June 2024

Quo vadis, Srebrenica?

Last May, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) declared 11 July to be observed annually as the International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica. Several…

The Last Measurement

Note: This piece of fiction (and believe me, it is complete fiction, with nary a grain of truth) was written with the assistance of an AI bot, which fashioned the…

At the Edge of Apocalypse

Biblical flooding, scorching heat, collapsing grid system, animals crumbling, waters rising, crops wilting, economy on the brink, and millions displaced. Welcome to the future of climate change… Pakistan. If one…

Big Business or Big Government?

During the full-term government led by Atal Bihari Vajpayee flying NDA/BJP colours, one could overhear from the corridors of Parliament House and big media houses murmurs intoning that "it's not…

Dynamics of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a worldwide problem. It is devastating the youth of the countries at a speed that is unimaginable. Kashmir, over the years, has also seen a huge surge…

The Election to the European Parliament in 2024

Europe’s recent election resulted in some stunning winners and some bitter losers. Despite Europe’s right’s substantial gains, the progressives won two more seats. Meanwhile, Europe’s social-democrats and progressives lost just…

It’s Bloody Hot!

While April and May are usually the hottest months in many countries in Southeast Asia, hundreds of millions of people are now suffering in South Asia from an exceptionally intense…

Faizabad & Indian Secularism!

If Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had not the lost the parliamentary seat of Faizabad in Uttar Pradesh (UP), where the Ram Mandir is situated, would the Indian elites, intellectuals, critics…

Does Israel Have 90 Nuclear Warheads or 200?

Israel is upgrading its nuclear arsenal maintains the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute(SIPRI).  With regards its deathly weapons, Israel maintains what its terms  “nuclear ambiguity”, neither confirming nor denying the possession of…

The Death of Petrodollar

The Deep State should have been alert five years ago when Candidate Joe Biden announced that he, if elected as president, was determined to make the Saudi rulers “pay the…

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