Kudos to Pink Floyd and their 1979 classic ‘ Comfortably Numb’ for inspiring me to write this critique. With the news that it looks like the Democrats will continue to control the Senate ( while most likely losing the House) shouts of joy rang throughout ‘ Blue America’ and ‘ Blue surrounded by Red America’. Justifiably so, whenever a fascist wave threatens our shores it is great to see it stifled. Sadly, the fascist wolf at our door is still out there… awaiting. The more my fellow Americans , the ones with even a pinch of insight, sense just how horrific the Republicans could act, the more the Democratic Party is relieved. My goodness, if this was not the case perhaps a viable third party progressive mindset would scare the shit out of the Dems. Reality reminds us that the right wing in this nation is SO brash and autocratic that their goal is to really form a corporate fascistic government and society. The Democrats meanwhile will continue with their plan to keep America a ‘ Kinder, more gentler Military Industrial Empire’ { Please note that it is the Democrats who continue to increase military spending – check the current Ukraine situation}. Painful !
Due to the massive amount of ignorance on what really ills us working stiffs, the majority of our populace will hang tight with one or the other of these political parties. Those who support the more right wing of these two right wing parties, the Republicans, I have nothing more to say to them. They apparently are confined to a white supremacist foolish mindset that trumps ( no pun) the truth as to why things are not in their best interests. As with those German citizens who ignored the brutality and vitriol of the Nazi Party so long as they had enough food on the table, my fellow MAGA neighbors look ‘ Below’ and never ‘ Above’. Scapegoating black and brown people instead of the corporate run state we live under has them mesmerized. Those who remain ‘ Loyal Democrats’ will continue to ignore the hypocrisy of Democratic politicians who feel their pain yet do little to stop it completely.
The Two culprits in this drama know how to push hot button issues on their customers, because that is what we are, customers! They’ll make the narrative about abortion, immigration, inflation… all important issues but not the essence of what ails America. When 1/4 of 1% of us owns and controls just about everything, something is wrong. Yes? Yet, both parties rock and roll with increased private $ spending on elections, increased military spending, too low wages with too few unions ( where have the Democrats been for all these years?), NO government run Health Care for all of us, too many absentee landlords ( with 25% being giant corporations) with rising rents… I could go on folks.
This writer, as stated many times recently, has always had a disdain for Joe Biden and the corporate Democratic Party. Yet, as I see this Fascist, almost Neo Nazi Republican Party chomping at the bit for my ass, I had no choice , and most likely have NO choice but to continue to vote for the lesser of these two evils. Feeling like the guy who just came out of anesthesia, my mind is numb… UN comfortably numb!!
Philip A Farruggio is regular columnist on itstheempirestupid website. He is also frequently posted on Nation of Change and Countercurrents.. He is the son and grandson of Brooklyn NYC longshoremen and a graduate of Brooklyn College, class of 1974. Since the 2000 election debacle Philip has written over 500 columns on the Military Industrial Empire and other facets of life in an upside down America. He is also host of the ‘ It’s the Empire… Stupid ‘ radio show, co produced by Chuck Gregory. Philip can be reached at [email protected].