Subhash Gatade

New India, New “Legally Permissible Weapons”

“We are committed to turning out the non-Hindu sinners from Delhi.” "..Consume less food, purchase a cheaper mobile phone, anything, only promise to have five tridents in a home”.…

Welcome ‘Citizen as Labharthi’

[Ahead of Maharashtra Assembly polls, announcement of schemes like the Ladki-Bahin scheme reduce citizens to being ‘subjects’ rather than persons with basic constitutional rights.] Times have definitely changed. There was…

‘Our Problem is Civil Obedience’!

'Our Problem is Civil Obedience..' (1) Words of legendary American historian, playwright, philosopher and socialist intellectual Howard Zinn ( 1922-2010) still are repeated world over whenever the people living in…

When They Came for Us

Review of  '1984 - When they came for Sikhs'  by Gurpreet Singh "The Books Want to Say Something Of the ages gone by Of the World, Of the People ....…

Vishwa Guru’s Sleuths

Writers, scholars, artists have always worried the powers that be. There was a time when the Parisian police had been given the onerous task of keeping the greatest writers of…

Destroying A Legacy to Save it ?

It was perhaps mid sixties or  early seventies when US had resorted to continuous bombing to break the morale of the Vietnamese people. When questioned by a reporter about this…

Vishwa Guru of Hate?

How India is Slowly Emerging as a ‘World Teacher’ albeit of a different kind France has moved towards normalcy some time back. The anger and anguish of the still marginalised…

Whose Sentiments are Hurt?

Whose Sentiments are Hurt? This poser is slowly being raised - may be - in rather muted terms in this part of the world. Right from Karachi to Patiala or…

Manusmriti: Unending Fascination?

Whether the proposed inauguration of Manusmriti at Telugu University, Hyderabad be stopped ? As per reports appearing in a section of the press, the The Veda Dharma Prachara Trust has…

A Dampner to the Bulldozer Raj ?

Can the Guwahati High Court’s Judgement on ‘Illegal Demolitions’  act as a break to the growing normalisation of ‘Bulldozer Justice’ ? There are interventions of courts which occasionally reverberate across…

Repackaging Golwalkar For Our Times

The search for enemies of 'Mother India' has perhaps finally ended for RSS. It is the 'ecosystem of Islamists, evangelists, cultural Marxists and global tech giants Google, Facebook and Twitter' …

Legitimate Rights of Victims

Time the ruling dispensation decides whether it is committed to rule of law and protection of rights of victims and survivors of heinous crimes or their perpetrators ? Truth has…

Away with all Babadom?

Why criticism of religion should now come on the agenda ? There are some 'unnatural deaths' which remain a mystery forever. Whether death of Mahant Narendra Giri, of the  Baghambari…

Bilkis in Hindu Rashtra !

 Whether Remission of Sentences of her Perpetrators offers a template for Victims / Survivors How Justice Would End for them now onwards ?   Who gets 'Amrit' , who gets…

Silence of the powerful!

Why the Corporate Czars are Silent over increasing attacks on Social Fabric and rising Communalism  Celebrity actors and players share an interesting commonality in this part of South Asia. Their…

Unpacking Religious Nationalism

Review of  'Religious Nationalism - Social Perceptions and Violence : Sectarianism on Political Chessboard' by Ram Puniyani, Media House 2020 "Blatant dictatorship – in the form of fascism, communism, or…

Has Indian Democracy Been Facebooked?

Belarus-born American writer Evgeny Morozov, a scholar of the political and social implications of technology, is among the early technology sceptics whose words have now proved prescient. Morozov had questioned…

Hero of Our Times?

How does a poet respond to the situation of a city under siege? For a poet, a crisis can trigger a tenacious journey even in the midst of a siege. The Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish’s Memory for Forgetfulness tracks the 1982…

Can Rest of India ‘Do’ a Malappuram ?

Malappuram, Kerala’s lone Muslim-majority district, made history recently. The 5,000 mosques in the district would remain closed indefinitely. Logic behind this decision is simple. As the state is witnessing spike…

Faith as Nuisance, Sound as Pollution

Is “God” really deaf, that you need to call out so loud to communicate your prayers? In his time Kabir, the great 15th-century poet-saint, raised this question in his own inimitable style. One can only imagine the ire of both Hindus and Muslims that…

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