian
Gulf War in 1990-1991. However, out of 580,400 soldiers who served,
11,000 are now dead, and by 2000 there were 325,000 on permanent medical
disability. This means that a decade later, 56% of those soldiers who
served in Gulf War I now have medical problems. DU is also in the semen
of soldiers. In a group of 251 soldiers from a study group in Mississippi
who all had normal babies before the Gulf War, 67% of their post-war
babies were born with severe birth defects. The Department of Veterans
Affairs has stated they do not keep records of birth defects occurring
in families of veterans. The American Free Press (2005) reported that
40% of the soldiers in a unit that served in 2003 have developed malignancies
in just 16 months. Marion Fulk, a nuclear physical chemist retired from
the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab and formerly involved with the Manhattan
Project, interprets the new and rapid malignancies in soldiers from
the 2003 war as “spectacular ... and a matter of concern…
I would say that it [DU] is the perfect weapon for killing lots of people.”
Writes Leuren Moret, another DU researcher, “… Inhalation
of nano-particles of depleted uranium is the most hazardous exposure,
because the particles pass through the lung-blood barrier directly into
the blood… through the nose… directly into the brain…
Many Gulf era soldiers have brain tumours, brain damage and impaired
thought processes. John Hanchette, a journalism professor at St. Bonaventure
University, and one of the founding editors of USA TODAY told Moret
that he had prepared news-breaking stories about the effects of DU on
Gulf War soldiers and Iraqi citizens but each time he was ready to publish,
he received a phone call from the Pentagon asking him not to print the
story. He has since been replaced as editor of USA TODAY. Dr. Keith
Baverstock, WHO chief expert on radiation and health for 11 years and
author of an unpublished study has charged that his report “on
the cancer risk to civilians in Iraq from breathing uranium contaminated
dust” was also deliberately suppressed. San Francisco Bay View
March/05 Depleted Uranium: A Death Sentence Here and Abroad by Leuren
A medical doctor reported being trained by the Pentagon months before
Gulf War II to diagnose and treat soldiers returning from the 2003 war
for mental problems only. Medical professionals treating returning soldiers
were threatened with $10,000 fines and with jail if they talked about
the soldiers or their medical problems. Reporters have also been prevented
access to the thousands of medically evacuated soldiers since the 2003
war who are in the Walter Reed Hospital near Washington DC. In 1996
and 1997 UN Human Rights Tribunals condemned DU weapons for illegally
breaking the Geneva Convention and classed them as 'weapons of mass
destruction'. Since then, following leukemia in European troops in the
Balkans and Afghanistan (where DU was also used), the EU has twice called
for DU weapons to be banned. Yet, far from banning DU, the US and Britain
stepped up their denials. The British authorities have even abolished
military hospitals so that specialized research on the effects of DU
and treating DU among the soldiers is impossible. The current House
of Commons briefing paper on DU hazards says “it is judged that
any radiation effects from possible exposures are extremely unlikely
to be a contributory factor to the illnesses currently being experienced
by some Gulf war veterans.” Over a quarter of a million sick and
dying US and UK vets are called 'some'. In the days before the UK and
the US first used DU, its hazards were no secret. One US 1990 study
said DU was 'linked to cancer when exposures are internal, [and to]
chemical toxicity-causing kidney damage'. Another study openly warned
that exposure to these particles under battlefield conditions could
lead to cancers of the lung and bone, kidney damage, non-malignant lung
disease, neuro-cognitive disorders, chromosomal damage and birth defects.
Indeed, one must take heed of the Union of Concerned Scientists (more
than 60 scientists including 20 Nobel laureates) who have issued a statement
asserting that the Bush administration has systematically distorted
scientific fact in the service of policy goals on the environment, health,
biomedical research and nuclear weapons at home and abroad.,, Horror Of US Depleted Uranium In Iraq Threatens
World By James Denver Apr/05, The International Herald Tribune Feb/2004.
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