In Memory Of Hind Rajab (Six Years Old)

Hind Rajab
Hind Rajab, 6, was trying to escape to the west of Gaza City when the car she was travelling in came under fire

“I’m so scared, please come”
–Hind Rajab

What have you done

What have you done?

I would ask
Another time

But I know
That you know

A little girl
Six years old

Pleading on the phone
Terrified by you

The ambulance
That you would
Not allow

Is this the face
Of your enemy?

Is this the victim
That you require?

A little girl
Threatens you?

Maybe she does


For you killed her
In cold blood

You have become
A nation of wolves
A nation of jackals

What is your true goal?

Forced immigration?
Traumatic migration?

This little girl
Reveals your plans

This little girl
On the phone
Six years old

What did she do to you?

(Even God is too ashamed to ask)

You were there
You saw her

Her ambulance
You gunned aside

You have gone too far
Even your lies and

Look pitifully naked
Soaked in so much
Innocent blood


There is no other word

But there was another time

And the Irony of History is cruel
With men its paid assassins

This little girl
And murdered

I hear the pushed away sirens
Aching for her to

Yet her child’s soul
Asking a grown up question

Who here is the Jew?
And who the Nazi?

Dan Corjescu teaches at the University of Tübingen’s “Studium Professionale” Program

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