Gaza: Everything bombed to The Ground!

The economic losses of Gaza as a result of the 9-month Israeli bombardment are estimated at $33 billion. The Gaza Government Media Offices says these are direct initial losses.

On the housing level, 138.4 thousand units were destroyed completely whilst 453 thousand housing units were partially destroyed.

Israeli warplanes attacked and destroyed 194 government headquarters throughout the Gaza strip.

The educational sector was completely decimated. The Media Office points out that 110 schools and universities were destroyed completely. However, 321 schools and universities were only partially destroyed in a clip shown on Al Jazeera.

The Israeli occupation even tried to destroy the history, culture and civilization of Gaza as 206 archaeological sites where destroyed with  604 Mosques bombed to the ground. However, 200 mosques were partially destroyed with Israeli bombs destroying three churches in Gaza.

Finally, before 7 October 36 hospitals operated in Gaza. Today 33 of these have been bombed and brought out of service. This is while 55 health centers are no longer in service.

Dr Marwan Asmar is a writer based in Amman. He blogs at

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