Losing Touch

The President has lost his marbles!
They crouch behind the pillows of his brain,
Waiting, coiling for the perfect moment
To strike!

Or… slink away,
Fluttering in the gasping world….

The Lady-in-Waiting is likewise befuddled;
She can’t remember left from right,
North from South;
Keeps harping on the same old stories;
Mimics dance-steps learned in childhood;
Can’t step back for new appraisals,
Lost in a yellow, school-bus world.

Half the nation’s lost in shadows
Where killers lurk, biding unsweet time.

Storms lash all around the pier.

The long night of our land comes on.

Gary Steven Corseri has taught in US public schools and prisons, and at US and Japanese universities. His prose and poems have appeared at Countercurrents, Counterpunch, Village Voice, The New York Times, Redbook Magazine, and hundreds of other periodicals and websites.  His dramas have been produced on Atlanta-PBS and elsewhere, and he has performed his work at the Carter Presidential Library and Museum.  His books include novels, and the poetry volume, “Random Descent” (Anhinga Press).  He can be contacted at [email protected].

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