Mike Ferner

Bringing Gaza Home

In Ft. Wayne, Indiana this September, I was arrested with a long time activist friend, Cliff Kindy, for blocking the entrance to a Raytheon Corp. facility.  We both requested jury…

Protecting Lake Erie

My city sits on the western edge of a body of water that has figured large in the nation’s history, Lake Erie. My wife and I are fortunate to live…

Hold On To That Fear

Dear Congresspersons and Senators, This letter is about that nauseating, trembling fear you felt when that hate exploded at you on January 6. Please don’t forget it. Journal about it…

Love In A Dangerous Time

A profusion of anonymous axioms and memes floods social media these days but one remains my very favorite: “It’s like we’ve all been sent to our room to think about…

Lake Waits For People To Wake

A rare, hybrid environmental campaign is underway to save a great lake – in fact, a Great Lake – Erie.   That grand body of water, declared dead in the late…

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