It doesn’t matter whatsoever whether or not Einstein actually ever made that remark about how man would only have four years left if bees went south on the planet. People love to mouth off about issues when their stance can put them one-up on others. But what’s important about what anyone says about anything if the words are going to distract us from dealing with what’s unfolding right in front of our eyes?
Bees have been writhing and dying on my driveway for some time now. We live somewhat near a cell tower — the least desirable distance from it, actually — and there are other sources of electromagnetic pollution nearby which could be a factor in the decline of our local bee population. No one knows for sure what’s happening on these counts, but we do know that research is not being conducted on any of this at the University of California – Santa Cruz, which is virtually in our backyard. In fact, that academic ignoring of the issue is quite typical throughout the U.S.
“Today, scientists do not know the specific causes but speculate it could be simply that there is no food for insects; alternatively, the issue could be, specifically as well as more likely, exposure to chemical pesticides or maybe a combination, meaning too little food/too much pesticide.”
Robert Hunziker’s recent fine article, in which the above spotlighting of food and pesticides repeats the usual thoughts that are expressed by academics when they do get around to talking about the bees, doesn’t acknowledge electromagnetic pollution as a possible cause. But in my home everyone wonders out loud whether or not the bees’ orientation is screwed up by all the Wi-Fi and its unnatural, proliferating electromagnetic first cousins in our realm. Everywhere, actually.
Hunziker’s article is really worth reading because it calls attention to something that’s every bit as important as Climate Change. The Precautionary Principle is not being honored as we continue to embrace all the new technology coming out of Silicon Valley. Forget the slave labor and deaths related to our purchases for the moment. Enlightened self-interest of the immediate kind demands that we embrace a different attitude toward high tech gadgets and everything related to them. For reasons above and beyond the health of bees and other insects, not that we can really separate their health from ours.
Respecting our own mental and physical health, however, I think that the five video episodes provided by Ce Ce Doucette and Keith Marciniak from Massachusetts — starting with Episode One — should be mandatory viewing for everyone.
I’d love to know what readers think about the definitive documentation in the footage, which clearly delineates why the Precautionary Principle should be embraced, and what we can do to make our high tech facts of life safer immediately.
Rachel Olivia O’Connor is a member of the Oxman Collective. She can be reached at [email protected].