Nepotism as a culture is being seasoned in forms of cronyism, favouritism, as it knocks backs calibre and worth and leaves behind a collegium apparatus. We discern nepotism in Bollywood as it is exhibited in the spotlight for one and all to catch sight of. But the existent and the historical process of nepotism that has engendered exceptional levels of torpidity, misconduct, duplicity, corruption and has led to a climate of deceit and persecution in our country is far less conscipicuous but just as widespread. Nepotism extends beyond family and subsists across the bloc of caste, class, belief and diverse brackets. It immobilizes all of us, in every occupation, at every socio-economic proportional extent – and nobody can invalidate that.
Networking to Nepotism
Being connected, establishing connections as a socially cultured perspective is considered as a catalyst to move up in the ladder of achievement. Nepotism encourages medicrocity, indifference and low productivity; it creates an ocean of inequalities and divides. The tradition of networking. Working your network, referrals, it’s not what you know, but who you know. To be successful one needs to set smart networking goals by connecting with connectors. As personal network, initiating links is a norm in corporate relationships and many other professions but it nurtures incompetence in some way or other. Linking, Merging and associations are the new ways of favouritism that ushers in the trend of nepotism. While human networks can be beneficial but sometimes boosts stagnation.Mattew Jackson in his book “The Human Network: How Your Social Position Determines Your Power, Beliefs, and Behaviours”, has voiced about the upsides and downsides of networking, how technology and globalisation has made connectivity possible and how it is ingrained in our social structures. Social capital in some way or other is necessity for stronger relationships but has encouraged indirect nepotism.
Paradox and Perspectives
The idea of enlightened nepotism is still relevant today Politics, business, popular cinema and other occupations where talent is subordinate to genealogy are dominated by family syndicate, who shrub their own over the rest. Nepotism starts early. It begins with parents’ favouritism towards their children. . For humans, nepotism also operates in any social classes and influences how people determine other socioeconomic rankings based on their preference on skin colours, looks and style, The nobility where there is an utterly reservation for its own genetic substance. The inbreeding of nepotism still survives as people want their children to profess the same occupation that they are in and find their self-identity in it. The aggregate of these dealings is the way we pass on our enriching heritage and worth. When we talk about nepotism, what we are really talking about is the mediation of possessions, expertise, and domination from one cohort to the next. The bourgeoning of family ties has been broadly described as a “new nepotism” or “new genealogy” Comprehensive nepotism has been practiced more or less continuously by both the upper and the lower classes, without hesitancy or apols. It is deep rooted in the social structures, as a human being’s attachment to relatives, friends which make them obliged by any means or other as it can have serious consequences which can defuct the merit and expertise.
Nepotism-the Unvoiced Decree
Nepotism as a grounded reality present everywhere. It exists within the system based on social and cultural capital, In this virtual world ,after outbreak of pandemic bonds are getting well-built due to the virtual world connectivity in certain business, with the outset of networking applications, its less debated issue which affects the society in some way or the other. The unspoken rules of nepotism still exist. The gradation of in group and out-group in every occupation exists. It’s a universal phenomena, it is everywhere in political and social system. There is no easy way to end nepotism because it persists in every level of society. The public needs to understand the consequences of nepotism like low productivity, disruption in the system, at the same time, there should be anti-nepotism policies to prevent the convention.Neposistic privilege should be considered as a matter of social shame and equality should be the norm. We all can anticipate that like most major changes taking place in the country, this also becomes an issue that is resolutely raised by all.
Dr.Nupur Pattanaik, Teaching Sociology, Central University of Odisha