The White Rose
The light of reasonAnd the Higher LightAnd there is sanity in the light The fire of passionAnd that is LoveThe flow of passionate life Believe in the River of Crossing…
The light of reasonAnd the Higher LightAnd there is sanity in the light The fire of passionAnd that is LoveThe flow of passionate life Believe in the River of Crossing…
behind the shadow of her nakednessthe vanishingbehind the vanishingsilencebehind the silencecowardicebehind cowardicethe maskbehind the maskthe shattered mirrorbehind broken realitythe drought of shallow tearsthe frothing spate of ragethe hating fleshbehind the…
Let's meet up at The Dorchester,that posh hotel in the heart of London.Afternoon tea is the talk of the town.Damask table cloths, linen napkins,impeccable service, and a pastry cartthe envy…
In the first hour of TrumpdomMy new King gave to meMillions o' deportees In the second hour of TrumpdomMy new King gave to meOne border closingand Millions o' deportees In…
Translation by Zeenat Khan A portrait of an unknown woman Artist: Rabindranath Tagore Parjaay: Prem (1) Upa-parjaay: Gaan Taal: Jhaptaal Raag: Khambaj Written on: 1895 Swarabitan: 10 Notation by: Jyotirindranath…
The crimson sky, vast and high, made way for a reluctant dawnThe morning light, soft and shy, peeped through my window blindI was woken from a dream, pounding heart, my…
How Can I Write a Poem for Gaza’s Children? When white men or women,especially Christians, raise their voice for the people of Gazaor for the Palestinians,they are usually praised for the…
Is Elon Musk’s connection to the latest US Election somewhat similar to the movie The Manchurian Candidate that stars Denzel Washington? In the movie, the multinational corporation Manchurian Global deploys a candidate …
A tribute to Kobiguru Rabindranath Tagore. The translation of the song from the Geetabitan Rabindranath Tagore (7 May 1861 – 7 August 1941) Parjaay: Puja (324) Upa-parjaay: Aanondo Taal: Jhaptaal…
No, dear Otto René Castillo,[1]the apolitical intellectuals of our time,won’t be mute in their shameif they’re asked by those undeadwhat they did when the people of their countrywere dying tragically…
Children in dozensbombed each dayadd to thousands in no timebut there is no one leftto sing the parting songas they are laid to rest the poetswho would have rent the…
Once we used to live together,perhaps like a joint family,or maybe like the inmates of the same prison,which Lord Mountbatten probably knew very well.Our history of sharing is of many…
Ὁ Ὕμνος εἰς τὴν Ἐλευθερίαν(Hymn To Freedom) Σὲ γνωρίζω ἀπὸ τὴν κόψητοῦ σπαθιοῦ τὴν τρομερή,σὲ γνωρίζω ἀπὸ τὴν ὄψη,ποῦ μὲ βία μετράει τὴ γῆ. Ἀπ᾿ τὰ κόκαλα βγαλμένητῶν Ἑλλήνων τὰ…
(“The commissioning of India’s largest blast furnace at Kalinganagar (on September 20, 2024) is a momentous occasion for the steel industry.” – T.V. Narendran, Tata Steel CEO & MD) jal-jangal-jameenthe…
Music and poetry have long been part of dissent, a tool of resistance, and an art form to express concerns, jubilation, remembrance, and heartbreaks. They are worthy forms of summation…
[In memory of my mother Atia Salim Kidwai*] The sun is down, the birds returned home; The trees stand cold as the leaves hold in embraceThe moon is out, the…
(7th October 23 to 7th October 24…) A long Year and the year is not going to end soonHow does a poet measure an endless year? When the Second World…
I realized recentlyThatIf you look up at a pine treeFrom a certain angleWith both of your feetPlanted deep in its shadowIts branches become never-ending.Standing there like that, you can seeHow…
The night never was oursIt was by them, for them, of themNot made soft for the rest of a tired bodyNot made fragrant for the ease of sleepLullabies didn’t play…
I don’t want to be nice and decentI want to tear off my skinAnd bludgeon my patienceAnd rip apart my smilesI want to exposeAll that’s inside of meRugged, sharp, tornShorn…
(After Meena Kandasamy) Tomorrow someone will rape youAnd no one will careAnd they will give justifications-You are Dalit, so impureWho will rape you, huh! Tomorrow someone will rape youAnd it…
I slept barely three hours last night so I worked, took a vigorous walk, and contemplated life. I force myself to watch the horrors of the genocide and destruction around…
If I were to flyWhere would I go? To the distant shoreswhere water sparklesblue and green, wavesfoam in tumultuous glee… Or, to wayward Wayanad,where plantations nurturedemerald dreams till hillsdeluged mud…
Finally, the long awaited summons camefrom the Ministry of Utmost Happiness.(1)Relayed via Meenachilar(2) to a cemeteryin Ayemenem (2) and via Jamuna toJannath Guest House (3) in Delhi,to Sarmad- Hazrat of…
(An English translation of Kazi Nazrul Islam’s Bengali version of The Internationale from 1927) [Current translation by and copyright © Monish R Chatterjee (2024)] Arise! Ye prisoners of…
Sons and daughters in faraway lands, give promise to justice, a resolve so bold,White, black, and brown speak to power, in defiance, their unity refuses to fold, Then, there are…
It seems inconceivable, I know,but it happened, it's happening now.No one can say how it beganor where or with whom.But once it began, it spreadlike an airborne virusor an inextinguishable…
come to me hereyour eyes widelike the bride of morning i have pitched my tabernacle tentneither near nor faron the routes of passage where dust of travelersfills my nostrilsand the…
(Based on true and almost true events) the weeping is an immense angel,the weeping is an immense violin,the tears muzzle the wind,nothing else is heard but the weeping. From "Casida…
For the sake of Godhe saidhis voice in tremor. For sake of the Earth and moon.For wind over trees.For the sake of mirror-wateron a moonlit lake. He shaped his heartinto…
Children eating grass, innocent, hungry and lostMothers soaked in red, wombs tremble in terror Searching for words I may write of the pain withinSearching for words I may speak of…
I sit still, lethargicAnd add new wordsTo the great tapestryOf female sorrows From a distant cityOver the ruinsOf a war he never foughtA boy cries, there is no wayBack to…
It's all about the gold.Hasn't it always been?The allure, the beauty of goldin whatever form it takes —wealth, power, fame, ironclad security. In Gaza the rush is on.Tanks, bombs, missiles,…
In the human worldwe have heroesand villainsand cowards. Those who defend lifetaking risks aboveand beyond self interestthose who destroy lifeand those we do not carewho play games ofselfish detachment and…
The world is full.Filled with hardships.Filled with courage.Filled with suffering. EverywhereThere are human faces.Everywhere the pathosOf conscious mortality.Everywhere the pathosOf human faces. The world is full. Filled with struggles and…
If it were me in Palestineand I found you on a stretcherin a shell-shocked hospital,I would kneel beside youand take your hand in mine,wipe the blood from your faceand pray…
Palestine is a painA constant pain in our necksLike every Muslim is born with the Pain of Palestine in his her heart.Barring UAEians, House of Suads, etcYou fools, allGo and…
It was hardTo lift PoetryOut of the grave It was so veryHeavy It was difficult to findUnderneath the rubbleUnderneath the lies Its lips of ironIts hair of plutonium So stillIn…
RespectNo one SpitIn the judge'sFace Give the fingerTo the police SlapThe president MistrustThe doctor Tell the lawyerTo shut up And the priestTo stop lying No figureOf authorityIs what they seem…
Pay attentionTo what you see You see a peopleBeing murdered You see a landBeing blotted You see a dreamBeing slaughtered You see thisAnd you believe In your presidentsAnd your chancellorsAnd…
What were you thinking? Opening up your heartTo the Monster in the TowerOpening up your heartTo a people without power Could you fill the DemonWith fear? Could you fight the…
There is a paradoxIn the heart of the world There are two beastsThat contend for dominion One is ferocious and bloodyAnd knows no pityOnly vengeance The other is magicalOf infinite…
It is good to joinwhat should be joinedand it is good to partwhat should be parted. It is evil to joinwhat should not be joinedand to partwhat should not be…
If EvilHas carefully stolen youFrom the World If EvilHas gripped your heartAnd will never let go If EvilHas imprisoned youIn deepest Hell If EvilHolds you mockingly in its armsWhispering its…
I have a sad secret to tell you:Love does not conquer all Only Power can do that Love is:That much is true But it can breakAnd be stolenMuch more easilyThan…
the urge to beautify one’s surroundings is widespread and profoundly beneficial — particularly so in the harrowing circumstances of loss, displacement, and danger. — From an article by Stephanie Acker…
"I'm so scared, please come"--Hind Rajab What have you done What have you done? I would askAnother time But I knowThat you know A little girlSix years old Pleading on…
You want to seeThe empty faceOf God? Come to Gaza You want to seeThe true RulerOf the world? Come to Gaza You want to seeThe filthy lieOf Freedom Come to…
AngelsWill not touchThis land God will notWave His hand Over this landHe will not point Or give direction Silence is this land The men prayThe women screechAnd the children quickly…
I've seen the ugliness I've felt the pain I've lived the rage I've watched the mothers I've counted the children I've mourned the men Evil has heated my bloodEvil has…
My countryIs of pain My countryIs of sorrow My countryIs a chorusOf wildness My countryIs the songOf tribulations My countryHas been whippedBy torture My countryHas been deniedThe light My countryWeeps…
Gaza may be in the news, but it's not on most folks' minds — at least those folks within my own circle of friends and colleagues. I don't know what…
Make this poemInto fire Mould itInto a bomb Launch itOver theHigh wallOf murdering lies Make each lineA bullet of justiceA jab of the Divine Sing itIn front of torture Sing…
Do you see Do you see, my friend? The dead want to kiss you They want to breathe through you They want to dance with your feet They want to…
You don't everWant to be hauntedBy children By the childrenYou've killed But you will be I hope they comeIn their millions I hope they suffocateI hope they strangulateI hope they…
Such an abyss between sweet peace and war!Which one do you want to be living for? Alas, most people do not have a choice.In government, they do not have real…
You cameFrom the gas chambersWith HistoryTattooedOn your arms You cameFor justiceFor freedomYou said But we were hereWithout knowingWe were waitingTo be toldThat we were notPart of History'sOr God's plan We…
You come at meWith hate You come at meWith acid argument You come at meSo as to erase me But I'm still here Breathing the smokeStaring into the fireListening to…
The world kept rushing by.And with it anger. Finallyhe freed his emotions from the tangled world. From a palace window he could seethe shore of an ancient sea.In his heart…
As despair pours from the eyes and the heart bleeds from pain, solitude crawls in and with it comes peaceAs the past fades out and the present looks bleak, the…
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