My mission in life and my appeal

Justice Markandey Katju

I am 78 years old, and my mission, and the total focus of my mind since quite some time, as well as in my remaining few years of life, will be on a single idea : how to transform India ( in which I include Pakistan and Bangladesh, as we are really one country, only artificially and temporarily divided by a British swindle in 1947,  but are sure to reunite one day ) from a poor, backward country to a highly developed, modern industrial giant, like USA or China,with its people enjoying a high standard of living, and leading decent lives, having abolished the curse of massive poverty, unemployment, hunger, lack of proper healthcare and good education for the masses which have plagued us for centuries. 

How will I achieve my mission ? By ideas. I am a creator of ideas. And the central idea I have created is that we must transform India into a modern industrial giant, otherwise we will never achieve our national goal ( mentioned above ).

For this we have to launch a mighty historical protracted people’s struggle, in which the people will have to make tremendous sacrifices, led by genuinely patriotic, selfless, modern minded leaders who are determined to set up a political order under which India rapidly industrializes and modernises, so that our people have good lives.

The above ideas seem to be simple, but it took me perhaps 60 or 65 years of my life to create. I had developed the reading habit at a very young age, and still read a lot. I have read a lot about how the developed countries of today achieved their present position.

So I know how India can do the same too.

Many people may ask what an old man can do in this connection sitting on a chair the whole day in a flat in Noida ?

My reply is that before any useful and meaningful activity there must be an idea behind it, otherwise it will be like a man groping in the dark. Today the Indian people are totally confused and confounded as to what is happening in our country, and what is the solution to our massive problems ?

It is here that I come in. As said above, I am a creator of ideas, and by tremendous study of over 60 years ( as well as interaction with people having first class minds and also self reflection ) I am in a perfect position to give guidance to the nation.

My problem, however is that I am a theoretical, not a practical,,man. I need practical people whose job will be to widely spread and disseminate my ideas among the Indian people so that these ideas grip their minds.

My appeal therefore to the readers of this article and my earlier writings is this ; help me, for without your help my ideas will not reach the public, and so will come to nothing. How you do this is for you to decide, using your creativity. But you are desperately needed

Justice Markandey Katju is a retired Judge of the Supreme Court of India

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