Behind the deadly, Zionist-promoted, warmongering, and civil rights-abusing terror hysteria in US Alliance countries is the Awful Truth that deaths from jihadi terrorism in these countries is negligible compared to over 30 million Muslim deaths from violence or imposed deprivation in the 21st century US War on Muslims. In the 21st century there have been 1,615 non-terrorism Israeli deaths from homicide by Israelis, 164 Israeli deaths from terrorism in Israel (excluding Jerusalem) , 1,183 further Israeli deaths from terrorism elsewhere in Zionist-ruled Palestine (ZIRP), 9,505 Occupied Palestinian deaths by Israelis, and 72,000 Occupied Palestinian avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation.
Quantitative estimates of this 21st century carnage in Palestine are set out below.
(A). 3,847 Israeli/Zionist deaths from Palestinian violence in 1920 – February 2017, 1,347 in the 21st century.
According to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “From 1920 through 1999, a total of 2,500 residents of Mandatory Palestine and, since 1948, the State of Israel fell victims to hostile enemy action; in most cases, terrorist attacks” [1] and “Victims of Palestinian violence and terrorism since September 2000 … [totalled] 1,297” [2]. From this official Israeli Government data can therefore compute 3,847 Israeli/Zionist deaths from Palestinian violence in the period 1920 – February 2017 as set out below:
2,500 Israeli/Zionist deaths from Palestinian violence, 1920 – 1999 [1].
1,297 Israeli deaths from Palestinians violence, September 2000 – February 2017 [2], this corresponding to an average of 1,297 deaths/17.5 years = 74 deaths per year
50 Israeli deaths from Palestinian violence, January 2000 – August 2000 (74 deaths per year/0.67 years = 50 deaths).
1,347 Israeli deaths from Palestinian violence, January 2000 – February 2017 (1,297 + 50 = 1,347).
3,847 Israeli/Zionist deaths from Palestinian violence, 1920 – February 2017 (2,500 +1,297 + 50 = 3,847).
(B). 2,962 homicides of Israelis in the 21st century, 1,615 by Israelis and 1,347 by terrorists.
According to Wikipedia, “In Israel the homicide rate produced by criminal activities is relatively low: 2.4 killed per 100,000 inhabitants in a year (in Switzerland the number is 0.71, in Russia is 14.9, in South Africa is 34, in Venezuela is 49). In 2009, 135 people were murdered in Israel. Two major motivations for homicide in Israel are violence against women (including honor killings in Muslim families) and politically motivated violence, for example Arab terrorism against Israelis” [3]. However we need to assess how many of these violent deaths were not due to terrorism i.e were simply cases of Israelis killing fellow Israelis. These estimations are presented below:
The average population of Israel in 2000-2017 (i.e. in mid-2008) was 7.175 million [4].
24 Israelis killed per million of population this century [3].
2,962 homicides of Israelis in Greater Israel (Zionist-occupied Palestine , ZIRP) in 2000 – February 2017 (24 per million per year x 7.175 million x 17.2 years = 2,962).
1,347 Israeli deaths from Palestinian violence or “terrorism deaths” in January 2000 – February 2017.
1,615 non-terrorism Israeli deaths from homicide in January 2000 – February 2017 (2,962 – 1,347 = 1,615).
45.5% of Israeli homicides in 2000 – 2017 were terrorism deaths (1,347 x 100/ 2,962 = 45.5%).
54.5% of Israeli homicides in 2000 – 2017 were non-terrorism deaths (1,615 x 100/ 2,962 = 54.5%) i.e. more Israelis were dying at the hands of fellow Israelis than at the hands of “terrorists” in 2000-2017.
(C). 164 Israeli deaths from terrorism in Israel (excluding Jerusalem) in the 21st century.
One must realistically consider where these terrorist homicides of Israelis occurred. Thus, for example, the politically motivated killing of about 60 Americans by jihadis in America since 9-11 [5-12] can be reasonably regarded as terrorism deaths whereas the 4,485 deaths of US military invaders in Iraq in 2003-2011 [7] can be reasonably considered as war deaths of invaders and occupiers. Thus one needs to estimate how many of 1,347 Israeli deaths from ”terrorists” in the 21st century occurred within the pre-1967 borders of Israel proper and how many in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (including Jerusalem that has been illegally unified with East Jerusalem).
Taking as a sample, the 2016-2017 terrorism attacks in Greater Israel (Israel plus the Occupied Palestinian Territories) involved 123 terrorist incidents of which 15 (12.2%) occurred in Israel (minus Jerusalem), 24 (19.5%) in Jerusalem (of which the Arab part has been illegally incorporated into Israel) and 84 (68.3%) occurred in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Thus 19.5% plus 68.3% = 87.8% of the terrorist incidents occurred in the Occupied Palestinian Territories or (in the case of Jerusalem) in or immediately adjacent to the Occupied Palestinian Territory [14].
Now violence cannot be condoned and is to be abhorred as is terrorism, whether Israeli state terrorism or Palestinian non-state terrorism. However it is clear from this evidence that nearly 90% of terrorist attacks against Israelis are occurring where genocidally racist Israelis are presently violently and illegally forcing themselves upon Occupied Palestinians i.e. in the Occupied Palestinian Territories or in Jerusalem that now illegally includes the Old City taken by war criminal conquest.
The estimated 1,615 non-terrorism Israeli deaths in 2000-2017 (see (B) above) compares with an estimated 0.122 x 1,347 = 164 Israeli deaths from terrorism within Israel proper (excluding all of Jerusalem). Thus in Israel proper and excluding Jerusalem , Israelis are 9.8 times more likely to be killed by fellow Israelis than by Palestinian “terrorists”.
If we assume that 50% of the terrorism killings in Jerusalem are in Occupied East Jerusalem, then the estimated 1,615 non-terrorism Israeli deaths in 2000-2017 (see (B) above) compares with an estimated 0.23 x 1,347 = 310 Israeli deaths from terrorism within Israel proper (including Israeli Jerusalem). Thus in Israel proper and including Israeli Jerusalem, Israelis are about 5.5 times more likely to be killed by fellow Israelis than by Palestinian “terrorists”. However the Israelis’ illegal unification of Jerusalem has clearly compromised the security status of all Jerusalem.
If we consider Greater Israel (i.e. all of Zionist-Ruled Palestine, ZIRP), the non-terrorism Israeli death toll of 1,615 in 2000-2017 (see (B) above) is 1.3 times greater than Israeli deaths from terrorism i.e. Israelis are much more likely to be killed by fellow Israelis than by Palestinians.
By way of comparison, in the violence in British-occupied Northern Ireland (population 1.8 million in mid-2008) [15] , 3,568 people were killed in the period 1986-2010, the breakdown being 1,879 civilians, 1,117 British security, 399 Republican paramilitary, 162 Loyalist paramilitary and 11 Irish security [16]. Now in mid- 2008 the population of Israel proper was 7.2 million and the population of the Occupied Palestinian Territory was 3.8 million [4] for a total of 11.0 million. Accordingly at a Northern Ireland level of violence one can crudely estimated an expectation 11.0 million / 1.8 million = 6.1 times as many Israel/Palestine deaths in 2000-2017 as during the Northern Ireland “troubles” i.e. 3,568 x 6.1 = 21,765 Israel/Palestine deaths in 2000-2017. In reality in 2000-2017 there were 1,347 Israeli terrorism deaths (nearly 90% in the Occupied Palestinian Territory plus unified Jerusalem) and (as we will see) 9,421 violent Occupied Palestinian deaths due to the Israelis.
The key estimates of terrorism or non-terrorism Israeli deaths in the 21st century are summarized below:
1,615 non-terrorism Israeli deaths from homicide in January 2000 – February 2017 (2,962 – 1,347 = 1,615).
1,347 Israeli deaths from Palestinian violence or “terrorism deaths” in January 2000 – February 2017.
164 Israeli deaths from terrorism within Israel proper (excluding all of Jerusalem) in January 2000 – February 2017.– 9.8 times fewer than Israeli non-terrorism deaths in Israel proper (noting a further 1,183 Israeli terrorism deaths in the Occupied Palestinian Territory including illegally unified Jerusalem).
310 Israeli deaths from terrorism within Israel proper (excluding East Jerusalem) in January 2000 – February 2017.– 5.5 times fewer than Israeli non-terrorism deaths in Israel proper .
In the period 2000-2017 Israelis were up to 10 times more likely to be killed in Israel proper by fellow Israelis than by Palestinian “terrorists”. Should the Israel Defence Force (IDF) have been bombarding Tel Aviv, Haifa and West Jerusalem rather than the defenceless population, half children, of the Gaza Concentration Camp?
(D). 9,505 Occupied Palestinian deaths by Israelis in the 21st century, this averaging 553 violent Palestinian deaths per year.
Occupied Palestinian deaths at the hands of the Israelis in the 21st century were as follows: 1,551 (9 December 1987- 28 September 2000), 6,890 (29 September 2000 – 7 July 2014 ) [17] and, according to the UN, Palestinians killed by the Israelis in the 2014 Gaza Massacre totalled 2,251 (8 July 2014 – 26 August 2014) [18, 19], for a running total of 6,890 + 2,251 = 9,141 Palestinians killed by Israelis (29 September 2000 – 7 July 2014).
The Palestinian news agency Ma’an recorded the violent, state- or non-state terrorism-related deaths of a total of 130 individuals in the Occupied Palestinian Territory in the mass murder-free period from 1 January to 31 December 2016, and of these dead, 112 were Palestinian. We can therefore adjust the above running total for an additional 2.5 years x 112 per year = 280 Palestinian deaths (September 2014 – February 2017) and 0.75 years x 112 per year = 84 Palestinian deaths (1 January 2000 – 28 September 2000), for a total of 9, 141 + 280 + 84 = 9,505 Palestinians killed by Israelis in the period January 2000- February 2017 and an average of about 9,505/17.2 = 553 per year.
(E). Death ratios in disproportionate and war criminal Israeli killing of Palestinians.
The continual justification of Apartheid Israel and its supporters for horrendous Israeli killing of Palestinians and indeed the continuing illegal and war criminal Israeli Occupation has been declared to be Palestinian violence that is described as “terrorism”. Thus President Donald Trump of America, the world’s number 1 supporter of genocidally racist Apartheid Israel (2017): “As with any successful negotiation, both sides will have to make compromises. You know that, right? I want the Israeli people to know that the United States stands with Israel in the struggle against terrorism. As you know, Mr Prime Minister [Netanyahu], our two nations will always condemn terrorist acts. Peace requires nations to uphold the dignity of human life and to be a voice for all of those who are endangered and forgotten” [21].
In response to the Israeli shelling of a Gaza Concentration Camp school sheltering 3,000 homeless Palestinians during the 2014 Gaza Massacre, the US lackey, pro-Zionist PM Malcolm Turnbull of Trumpist Australia (that is second only to Trump America as a supporter of Apartheid Israel) stated (2014): “Well, Israel risks extinction, Israel faces an existential threat every day … Israel can barely afford to lose a battle let alone a war. As long as Hamas is firing rockets into Israel, the Israeli Defence Force has to defend its own population. I mean that’s what we’d expect the Australian Army to do for us… Jews in my [extremely wealthy and significantly Jewish] electorate are anguished by this [but] as long as Hamas is firing rockets into Israel the Israeli Defence Force has to defend its own population” [22].
However, as analyzed above, in the 21st century so far (2000-2017), Israeli deaths totalled 2,962 of which 1,615 were non-terrorism deaths (Israeli killing Israelis) and 1,347 were terrorism deaths of which only 164 occurred in Israel proper (minus Jerusalem) . Thus Israelis were about 10 times more likely to kill Israelis within Israel proper than Palestinian terrorists and nearly 90% of Israeli deaths from terrorism occurred in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (including Jerusalem).
Israeli/Zionist deaths at the hands of Palestinians total 3,847 (1920 – February 2017) as compared to 2 million Palestinian deaths from violence (0.1 million ) or imposed deprivation (1.9 million) in the period 1935-2017 [23], this yielding an overall Palestinian/Zionist death ratio in this period of 2,000,000/3,847 = 520.
In the 21st century (2000-2017) , Israeli deaths totalled 2,962 of which 1,615 were non-terrorism deaths (Israelis killing Israelis) and 1,347 were terrorism deaths of which 164 occurred in Israel proper (minus Jerusalem) . Thus Israelis were about 10 times more likely to kill Israelis within Israel proper (minus illegally unified Jerusalem) than Palestinian terrorists. One notes that Israel deaths from Gaza rockets and, mortars totalled 32 in the period 2004-2017 [24].
By way of comparison, in the period 2000 – February 2017 violent Palestinian deaths at the hands of Israelis totalled 9,505, this being 297 times greater than Israeli deaths from Gaza rockets, 58 times greater than Israel terrorism deaths in Israel proper (minus Jerusalem) , 8 times greater than Israeli terrorism deaths in the Occupied Palestinian Territory plus Jerusalem, 7 times greater than total Israeli terrorism deaths in the same period, 6 times greater than Israeli non-terrorism deaths in Israel at the hands of fellow Israelis (Israelis killing Israelis). To put these statistics into a demographic perspective, presently the population of Zionist-ruled Palestine (ZIRP) is comprised of 5.9 million Jewish Israelis, 1.7 million Palestinian Israelis, 0.3 million non-Jewish and non-Arab Israelis, and 4.7 million Occupied Palestinians (noting that Palestinians presently represent 51% of Israeli subjects and that in addition there are a further approximately 6 million Palestinians who cannot set foot in Zionist-ruled Palestine (ZIRP) on pain of death) [23].
(F). 72,000 Palestinian avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation in the 21st century (1.9 million since 1935).
The above statistics on horrendous active killing by Apartheid Israeli state terrorists demonstrate that Israeli state terrorism for colonization is vastly more deadly than Palestinian non-state terrorism in defence of their now 90% ethnically cleansed land. However it gets far worse when one considers the horrendous passive killing in the huge avoidable mortality due to imposed deprivation. Whether a child is killed by Israeli bashing, bombs or bullets or dies avoidably from deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease, the death is just as final and just as wrong [25].
Avoidable mortality (avoidable death, excess mortality, untimely deaths, deaths that should not happen) is the difference between actual deaths in a country and deaths expected for a peaceful, decently governed country with the same demographics (birth rate and population age distribution). Avoidable deaths from deprivation in impoverished, high birth rate, Third World countries is 1.4 times the under-5 infant deaths [25]. Palestinian under-5 infant deaths total 3,000 annually. Accordingly, annual Occupied Palestinian avoidable deaths from deprivation total 1.4 x 3,000 = 4,200 (as compared to about 500 violent deaths annually at the hands of the Israelis this century) and accordingly 2000-2017 Occupied Palestinian avoidable deaths from deprivation total 4,200 per year x 17.2 years = 72,240 for the 21st century – so far. Annual Apartheid Israeli avoidable deaths are zero (0) [24]. Critically, one notes that annual per capita GDP is $2,800 for Occupied Palestinians and $38,000 for Israelis [23]. On this basis, the active plus passive killing of Occupied Palestinians total 81,750 for the period 2000-2017, 81,750/1,353 = 60 times greater than total Israeli terrorism deaths in the same period, and 81,750 /164 = 498 times Israeli terrorism-related deaths in Israel proper (minus Jerusalem) in the 21st century.
(G). Huge 21st century Palestine/Israel violent death ratios compared to Hitler’s advocated occupied enemy/occupier death ratio of 10.
Another way of seeing this carnage in Palestine is on an annualized basis. Thus on average so far in the 21st century, 4,200 Palestinians have died avoidably from deprivation each year (as compared to zero Israeli avoidable deaths ) and an average of 9,505/17.2 = 553 Palestinians have been violently killed by Israelis each year (whereas 164/17.2 = 10 Israelis are killed by terrorists in Israel minus Jerusalem each year); this huge disparity is most appallingly seen in terms of the average Palestinian /Israel death ratio in the 21st century that is 4,200/0 = infinity for annual avoidable deaths and 553/10 = 55 for annual violent deaths. If one considers total 21st century Israeli deaths from terrorism, the Palestinian/Israeli death ratio for this period is 9.505/1,347 = 7.1. If one considers total 20th century plus 21st century violent deaths, the Palestinian/Israeli death ratio is about 100,000/ 3,847 = 26.0.
The indefinite, violent, and highly abusive imprisonment of the helpless and utterly impoverished Occupied Palestinians (half of them children) brings to mind the horrendous incarceration of Slav, Jewish, Gypsy and other slave labour in WW2 concentration camps. In relation to violent Palestinian deaths and by way of comparison with Apartheid Israel, blood-soaked German Nazi leader Adolph Hitler recommended an enemy partisan/German military reprisal death ratio of 10. Thus in 1995 Nazi SS Captain Erich Priebke was extradited from Argentina to Italy to face a war crimes trial over the March 24, 1944 execution of 335 Italian men and boys (about 75 of them Jewish) at the Ardeatine Caves south of Rome. The massacre had been ordered by arch-terrorist Adolph Hitler in retaliation for the killing of 33 German soldiers by Italian partisans the previous day [26]. In comparison with Nazi leader Adolph Hitler’s recommended occupied enemy/occupier death ratio of 10, the average Palestinian /Israel death ratio for the 21st century has been infinity for annual avoidable deaths and 55 for annual violent deaths.
(H). Palestine Genocide in the contest of Muslim Genocide, Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust and worsening Climate Genocide.
Of course Apartheid Israel is not alone in its deadly hegemony that involves horribly abusing its violently suppressed but now majority Indigenous Palestinian population, and regularly attacking and devastating its regional neighbours (1950-2005 avoidable deaths in neighbouring countries invaded and variously occupied by Apartheid Israel total 24 million) [23]. Thus 17 million people (half of them children) die avoidably from imposed deprivation each year on Spaceship Earth with the First World and most notably the US-led, genocide-based Anglosphere in charge of the flight deck [23]. US lackey and Zionist lackey Australia has been peculiar among US lackey nations in being complicit in all post-1950 US Asian wars (atrocities that have been associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence or imposed deprivation) [23]. The 21st century genocidal US War on Muslims has been associated with 32 million Muslim avoidable deaths from violence, 5 million, or from deprivation, 27 million, in 20 countries invaded by the US Alliance since the likely Apartheid Israel-complicit, US Government 9-11 false-flag atrocity that the US and the US Alliance have used as an excuse for an ongoing Muslim Genocide [27-29]. The worsening climate emergency and climate genocide promises 10 billion avoidable deaths this century (overwhelmingly in the Developing World) if climate criminality (notably of pro-fossil fuels, anti-science, climate criminal, and climate change denialist Trump America and Trumpist Australia) is not requisitely addressed [30]
Concluding comments.
In the face of this ongoing Palestinian Genocide and horrendous deadly abuse of the Palestinians (50% children) by Apartheid Israel state terrorists, decent people around the world are obliged to (a) inform everyone they can (for detailed compendia of the views of decent anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish humanitarian people about this see [9, 10, 31-35] ), and (b) urge and apply comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against a nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, genocidally racist, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel and all its supporters (America, Australia and Canada in descending order being the world’s leading supporters of Apartheid Israel) [31]. Anti-racist Jews are particularly indignant in their opposition to Israeli Apartheid and the ongoing Palestinian Genocide because they are routinely grossly and falsely defamed by the false Zionist and pro-Zionist conflation of all Jews with neo-Nazi, genocidally racist Apartheid Israel that amounts to flagrant Jew-defaming anti-Jewish anti-Semitism. Buying goods and services from nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist, anti-Arab anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish anti-Semitic Apartheid Israel and its likewise anti-Semitic Anglosphere supporters (most notably Trump America and Trumpist Australia) is like buying soap made in Auschwitz.
[1]. Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Terrorism deaths in Israel – 1920-1999”, 1 January 2000: .
[2]. Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Victims of Palestinian violence and terrorism since September 2000” : .
[3]. “Crime in Israel”, Wikipedia: .
[4]. UN Population Division: .
[5]. Ronald Bailey, “How scared of terrorism should you be?”,, 6 September 2011: .
[6]. Gideon Polya, “San Bernardino Atrocity Elicits Islamophobic Republican Hysteria And Egregious Falsehood In Warmonger Obama’s Speech”, Countercurrents, 9 December, 2015: ).
[7]. Gideon Polya, “UK Terror Hysteria exposed – Empirical Annual Probability of UK Terrorism Death 1 in 16 million”, Countercurrents, 16 September, 2014: .
[8]. Gideon Polya, “Australian State Terrorism – Zero Australian Terrorism Deaths, 1 Million Preventable Australian Deaths & 10 Million Muslims Killed By US Alliance Since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 23 September, 2014: .
[9]. “Stop state terrorism” : .
[10]. “State crime and non-state terrorism”: .
[11]. “Carbon Terrorism”: .
[12]. “Carbon terrorism: 3 million US air pollution deaths versus 53 US political terrorism deaths since 9-11 (2001-2015)”, State crime & non-state terrorism: .
[13]. “Iraq Coalition military casualties by year”, i-casualties: .
[14]. William Robert Johnstone, “Chronology of terrorist attacks in Israel. Part XIV: 2016-2017: .
[15]. “Population and migration estimates Northern Ireland 2008 – statistical report”, Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency: .
[16]. “Northern Ireland violence”: .
[17]. Pro-Con, “Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Deaths in the conflict, 1987-2014”: .
[18]. “Death toll from the 2014 Israel-Gaza, aka Operation Protective: conflict : .
[19]. “2014 Israel-Gaza conflict”, Wikipedia: .
[20]. Ma’an News, “2016: a deadly year in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel”, Ma’an News, 1 January 2017: .
[21]. Tom Embury-Dennis, “Donald Trump’sspeech on Israeli-Palesrini cmflct in full”, Indepednent, 16 Febrauty 2017: .
[22]. Ebony Bowden, “Turnbull defends Israel attacks”, The New Daily, 31 July 2014: .
[23]. “Palestinian Genocide”: .
[24]. “Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel”, Wikipedia: .
[25]. Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, that includes a succinct history of every country and is now available for free perusal on the web: .
[26]. Gideon Polya, “Comparing Nazi SS & US state terrorism civilian/soldier death ratios”, Afghan Genocide Essays, 19 October 2005: .
[27]. Gideon Polya, “Paris Atrocity Context: 27 Million Muslim Avoidable Deaths From Imposed Deprivation In 20 Countries Violated By US Alliance Since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 22 November, 2015: .
[28]. “Experts: US did 9-11”: .
[29] “Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: .
[30]. “Climate Genocide”: .
[31]. “Boycott Apartheid Israel”:
[32]. “Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism”: .
[33]. “Jews Against Racist Zionism”: .
[34]. “Gaza Concentration Camp”: .
[35]. “Nuclear weapons ban , end poverty & reverse climate change”: .
Dr Gideon Polya taught science students at a major Australian university for 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text “Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds” (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, New York & London , 2003). He has published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007: ); see also his contributions “Australian complicity in Iraq mass mortality” in “Lies, Deep Fries & Statistics” (edited by Robyn Williams, ABC Books, Sydney, 2007:
) and “Ongoing Palestinian Genocide” in “The Plight of the Palestinians (edited by William Cook, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2010: ). He has published a revised and updated 2008 version of his 1998 book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (see: ) as biofuel-, globalization- and climate-driven global food price increases threaten a greater famine catastrophe than the man-made famine in British-ruled India that killed 6-7 million Indians in the “forgotten” World War 2 Bengal Famine (see recent BBC broadcast involving Dr Polya, Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Amartya Sen and others: ; Gideon Polya: ; Gideon Polya Writing: ; Gideon Polya, Wikipedia: ) . When words fail one can say it in pictures – for images of Gideon Polya’s huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see: and .