Embracing Wellness: Women’s Empowerment is the Focus of International Yoga Day in 2024


Yoga is a great instrument that can change people’s lives by promoting self-empowerment, peace, and wellness. International Yoga Day, which is observed on June 21st every year, raises awareness of this age-old discipline that has its roots in India and dates back more than 5,000 years. This year’s celebration theme, “Yoga for Women Empowerment,” highlights the critical role that yoga plays in advancing the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of women.

In 2014, on the suggestion of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the UN proclaimed June 21st as International Yoga Day. Modi called yoga an “invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition” during his speech to the UN General Assembly. Since then, there has been a huge global celebration of this day, inspiring people from all walks of life to practice yoga for a happier, healthier life.

Yoga unites the body, mind, and soul and is much more than just a physical workout. The theme for this year reflects how yoga can strengthen women’s resilience and general health, giving them a sense of inner strength and confidence that comes through in all facets of life. Economic, social, and personal development are all included in the broad notion of women’s empowerment. Yoga makes a substantial contribution to this empowerment in multiple ways. Through increased strength, flexibility, and balance, yoga supports women in maintaining their physical health. Menstrual disorders, pregnancy, and menopause are among the women’s health conditions for which specific yoga practices are most helpful. For example, poses like the Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) and Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana) help to regulate hormones and develop the muscles.

Yoga is also well known for its capacity to lower anxiety and stress, two major problems faced by women juggling various responsibilities in contemporary society. Methods like meditation and pranayama (breath control) help people become more emotionally stable and mentally clear. Women who regularly practice mindfulness can develop a focused, calm mind, that makes it easier for them to overcome obstacles in life. Yoga builds emotional resilience by promoting self-awareness and mindfulness. It supports women in understanding, connecting with, and effectively managing their emotions. Emotional intelligence is essential for both interpersonal and personal development. Women who practice yoga gain self-awareness and confidence in themselves. It promotes a positive view of oneself and a more profound comprehension of one’s capabilities. This empowerment affects many facets of life, such as work, family, and community involvement, and it doesn’t stop on the yoga mat.

In honour of International Yoga Day, people from all around the world will take part in yoga classes, workshops, and conferences on June 21. The purpose of these gatherings is to raise awareness of the advantages of yoga and encourage more people to practice it on a regular basis. Businesses, community centers, and educational institutions will all hold special events with the theme “Yoga for Women Empowerment.” A variety of yoga activities, including asanas (postures) and meditation, will be performed by participants, showcasing the all-encompassing advantages of yoga. Prominent female yogis will share their stories and the ways that yoga has impacted their lives in enlightening speeches and conversations. These anecdotes attest to the transforming potential of yoga and its contribution to women’s empowerment.

The tradition of yoga is closely linked to the advancement of harmony and comprehensive well-being. Let’s pay tribute to this custom on International Yoga Day 2024 by acknowledging and appreciating the empowerment that yoga provides for women. Women who practice yoga can become stronger, more at peace, and healthier, which will make the world more fair and balanced. As the renowned yoga teacher B.K.S. Iyengar once said, “Yoga transforms the person who sees; it does not just change the way we see things.” On this International Yoga Day, let us pledge to bring about this change by utilizing the age-old practice of yoga to empower women.

We can empower women worldwide to develop the mental clarity, physical strength, and emotional fortitude required to overcome obstacles and succeed in all facets of life by incorporating yoga into our daily routines. Yoga teaches us to honour our boundaries, pay attention to our bodies, and find our inner power. Women, who frequently deal with societal pressures and personal obstacles that may affect their wellbeing, might especially benefit from these skills. International Yoga Day 2024 is a global call to action for communities to use yoga as a means of uplifting and supporting women. We can foster a climate that is more conducive to women’s flourishing by encouraging inclusive practices, sharing stories of empowerment, and taking part in yoga sessions. As we unfold our yoga mats and unite in this communal practice, let us keep in mind the significance of creating a welcoming and empowering environment for everyone.

This International Yoga Day, let’s honour yoga’s ability to improve lives, elevate women, and create a more peaceful society. One breath at a time, we may unite to embrace the essence of yoga and its potential to empower women.

Ruby Lalrinsangi  is an emerging scholar with a PhD thesis focusing on women empowerment and the dynamics of security and insecurity feelings. She is also an educator, teaching educational philosophy online through her YouTube channel “RB Insights.” Ruby is passionate about promoting women’s rights and education, and she uses her platform to share knowledge and inspire change. Her work reflects a deep commitment to understanding and addressing the challenges faced by women in contemporary society. She can be reached at rubylalrinsang[email protected]


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