
Are we too smart for our own good?

Evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr (1904-2005)—who, I’m told, was a very smart person—concluded, late in life, that high intelligence may be a lethal mutation. In this article, we’ll explore some reasons for…

Revolutionising the Self 

Bindu Art School in Chengalpattu, a couple of hours by road from Chennai in South India, was set up in 2005 in the Bharatapuram leprosy colony. It was started by…

A Mind-Blowing Leap

As I settle into and continue to explore the perspective that modernity is destined to fail, was never a long-term-viable idea, and therefore represents a giant blunder, I keep running…

Holistic vs Analytical Thinking

East vs West and The Ecological, Political and Economic Reasons for Their Differences OrientationHow much do left brain pathologies have to do with culture and geography? Recently I was interviewed…

Laws: Plato’s Second Best State

The Laws: The Second Best State The Laws is Plato’s last work on political philosophy. He was still working on it at the time of his death. Plato authored the Republic as…

Laziness as a Form of Resistance

The productivist ideology lies at the core of the profit-making pyramid of capitalism. It perpetuates a relentless cycle characterized by busy schedules, workplace tension, an imbalance in work-life equilibrium, and…

What is Politics?

There are many official and unofficial as well as academic and non-academic approaches and formal/informal definitions of politics and its functioning in society. However, as the most universal concept, it…

The Cradle of Humanity

What reading Georges Bataille could teach you about the birth of art—and of humanity. Why should we explore caves and excavate fossils? Why should we seek more information about our…

Human As Christian

My name is Ilaiah--O, you are from a wretched caste I added Shepherd to it--O, you have become a Christian I read and write--O, you have violated the Dharma I…

Thomas Hobbes – The Communist?

The British materialist philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) is one of the fathers of social contract theory and modern political philosophy. His magnus opus – Leviathan[i] – is a text which…

Change In Worldview Need Of Hour

Written by Poornima Bisineer and Sandeep Pandey As the second more virulent wave of coronavirus rages on, the urban areas seem to be more adversely affected compared to the rural…

Reason, Sociability, and Ethics

  Aristotle famously said that man was a social animal: ζῷον πολιτικόν. He also strongly implied that what distinguished man from all other animals was his rationality. Today this description…

War and Peace Through Faith

They say do not contribute silver bricks for Ram temple, because it is difficult to stock silver bricks there. Funny! Union Ministers are pleading to people to contribute to the…

Common Myths About Human Progress

There are several widely held myths about human progress which have persisted widely for a long time and the wide persistence of these myths has itself become an obstacle in…

What is Progress?

A lot of problems have been caused by the fact that there has not been  enough careful thinking on what constitutes human progress and it has been often just taken…

Religion is not Rational

 Religion is not rational, yet attempts are made all the time to prove it is.             One example is the Templeton Study. The Templeton Foundation arranged for Christians to pray for 1800…

What Time Is It in Lockdown?

Here where I dwell in the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice has just occurred. The darkest day of the year in a dark year. A few days ago was also…

An Incautious Defense of Optimism

(Optimistically dedicated to Steven Pinker) In a world suffering from a global pandemic, it would be both easy and understandable to be morosely pessimistic. Yet, even here, midst frantic calls…

Ethics For The Future

Cultural evolution In all terrestrial organisms, information is transmitted between generations by means of the genetic code; and genetic evolution takes place through natural selection acting on modifications of this…

Can the world be changed?

Can the world be changed in any fundamental way or not? Will the methods one uses to change it end up doing more harm than good? Should one mind one’s…

Limits of Puritanism

The principles and ideological commitments in politics, culture, religion and social practices breed culture of puritanism both in its progressive and regressive forms. The transformation of society to lead an…

To all the uncaring people

Would you mind rolling your eyeballs on people starving, dying in extreme conditions, in need of the things you can so easily afford to give them? I know, you won't…

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