‘Final Solution’ – an award winning, must watch documentary film by Rakesh Sharma made in 2004 is streaming on Vimeo for free until March 31. The film is about 2002 Gujarat carnage and the rise of the then Chief Minister Narendra Modi.
The film maker keeps this film open for public view at Vimeo at free of charge till March 31st . Do watch this film and understand the process of Gujarat Carnage experiment during 2002 as the primary lab, which later extended to UP and then all over the nation before the empowerment of the Fascist Rule in 2014. Those who is below 30 year now are the best audience to see this film as they were too young in 2002 to understand what unfolded.
Part 1: Pride and Genocide deals with the pogrom and its immediate aftermath. It examines patterns of pre-planned genocidal violence against Muslims (by right-wing Hindutva cadres), which many claim was state-supported, if not state-sponsored. Even as Chief Minister Modi traverses the state on his Gaurav Yatra, the film reconstructs through eyewitness accounts the attack on Gulbarg and Patiya (Ahmedabad) and acts of sexual violence at Eral and Delol .
Part 2: The Hate Mandate documents the Assembly election campaign in Gujarat in late 2002. It focuses on the exploitation of the Godhra incident by right-wing propaganda machinery for electoral gains. The film studies the situation months after the elections to find shocking fault lines – voluntary ghettoisation, segregation in schools, formal calls for economic boycott of Muslims and continuing acts of violence.
Watch the film here