China extends a warm welcome to the Indian youth delegation 

 Welcome to Indian youth delegation by the officials of CPAFFC in BEIJING  on 9-05-2024

Relations between India and China, which have had the most friendly neighbourly relations for thousands of years, have been at a low ebb  for some time now. Yes! it was after 1962 border conflict that the relations were at the lowest point and even the envoys were withdrawn then. Since 1976, the relations have gradually been renewed and reached a new height by the year 2020 due to the efforts from both the governments. The diplomatic relations  and friendship expanded into many areas and gradually intensified. People to people relations too deepened. Trade and business relations worth $100 to $130 billion were established between the two countries. Again the Galwan clash in June 2020  created a serious impasse in this process 

  However, there have been talks between the armies of the two countries, and in the process  there have been about 21 rounds of talks between military officials. In the process of dialogue there  have been discussions between officials at the borders, and also high-level  political leaders at various flatforms.The efforts of co-operative mechanisms are underway to reduce tensions between the two countries and to reduce the military deployment on the borders. Deescalation was in the process although it was very slow.

China feels the border issue is not the sole issue between the two countries. It is only one aspect of Sino-Indian relations and be solved keeping it in its place. China proposes that both  the countries aught  to cooperate in many other areas, national and international matters, and to develop normal relations between the two countries while continuing its efforts to resolve the historically inherited border dispute. This unity and mutual cooperation will lead to a win- win situation and faster development of both the Nations. China is of the view that if India and China stand together, the joint voice will be emphatic and  the voice of developing countries against the dominant powers and their economic exploitation can be  put on the bord loudly.

 Our rulers say that normal relations between the two countries are not possible unless normalcy is restored, tranquillity and peace prevail at the borders. All relations are subdued to resolving of borders issue- they say as the military stand off enters its 5th anniversary. Adding fuel to the fire Indian government continues its unilateral assertions regarding territorial claims and puts forward the ageold arguments of the Nehruvian era which proved to be not helpful to resolve the border issue. There is no genuine effort to solve the issue with mutual beneficiary attitude, give and take policy and respecting the genuine national aspirations of others.    Acting with modern political will as per the needs of the present day  severing oneself from the colonial thought process  is the call of the day.   

 While politically the slogan of “Boycott China”  is spread  purposefully in the country on one side and on the other side our Government and business people continue the  trade with China  due to the impact of today’s globalization of the markets and  deepening economical depression in western world. Though the trade exchanges with China are done under inevitable, compelling conditions of our needs it is not acknowledged fairly. But in a way this trade facilitates stabilization and expansion of Indian economy. The contradiction between deeds and words appears to be dubious and reflects the hypocrisy of Indian polity.

 India China ties have been in the doldrums since the Galvan valley clashes. In this context, there is no much reconciliation except in trade and commerce. The cultural exchanges, delegations of educationists, good will tours  of skilled personnale and research fellows have come to a null. Tourism of people other than business groups has almost ceased between the two countries. In October 2022, the then Chinese ambassador, Sun Wei Dong, went back  to Beijing after the completion of his term in India. It was only after a vacancy of 18 months, that the new Chinese ambassador arrived in Delhi on May 10th 2024, proceedings somehow akin to 1962 situation.

Under these circumstances, a 10-member team of young Indians visited China on the invitation of Chinese Peoples’ Association for Friendship with Foreign countries [CPAFFC] in Beijing, conducted and coordinated by the  Embassy of Peoples Republic of  China in Delhi. The team went on a cordial tour of China from 6-5-2024 to 16-05-2024. Two members from the India-China friendship Association  were given an opportunity to participate in this visit.

The Chinese greatly respect the memory of Dr. Dwarkanath  Kotnis, an Indian doctor, who sacrificed his life in 1942 while serving the Chinese red army  during China’s war of resistance against Japan.This great son of India is regarded as the highest symbol of India-China friendship, a  great humanitarian and an apostle of international solidarity and friendship against fasicism, The present team in commemoration of the spirit of friendship was taken to the Hebei province, where Dr. Kotnis worked, and his memorial hospital was established.Their respect for Dr. Kotnis is once again evident in the appointment of Mr. Abhishek Nadkarni, a member of Dr. Kotnis’s family, as the leader of the delegation. The delegates toured the city of Beijing, visited chengdu city, which is world renowned hub  and hosts more than 260 out of 500 fortune companies  for  the manufacture of electronic devices and advanced chips.They saw the land of large pandas being preserved in their natural habitat, the Meishan city with wide spread tea gardens, cooperative farming system, and many more allied industrial estates and education facilities.  

 On May 9, 2024,Jiang Jiang, vice-president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, met with this Indian youth delegation. Jiang Jiang welcomed the delegation and said that “ China and India are both major developing countries and emerging markets. Both  countries face the same tasks of developing the economy and improving people’s livelihood. Maintaining good relations between China and India is in the fundamental interest of both countries and peoples, and is also conducive to world and regional peace and development. Both sides should work together to effectively implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries. And “provide each other with development opportunities and do not pose a threat to each other” and promote the healthy and stable development of China-India relations. It is hoped that the delegation will travel more and see more, deepen their comprehensive understanding of China, and contribute young people to the development of China-India relations.” he aspired.   

Indian youth delegation was received warmly in China

Indian youth team leader Mr. Naadakarni thanked the CPAFFC for the invitation.  “I am very happy to have got the opportunity to visit China. “There has been a long history  of travel between India and China and we have a history of exchange of cultural groups and it is a journey of merging two ancient civilizations. We are ready to inherit the spirit of Dr. Dwarkanath Kotnis, take it forward and promote friendship between the peoples of the two countries,” he said. The India-China friendship Association is hopeful that the delegation will enhance comprehensive understanding of China and contribute to the development of Sino Indian relations.

Sino-Indian relations are at a critical stage now. Our country is currently in the process of electing a new central government. The ruling parties  are announcing their stand on the internal and international affairs of the country through  party  manifestoes and  election speeches by top leaders.   Our ruling parties have so far nurtured anti-China sentiment.They self-declared that we are a superpower and the world is waiting for our guidance.  while claiming that we are a super power  or viswaguru, the government  in practise acts as a pawn for hegemonic forces like USA and its allies. The myths and false propaganda is so intense that even when prime minister himself categorically declared that” No one has intruded, and nor is any one intruding nor has any post been captured by someone” or when he says “no Chinese presence on our side of LAC” it is disbelieved. Such is the anti china frenzy cultivated in India.  The prime minister’s office later adds  vague and imprecise  phrases and modifies his stand by  announcing  “Indian soldiers have foiled an attempted transgression just across the LAC.”

 Even when defence minister says that “India and China are yet to resolve their boundary question and the two sides have different interpretations of the position of the traditional customary line dividing them or even the LAC.  The discussions during 1950-60s and efforts later could not yield a mutually acceptable solution” many are not gazing the crux of the problem and wants to believe that China is an aggressor.  The media always criticises that China is active at the borders and building huge military establishments. Our defence minister also said that ”India is also developing infrastructure along the frontier with China at a rapid speed” and spreads a message that this is done by NDA government only and previous UPA sections never acted  with such  Indomitable courage,  gallant and valour.

 Opposition parties like the Congress have been accusing the Modi government of sitting watching as China is grabbing 2,000 square kilometres of Indian land, creating the illusion that the more one speaks against China, the more patriot he is. The truth is sabotaged to spread national chauvinism and pseudo patriotism.  The one who speaks more jingoism is presented as more valour     by the media also.  Thus the ruling parties resort to mud slinging on each other and all, together accuse China  

 Many questions raise  from the public about this kind of national chauvinism, subservience to hegemonic forces, arrogance towards neighbouring countries, racial hatred, unprincipled alliances  and dichotomy in  foreign relations. At this stage, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi  agreed  the need to inculcate  a positive attitude towards Sino-Indian relations and improve them again.

In an interview to Newsweek on 10th April, PM,  Modi said, “ for India the relationship with China is  important and significant.  It is my belief that we need to urgently address the prolonged situation on our borders so that the abnormality in our bilateral interactions can be put behind us.  “We urgently  Stable and peaceful relations between India and  China are important  for not just our two countries but the entire region and world.  I hope and believe that through positive and constructive bilateral engagement at the diplomatic and military levels , we will be able to  restore and sustain  peace and  tranquilityin our borders. “           

The newly appointed Chinese Ambassador to India, Xu Feihong  , arrived in New Delhi on  The 10th of this month. The arrival of the new ambassador will provide a valuable opportunity to establish communication, share information between the two countries, reduce misunderstandings and reduce false assumptions. “I will meet friends from all walks of life in India,  sincerely enhance mutual understanding and trust,  make efforts to restore exchange and cooperation in various fields,  and create conducive conditions for the healthy and sustainable development of Sino-Indian relations,” Xu told the media after taking charge.

 With such positive attitude from both sides even while the differences continue, efforts should be made to avoid clashes. In particular, the incoming government, with restraint and prudence,  should move out of the global strategies of the hegemonists  and walk alongside the developing, global South countries.  It should establish an independent economy free of foreign exploitation, pursue a foreign policy that protect our country’s interests,  support its neighbours and small countries on an equal footing, respecting their sovereign powers. It is necessary to forge good relations with all neighbours . It is essential to abandon the hostile attitude  towards China, our neighbouring country,which has emerged as the largest economic power globally. and pursue the path of cooperation.

 If our country responds positively to China’s positive proposals, their encouraged interactions and  good will visits, they will help in re-establishing good relations.  The present team of Indian  youth  that visited China is so  impressed  that they call for developing cordial relations with China and get  mutually benefitted “it is a memorable, eye opening and educative tour that opened us for new horizons.” One delegate concluded so.


 Dr.S.Jatin Kumar is a national council member of India China Friendship Association [ICFA] and contributed to earlier. 

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