Subramanyam Swami, a BJP leader, said, development alone was not enough to garner votes in elections, what was required was emotions and that in turn, required a cultural awareness. (Times of India, 27th November, 16)
This is what Golwalkar had said earlier. He said ‘We have achieved mind revolution ‘man kranti ‘ The victory of BJP in the recent elections is the outcome of this so called cultural awareness and emotions. Is India marching in the era of of Manu rule? The recent election results indicate that future trend. Are days of Peshwa rule imminent? Or is it already in power in Maharashtra or to some extent even at the center?
This tragedy is because of lack of alternative cultural stand by the present political parties. They too were and are followers of RSS or Brahmanic culture. They had the same base. How can they counter their cultural masters? The tragedy will continue unabated.
But actually the holders of the system or those who say we have achieved mind revolution with their mediocrity are ruining the country, the nation.
This is reflected in their fixed mental setup. And that setup is social division – the caste system. For maintenance of that social hierarchical system its top layer restricts intellectual exercises and those who question that top layer are out casted, black listed, even killed.
Today, Rss is controlling the people but the RSS itself is an organization of mediocres. Even, Golwalkar, its so called ideologue has proved himself to be an intellectual dwarf, mediocre. His assertions on 1. Chaturvarnya is a creation of god himself, 2. shifting of North pole from Bihar and Orissa to the present position to prove that Aryans had not come from the present position of the North Pole, or 3. that the Hindus get Sanskaras in the mother’s womb itself or 4. claiming cow as the sacred animal and claiming absurd, fantastic medicinal properties of its dung and urine.
Very concept of creation of four fold division of society placing one caste above another which is mentioned in Rgveda is not only imaginary but also foolhardy. Placing human sections one above other is also fictional concept. It can not be intellectual or rational proposition.
They are conspiring, woeing sections of Dalits by euloging Dr. Ambedkar by equating him with Hedgewar, the founder of the RSS.
The RSS considers itself owner of the country and its head gives orders to people that they should call Bharat mata or that all are Hindus in India, or that Muslims should stay here as secondary people claiming no citizens rights.
The RSS considers itself above the rulers or claims itself as Brahman as per the position in the Chaturvarnya model. This is evident in how it dominates BJP, the ruling party.
Nagesh Chaudhari is editor of Marathi fortnightly,Bahujan Sanghaesh. He is involved in Satya shodhak samaj movement. Has authored books on caste system, on RSS and Hindu nation.