With 215 Missiles Into Israel, Hezbollah  Geares For War 

Hezbollah fired 215 missiles and rockets into northern Israel, Wednesday, according to different news sources including the Times of Israel.

The news of the missiles, trending on the social media, is the biggest ever launch in one day, a Wednesday, since 7 October, when Israel began its war on Gaza.

The rockets were launched in areas that included settlements and a military base. Experts believe this launch will lead to escalation on Israel’s northern front and lead to the raising of regional tensions and where both Lebanon and Israel would be dragged into war.

The firing of the missiles came a day after Israel killed a senior Hezbollah commander named as Taleb Sami Abdullah.

He was killed Tuesday night, following multiple Israeli strikes on a residential building in Jawya, southern Lebanon. Abdullah was a top commander in Hezbollah, it is pointed out.

His name is also trending on the social media and may have led to a new escalation that was already brewing between Hezbollah and Israel since early June when Hezbollah missiles carried through drones set the northern part of Israel on fire.

Like last time, the latest missiles have set fires in at least three locations in Israel with fire crews scurrying to the scenes.  These locations included the Avivim settlement near the border with Lebanon after it was targeted with an anti-tank missile.

Military analysts are watching this northern front very carefully. Some say it could lead to another war while others point out the escalation is still within the agreed confines.

It is pointed out the United States doesn’t want another war escalation and is, maybe, pressuring Israel not to widen the conflict and go out for a fully-fledged war against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

 Dr Asmar is a writer based in Jordan and covers Middle East affairs

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