Setting an example for others!
This morning, a long term AU friend, who I’d met through Countercurrents in 2007, sent me verbatim this news: U.S. facing very active weather pattern for the next two weeks…
This morning, a long term AU friend, who I’d met through Countercurrents in 2007, sent me verbatim this news: U.S. facing very active weather pattern for the next two weeks…
The last Friday in August in central Massachusetts was very hot — almost one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (37.778 Celsius). That afternoon, I went out on my front porch to get…
You are always relentlessly pointing out when Jews are being harmed, murdered or denigrated by others. Perhaps you view that as a reason for their being self-protective and needing a…
On the last Friday of August a few months ago, I, suddenly, felt dizzy and, abruptly, dropped to the floor. At the time, I assumed that the heat, which felt…
Are you personally or people who you know placing too many demands on our planet to provide relative extravagance and indulgences for us? After all, the world is expected to…
Recently a person in the US Air Force killed himself in front of the US Isreali Embassy. He ended his life in protest of the genocide of the Palestinians. His…
I remember when my small town lost its last family owned and run pharmacy — a beautiful, old, turn of the century store and a high quality company that the…
There is not much that I can do for Laura except to extend myself in a loving way to her. I learned of her through a mutual friend and decided…
In general and on average, people in the USA are supposedly the biggest drug users in the world. They are taught from practically birth that if something is wrong, there…
Those to whom we all owe substantial recompense are primarily people in the mid-south of the planet. This is because that is where the brunt of the desirable resources are…
What is capital? The recently deceased economist David Fleming suggests that it is comprised of financial, natural, social, material, human and scientific/cultural assets. I, myself, would add energy assets in…
People in the Massachusetts government and in our charities strive hard to ensure shelter for all in my state. Yet many poverty-stricken folks having no charge or low charge housing…
It was a brisk September evening in 1983. Strolling down the street, she carried her sleeping baby in a cloth pouch that was somewhat like a backpack positioned to be…
Many a person knows that “it takes money to make money.” So rather than frittering away financial assets, these many invest money in ways and means that are thought will…
Eight years ago, I went for a blood pull early in the morning. I was instructed to eat nothing and only have plain water, coffee or tea starting at ten…
Approximately 4% of the population is born with brain anomalies that cause them to be narcissists. In dysfunctional societies, the number of people with this orientation can rise to be…
Bullying can start at an early age. It usually involves an act of ridiculing and shunning the intended victim, who is deliberately being mistreated. Moreover the bully sometimes is an…
Rosa Parks learned to stand her ground for which she was hauled off to jail. This incident wasn’t the first time, nor the last time, that an Afro-American would be…
While in a US rehabilitation center, one has to be able to basically accept and get along with an assortment of people from many different cultures, ethnic groups and countries.…
When my grandmother was in her late eighties, she was in a nursing home in which she had lived for around four years. When I was there to visit her,…
I am adamant about this topic. I know that the only way forward is to limit ourselves in resource and energy use. In that vein, I wrote to the USA…
Someone who much likes Trump and who plans again to vote for him asked me to provide proof that he is corrupt in presidential dealings. So here is my reply:…
I’ve come to realize that I don’t conform to ideas of any particular political party, religion, ideology and position in the way that others think the world or people should…
I was remembering yesterday about an event from when I was in my twenties. I was sitting on a hard wooden bench waiting for a train to take me to…
I have known this information for some time. M. L. King’s top threesome topics in interest were racism, war and materialism — I.e., excessive consumerism. I am rightfully proud of…
At a Quaker Meeting some years ago, a speaker stood up and explained the original meaning of turn the other cheek, which Jesus espoused. The meaning transformed over time to…
One of the most fascinating writers about morality is Lawrence Kohlberg. I have read lots of his writings. He initially divided up morality into six stages. Some people are stuck…
I’ll be frank. I use to enjoy playing in certain kinds of sports games, but I don’t like watching sports on tv or in videos. Indeed, I don’t like personally…
For those of you who don’t know the meaning of those alphabet letters, here you go: lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender, queer, alternative sexually. Now, I will add that there are…
I have to admit that I am very enthusiastic about taking the knee. It is a symbolic gesture. Now, my knees are cruddy. They got so bad that twice I…
I remember on MA tv news watching a white man getting arrested in my state by police for verbally harassing a black couple on a motorcycle in his neighborhood. It…
I have had the honor and the privilege to know two Freedom Riders. One was killed for Freedom Riding and had been a friend of mine. Irwin Wadler was my…
The same problem exists in the USA as in India and other countries. Farmers are dumping huge amounts of their produce back in the fields. A pig farmer in America…
Those who know me the best know the many number of years that I’ve fought to protect and foster forests, meadows, wetlands, wild animals and peoples across the world, including…
Let me, please, remind you that I am legally a white, blue eyed, blond Kenyan. And the Masai, my clan, are now dying off from the virus. I’ll remind: Humans…
I was raised in a Quaker household. Quakers are considered Christians, although that is a stretch as far as I am concerned since there are atheist Quakers and other permutations.…
I know all about these days. And, no, I am not self-pitying over them. Instead I see them as part and parcel of being alive. We all have to endure…
Someone sent me a nasty email that put a vituperative comment about Planned Parenthood selling blood or something related to abortions. A right-winger religiously and otherwise, he seemed irate about…
I float down the river. It can be any river imagined. Yet it is here despite a vision Devised to make it real. It stretches back in time To the…
In 2018, I read an article about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. It is here: The eyewitness acount to the happening included this information: “... August 6, 1945,…
Here’s a quotation from “Trump Rex” by John Feffer at “Athens survived the plague, though its democracy was compromised by war and disease. America, too, will live on. But it…
Am I a Christian? Well, the answer all depends on one’s loose or rigid definitions about what it means to be Christian. I know some people who would say that…
The underlying human horror and destruction from the nearly worldwide coved-19 disease is truly daunting. Not to undercut the seriousness of the devastation, but this type of happening is hardly…
One of the most stupid platitudes, an old adage, that I have ever heard is “Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” With a sarcastic tone of voice in my…
Some of the accounts that my parents shared with me were surprising to me when I was a child. I didn’t doubt their narratives, but they did seem odd to…
My favorite parts of being in a a rehabilitation place were fivefold: First, I loved helping hurt others. What a blast it was after learning to walk again at the…
First, this information at the link below in its second half conforms to the “secret” information that my nephew knows. His is from US government sources that indicate that half…
Expatriates returning from Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon wait to be retested in a Kuwaiti health ministry containment and screening zone for COVID-19 in Kuwait City on March 16, 2020. In…
In recent news, several significant events were simultaneously happening across the world. Here are just a few of the seemingly most relevant ones. Many Californian beach goers are using the…
My friend of fifteen years, Dr. John James , was in the fire zone of Australia. He wrote: The first two months of this year has given us a taste…
I live in a stable neighborhood. It has single family homes, one multiple family home and two homes for two families as far as I know. Many of the homes…
No surprise is here in this set of images. It’s the economy and the scale issue. Around 7.8 humans are now alive of which many look for work vs.2…
I have tried to provide a warning to others about their staying away from psychopaths. Of course, it is impossible in some circumstances, such as my sister and my knowing…
Watch out, I recommend, for narassistic psychopaths in your life. Often they are kleptomaniacs, who do everything to destroy others and gain something for themselves. I should know since my…
I know information about several neighbors. Here in a small nutshell are three of them. Neighbor one supports himself by selling and laying down pesticides. It is a subject about…
I have favorites for this month celebrating Blacks in the USA. There are about ten of them because they are me and I am them. Here is one: “Why should…
Here is Jim Crow when I was a child in Florida. Blacks couldn’t go to white restaurants, motels, gas stations or bathrooms. They had something called The Green Book when…
I wrote to a friend: I want to tell you about two of my fights that infect my bad dreams. One involves a heritage apple farm in my neighborhood.…
I was taught in teacher training classes never to label children. It can usually only cause damage. I didn’t need to learn that message. Often it is a form of…
The banking industry is a giant racket to make money. Here is my experience of the wrong. I had no credit rating at all. So I went off to Bank…
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