K M Seethi

BRP Bhaskar: A Legendary Journalist Remembered

BRP Bhaskar, a distinguished journalist known for his unwavering dedication to truth and justice over a remarkable seven-decade career, was commemorated at a web-meeting organized by the Vakkom Moulavi Memorial…

Does Historiography Transcend Anachronism?

SEW-L Inaugural Address    Can historians avoid anachronism in their narratives of the past? This has been a major question in the debates of/in historiography, and noted historian Prof. Rajan…

‘Un-Trumping’ America   

With Joe Biden’s assumption of office as 46th President of the United States, there are expectations of a ‘liberal internationalist’ foreign policy set to emerge from Washington. However, the new…

Kim Ki-Duk and the Legacy of ‘New Wave’ cinema

In less than a few weeks since the celebrated Argentine filmmaker Fernando Ezequiel Solanas—a legendary figure in Latin American cinema—died of coronavirus in Paris, another internationally admired filmmaker, Kim Ki-Duk,…

Many Voices, Still Many Worlds

Writing on the feats and flaws of modern science way back in 1951, humanist writer and literary genius M. Govindan (1919-1989) brought in the story of al-Hameed—a landlord in Hyderabad…

Why Older Persons Matter Today?

“No one should be alone in their old age,” Santiago, the protagonist in Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea reflects in despair. Fisherman Santiago’s sorrows speak volumes about…

Colombo Carnage: Ominous Signals

The day of ‘Resurrection’ became a black Sunday for hundreds in Colombo who gathered in Churches for Easter prayers. Many in nearby hotels, including several foreign nationals, also fell victim…

Kashmir: Back to Square One?

The terror attack on the CRPF convoy in Pulwama (Jammu and Kashmir), which killed dozens of soldiers of the paramilitary forces, sent shock waves across the country and the world. …

‘Hartal Raj’ under the Sangh Hegemony

Kerala still appears to have been languished in a self-imposed prison of hartals in spite of all efforts to terminate the snowballing menace of social disruption and public nuisance caused…

Why Vakkom Moulavi Matters Today?

Problems of Engaging Modernity and the Muslim Reform Movement in Kerala.... This article is written in commemoration of the 145th anniversary (28 December) of Vakkom Moulavi who played a major role…

Distress Signals from Colombo

Sri Lanka has landed itself in an unexpected, unprecedented crisis with the President Maithripala Sirisena taking decisions having tricky political implications. Citing differences over a host of issues, Sirisena cast…

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