A community-run Gondi language school in Gadchiroli district, Maharashtra

Adivasi Community school education students
Courtesy Bodhi Ramteke


Shri Jual Oram

Union Minister (Tribal Affairs)

Dear Shri Oram,

In Mohagao village in Gadchiroli district, 15 Gram Sabhas came together to set up a community-run school where teaching is in Gondi language. 

I invite your attention to a news report on the background of how the school came into existence (https://scroll.in/article/1069269/why-a-community-run-gondi-language-school-in-gadchiroli-is-a-revolutionary-step)

The school in Mohagaon village came into being after 15 gram sabhas, or village councils, met in October 2019 and passed a special resolution that asserted their rights to reclaim their language. The outcome was the establishment of the “Paramparik Koya Dnyanbodh Sanskar Gotul” – literally, the traditional Koya gotul for knowledge and culture. Most Gond Adivasis identify themselves as Koya or Koitur, and a gotul serves as a traditional educational institution within the Gond tribal community, where younger members are trained and instilled with traditional knowledge…State neglect puts both the language and the rich culture and customs it represents in danger of extinction”

This is a remarkable initiative that needs to be fully supported and adivasis elsewhere encouraged to take similar initiatives, as language is central to protecting the rich heritage of adivasi culture and it will create a feeling of self-esteem among the adivasis.

I hope that your Ministry responds to this positively.


Yours sincerely,

E A S Sarma

Former Secretary to the Government of India



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