
Long live the fight

"Thou Shalt Not Kill"(1) is a noble law that did not come from the Creator. Almost everything that lives on this planet needs to kill other beings to survive. Carnivores, herbivores,…

Peace Always Comes

As despair pours from the eyes and the heart bleeds from pain, solitude crawls in and with it comes peaceAs the past fades out and the present looks bleak, the…

Please Don’t Kill the Children

When humans embrace the dehumanization of others, we release our ugliest, most destructive selves. Dehumanization is a perverse force that propagates violence and justifies the lust for war and its…

Resolving Conflicts, Avoiding War

In most discussions on ongoing conflicts and wars, generally more attention is given to military aspects and to examining which side is likely to be victorious. However from the point…

To End All Wars, Close All Bases

A Gazan Ph.D. candidate studying in India, Mohammad Abunahel steadily refines and updates a map on the World BEYOND War website, dedicating a portion of every day to continue researching…

War, What Is It Good For?

I was born on July 20, 1944, amid a vast global conflict already known as World War II.  Though it ended with the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in…

Anti-War Duck and Cover

As the nuclear “Doomsday Clock” inches towards midnight, peace, anti-war and Climate Crisis activists took the streets today across the country to protest their “Rage against the War Machine” demanding…

Decry the Merchants of Death

Peace activists take on the Pentagon and its corporate outposts. Days after a U.S. warplane bombed a Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, killing forty-two people, twenty-four of…

Nations of the World Unite! 

Russia’s war upon Ukraine should remind us that violent international conflicts not only persist, but constitute a plague upon the world. Over thousands of years, wars have brought immense suffering…

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