“Toddlers drugged with psychiatric medication?” — Martha Rosenberg in a very good article
Pfizer, Merck, Celgene, and GlaxoSmithKline are major league drug dealers responsible for lots of citizens descending into homelessness, many vets committing suicide, loads of teens contemplating patricide and/or matricide, more than a few housewives and their spouses resorting to adultery, a significant number of pre-teens having trouble with concentration in schools, several students killing their counterparts, hard-pressed people succumbing to addiction and robbery, the proliferation of obesity… and much more, of course.
Martha Rosenberg does a great job routinely running through the definitive documentation that’s (easily) accessible respecting the issues touched upon above. But this morning’s posting of Thomas Knapp’s spot on article is what inspired me to submit this piece.
As an educator and concerned world citizen I want to emphasize the great importance of teachers and administrators calling a shovel a shovel with regard to what officially-approved drugs are doing to youngsters, their loved ones and members of their general community. The shovel that’s being used to bury us with every single day… deeper and deeper.
I sincerely ask what kind of education are we doling out whereby graduates of graduate schools — let alone students in the lower grades — manage to maintain respect for the major drug dealers and the government officials and agencies which allow them to operate as they do… virtually hiding the side effects in small print.
It’s one thing for local law enforcement to secure sessions in schools during which they draw attention to the dangers of drugs. That’s a far cry from there being a collective effort in educational institutions all along the spectrum to call a shovel a shovel in the sense that I’ve delineated here.
And who is paying for the shovel? [Pause.] Aside from the social cost. I’m talking about the financial support that the drug dealers receive routinely courtesy of tax benefits, etc. I’m speaking of financial assistance which comes from the collective coffers. And I’m addressing, among other issues not spoken about on campuses, of the role our military and low profile government agencies have played in protecting the vested interests of what I’m calling major league drug dealers.
I’ll be glad to elaborate on what I’ve touched upon directly above, upon request. But for now, perhaps the reader — no matter where he or she lives in the world — can do something to place the spotlight on that shovel.
As Knapp points out, the War on Drugs is over… and “drugs” have won. Check out the stats on the proliferation of opioid addiction alone to confirm that fact. Or just walk down most downtown streets in the country after dark these days with or without a dollar bill dangling from your back pocket.
It does not take a rocket scientist to see a shovel for what it is, and school children should — at the very least — be given the pencils and crayons necessary to do a decent job of portraying — representing? — the reality of their brave new world… festooned with broad flat blades of all kinds now.
Valleria Ruselli is a member of the Oxman Collective. She can be reached at [email protected].