Modi’s knowledge of Hinduism

Modi 4

I submit in this article that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has no knowledge of Hinduism, which he claims to represent, and neither do his organisations, the BJP or the RSS. They have no idea of the great Hindu intellectualism of the past, the real great achievements of Hindus in the fields of science and mathematics, philosophy, literature, etc, and instead believe in nonsense like ancient India having aeroplanes, atom bombs and guided missiles, and knowing head transplant surgery ( Ganeshji ), genetic engineering, stem cell therapy ( Gandhari’s 100 sons ) and test tube babies ( Karna’s birth ), etc, which make us a laughing stock before the whole world.

As a lawyer in my home town Allahabad I came to know many members of  the RSS, the parent body of the BJP,  who were also lawyers, very closely, and I found that they knew nothing about Hinduism, though professing to be its representatives.

The RSS was created in 1925 by our British rulers as part of their nefarious divide and rule policy, just as they created the Muslim League, and both these organisations were part of the same coin, their object being to incite hatred between Hindus and Muslims.

The members of the RSS meet in ‘shaakhas’ ( branches or cells ) in which unscientific mumbo jumbo ( as mentioned above ) is crammed into their heads.

Their Bible is a book called ‘ A Bunch of Thoughts’  by a former RSS chief M.S. Golwalkar ( known as Guruji among RSS members ).  In this book there is no  mention of the real great achievements of Hindus, our great achievements in science, philosophy, literature, etc but instead a whole chapter containing  a diatribe of invectives and abuses against Muslims, calling them foreign invaders, looters, rapists, and terrorists, and enemies of Hindus ( though 95% Muslims living in India are descendants of local converts, and were never invaders ). This book is compulsory reading for all RSS members, so Modi, who was an RSS member from a very young age must surely have read it, and imbibed its ideas. He knows nothing about the real achievements of Hindus, as mentioned in the articles below :

In many speeches Modi made a laughing stock of himself by his fantastic, bogus, and ridiculous claims about scientific achievements in ancient India

It is a tragedy that such a blockhead, boor, halfwit and oaf, having no scientific ideas in his mind, ruled us for 10 long years.

If he loses in the present parliamentary elections it will be good riddance of bad rubbish.

Justice Markandey Katju is a retired Judge of the Supreme Court of India

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