Climate Consensus: Legislators
Climate mitigation is stalling out; governments, businesses and publics are ignoring climate, putting seemingly more important issues first - the economy especially. And, in effect, they’re giving up: after decades…
Climate mitigation is stalling out; governments, businesses and publics are ignoring climate, putting seemingly more important issues first - the economy especially. And, in effect, they’re giving up: after decades…
Over the past year climate change has been put on the back burner by governments and business preoccupied with more pressing, largely economic issues. Mitigation measures especially have been throttled…
Christmas is for kids and having a couple of my grandkids here for Christmas is motivating me to try and get you to wake up. Look at your kids and/or…
There is a very important new climate science paper which promises to dramatically increase concern about potential impacts and needed mitigation. Bill McKibben titles his review of the paper ‘The…
Remember when we still had timeIf not to reverse thingsWell at least not to cause worse thingsAnd we decided not toIt was easier not to? RU Mundy Climate change is accelerating.…
At CERA-Week the Aramco CEO Amin Nasser gave definitive proof that the energy transition was failing: Nasser said alternative energy sources have been unable to displace hydrocarbons at scale, despite the world…
The fire is bearing down on the town. The authorities have ordered an emergency evacuation; from their big picture perspective everybody has to get out quickly and even then,…
2023 was the year that global warming went gobsmackingly bananas off the chart. On top of a building major El Niño, warming of both oceans and atmosphere seemed to accelerate…
Last month the US EIA predicted that we will keep using fossil fuels at present scale past 2050. Another new report predicts that instead of the imperative reduction of emissions by half…
What would our vulnerable descendants choose: phasing out fossil fuels or a regulated managed decline of fossil fuels globally? Phasing out fossil fuels is rightfully the all important climate change…
The persistent La Niña of the past three years is rapidly cycling into the El Niño phase. There are indications that it could become a major El Niño which could…
Dr. Tim Lenton is one of my fav climate scientists. His work on the physics and maths of tipping points and the implications of tipping points within the earth systems…
Karl Burkart is deputy director of the ENGO One Earth and a prolific writer on environmental issues. Recently he has published two opeds defending the energy transition (here and here). These opeds…
From my vantage point out here in the boonies, it’s easy to see that most of my fellow Canadians and citizens of at least the developed world are in society-wide…
"(T)he technological and institutional status quo is a precarious predicament from which societies need to escape....If we act wisely, the coming century will be defined by the recognition of what…
Just before the release of the IPCC Working Group Three (WGIII) report on mitigation, this long time climate activist asked: Will the new IPCC report on mitigation detail and recommend…
Will the new IPCC report on mitigation detail and recommend supply-side pathways and policies to mitigate climate change? Will the report even mention regulating a phase out of fossil fuel…
Image by Thomas Homer-Dixon The second part of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) has just been released and "climate breakdown is accelerating rapidly, many of the impacts will be…
We're on a trajectory to crash the futures of most people on the planet and finalize the irreversible annihilation of a big chunk of the natural world because of a…
In a very insightful essay published a couple of weeks before Canada's election call, Senator Rosa Galvez called for a seachange from neoliberal government to building government back better…
“(W)e haven’t even started to talk about what might be ‘possible’ and are still mostly arguing about what is ‘feasible without compromising economic growth.’ These are of course extremely different…
Covering Climate Now, CCNow, is a consortium of publications and journalists dedicated to better climate journalism; I'm a climate activist not a climate journalist but I subscribe to the CCNow…
"(T)he most obvious, ubiquitous, important realities are often the ones that are hardest to see and talk about." David Foster Wallace Bill Gates has both a new book and…
Ed Yong is a very insightful science journalist. In an article published in The Atlantic in September Yong lists what he calls nine errors of intuition, conceptual errors that still…
Climate activists all over the world have been working to try and use the huge Covid opportunity to help to finally transition off fossil fuels. Most have been piggybacking on…
"This probably doesn't need to be said but planning for low probability, high impact, worst case scenarios is looking pretty smart right now." Gavin Schmidt The building climate change dangers…
An open letter to Canada's Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland Minister Freeland, an open letter regarding 'there's nothing inconsistent about the federal government's commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions while promoting…
Neoliberalism has put the blinders on public imagination, hindering our ability to envision, and thus build, a world free from fossil fuels. Fremstad and Paul It’s the beginning of a…
Climate change is real, happening. It is human caused - mostly through our use of fossil fuels, and could be catastrophic, could be a tragic end to our present evolution.…
Energy transitions have historically taken many decades, half centuries. But now, to stay under even a 2C (and not the much safer 1.5C) global rise in temperature, greenhouse gas emissions…
There is a Canadian federal election on the horizon. The campaigning has already begun. I’m a long time climate activist who thinks that you should know a very important perspective…
Below is a selection of quotes from a long essay explaining how neoliberalism, solution aversion, implicatory denial and predatory delay have frustrated needed effective climate mitigation. Hey you XR kids,…
We're dead men walking. Last summer a group of eminent climate scientists published a warning that we were close to a threshold where human induced warming could set off a…
"A fast,emergency-scale transition to a post-fossil fuel world is absolutely necessary to address climate change. But this is excluded from consideration by policymakers because it is considered to be too…
Hothouse Earth is this summer's Uninhabitable Earth, a chilling reminder of how close we are to possibly fatal climate change. The Steffen et al PNAS paper is a review of…
This spring I was diagnosed with cancer and I have just finished a treatment consisting of seven weeks of radiation aided by chemo therapy. Things look good now. I had…
Hello Justin, I hope you understand that while I must be critical of you and your government I have a great deal of empathy for everyone involved in this wicked…
This third essay on my new metaphor for effectively treating climate change is about climate change being potentially fatal for all we know and love, potentially fatal for civilization as…
Continuing my new metaphor for effectively treating climate change (I’ve been traveling into town everyday: ferry, bus, Canada Line to the Cancer Agency and same back from treatment) – this quote was…
Hello again Ms. Goldsmith-Jones, At a climate meeting you arranged at Gibsons Yacht Club before the election I said I thought you were in what Kari Norgaard describes as implicatory…
Human caused global warming increasingly threatens all we love and care about. Climate change from this warming caused (mostly) by greenhouse gases (GHGs) from our use of fossil fuels is…
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should resign. That's laughable presently. The Trudeau government is still enjoying an extra long honeymoon; Canadians are still as happy about the change to 'sunny…
John Michael Greer has written a provocative essay: Climate Change Activism: a Postmortem. His list of activist mistakes should be interesting to many of you but Greer makes the same…
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