Ten Reasons Why the USA Should Emphasize Reduction of Domestic Distress, Not Military Dominance

homeless in USA

One of the great tasks of our times is to move USA policy more and more towards the path of peace. This can result in big welfare gains at world level as well as for the people of the USA. A lot of more resources can then become available to meet the welfare needs of the people of the USA. In fact increasing evidence of high levels of domestic distress in the USA points to the urgency of giving much more priority to reducing domestic distress instead of allocating immense resources to seeking military dominance in very dangerous ways which increase the risk of war and the immense distress related to this. Here we summarize ten compelling reasons for such a shift towards greater attention for reducing domestic distress.

.1. USA Suffers From Huge Avoidable Mortality

The number of poverty related deaths in the USA in a normal year is 183,000 in the under 15 year age group (study by David Brady published in JAMA Internal Medicine, April 2023). Poverty levels among children are one and a half time the adult population. The number of excess deaths in a year in the USA (or the number of missing Americans)—the number of deaths in excess of what should be at comparable levels of prosperity as seen in other countries– are estimated at 622,534 for year 2019 (study by Jacob Bor, Andrew C. Stokes et al, published in PNAS Nexus, May 29, 2023). During 2000 to 2020, the maternal mortality rate in the USA increased from 12 to 21  while during this same period this declined from 52 to 14 in Russia.

  1. Bottom 40% of People Cannot Face Small Emergencies.

According to a Federal Reserve Report of 2018 on the economic well-being of US households about 40% of adults in the country would not be able to meet a $400 emergency with cash, saving or even a credit card charge that they could quickly pay off. About 27% of those surveyed would need to borrow money or sell something to find the $400 needed, while 12% would not be able to arrange this at all. Four years later, in year 2022 a You Guv survey for the Economic Security Project found 49% saying that they would be ill-equipped to cover a $400 emergency. Around the same time Bankrate’s Annual Emergency Fund Report said that 57% of US adults are unable to afford a $1000 emergency expense. This report also stated that 68% of people are worried they wouldn’t be able to cover their living expenses for just one month if they lost their primary source of income. This must be seen together with the fact that need for meeting health emergencies is quite frequent given the large number of people prone to this due to existing health problems as well as the high exposure to accident and violence related injuries. There are 5.2 million vehicle crashes a year, and there are 40 million medically consulted poisoning and injury episodes a year in the USA. In the increasingly insecure job market, job losses and periods of unemployment are quite frequent.

  1. Bottom 40% of population Can Not Meet Basic Needs

The bottom 50% of the USA population has access to only 1.5% of the country’s wealth, and most of these people have problems in meeting their basic needs. A study by the Urban Institute in 2018 found that nearly 40 per cent of non-elderly adults and their families in USA struggled to afford at least one basic need for health care, housing, utilities or food in 2017. In this study based on a well-being and basic needs survey of the age-group 18-64, 23% said that they were food insecure in the last 12 months, 18% struggled to pay medical bills while almost the same percentage decided to go without some required medical treatment due to costs. This is despite the fact that 150 million people in the USA have chronic health problems or chronic disease. Millions of people in USA are finding it difficult to afford basic utilities like water (and sewerage) or electricity. A headline in the Guardian ( 23 June 2020) said—Revealed—Millions of Americans can’t afford water as bills rise 80%. This report, based on a study by this newspaper in collaboration with Consumer Reports and others, said that in some city neighborhoods over 40% of residents may be saddled with unpaid water bills.  One report has stated that over 50,000 households in Detroit lost their water connections since 2014 because they could not pay their bills. A Bloomberg report was headlined—A tsunami of shut-offs–20 million US homes are behind on energy bills. About one-sixth of American households are behind on their utility bills. A Washington Post report dated October 1, 2020 was headlined—Millions of Americans risk losing power and water as massive unpaid utility bills pile up—17.9 million may be at risk of shut-offs as many state-protections end. The Elderly Economic Security Standard Index informs us that in 2016 a majority of the elderly lacked the financial resources required to meet basic needs. Child poverty levels are 1.5 times higher than adult poverty levels. Housing insecurity is very widespread as more and more people cannot afford the costly rents and mortgages. The number of homeless people is reaching a record high. The Eviction Lab, Princeton University, has estimated that there are 3.7 million eviction cases in the USA in a typical year, or 7 per minute. In pandemic times moratoriums on evictions helped to prevent increase in evictions, but now that these are being phased out the threat of higher evictions looms large.

  1. Social Relationships Need Urgent Improvement

Nearly 28 per cent of US households are single person households. A survey by Cigna before the onset of the recent pandemic revealed that almost half of the adults felt lonely sometimes or all the time. A more recent Cigna-commissioned survey on the post pandemic situation by Morning Consult revealed that 58% of US adults are affected by loneliness. A 2019 survey found 58% of people in the country felt that no one knew them well. Nearly 50% of all US marriages end in divorce or separation, nearly 41 per cent of first marriages, 60% of second marriages and 73% of third marriages. In households with children, 50% of divorces lead to push towards poverty. Children suffer very adverse short-term and long-term impacts of divorce and separation, including serious ones. According to the National Centre for Injury Prevention and Control nearly 4.8 million intimate partner related assaults take place in a year. One in five women experience rape in their lifetime, one in three women experience physical violence, one in two experiences psychological violence. A report on child abuse is made every 10 seconds. Authorities trace 656,000 victims of child maltreatment in a year, but the problem is bigger. More than 4 million referrals are made to child protection agencies in a year.

  1. Crime and Imprisonment At Very High Levels

The incarceration rate is the highest in the USA. About 10 million people face incarceration in a year. The USA has 5% of the world’s population but 25% of its prisoners. Over 50% of prisoners suffer from mental health problems. Over 1.2 million violent crimes are officially estimated to take place in a year, a high number, but many such crimes do not reach police records and unofficial estimates of violent incidents are much higher.

  1. Serious Mental Health Problems

According to the data-base of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA, more than 50% of the people in the USA will be diagnosed with a mental health illness or disorder at some point in their lifetime. Nearly 20 per cent people are affected by mental health problems in any given year. 1 in 5 children, either currently or at some point during their life, have had a serious debilitating mental illness. 1 in 25 Americans live with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or major depression. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, to make the situation clearer, mental health problems can be classified into ‘any mental illness’ (AMI) and ‘serious mental illness’ (SMI). In 2021, there were an estimated 57.8 million adults aged 18 or older in the USA with AMI—22.8% of all US adults. However this rises to 27.2% in the case of women and to 33.7% in the case of young people in 18-25 year age group. In the year 2021, 14.1 million adults in the age-group older than 18, were affected by SMI, defined in terms of serious functional impairment limiting major life activities. In percentage terms, 5.5% in age-group 18 and above are affected by SMI. This is 7% in the case of women. For young age-group 18-25 years, those affected by SMI are 11.4%.

  1. Enormous Distress of Children and Adolescents

Diagnostic Interview data from National Comorbidity Survey Adolescent Supplement has revealed that an estimated 49.5% of adolescents had mental health disorders. Among these affected, 22.2% had serious impairment and/or distress.        Suicides  among 10 to 14 year old girls doubled and emergency room admissions for suicidal ideation and attempts among teenagers also roughly doubled during the last decade, according to different studies. Leading organizations of mental health professionals have stated that conditions of child mental health emergency already exist in the country.  The latest official statistics of ‘Youth Risk Behavior Survey’ (YRBS), USA, 2011-2021 released recently by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC), USA, have revealed truly alarming levels of distress among US youth. The YRBS statistics tell us that in year 2021 42% of US high school students “experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness”. When this figure was reported at 28% in 2011 this was considered to be quite high and hence brought forth calls for several remedial actions. Despite these, the number has increased persistently and steadily during the decade—30% in 2013 and 2015, 31% in 2017, 37% in 2019 and 42% in 2021. In the case of female students, this percentage is even higher—in 2021 as many as 57% of female high school students experienced persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness. Further, in 2021, the YRBS tells us, 29% of high school students experienced poor mental health. In the case of female students, 41% experienced poor mental health. What is even more alarming in the YRBS data is that in 2021, as many as 22% high school students in the USA “seriously considered attempting suicide”. Here also we see an overall increasing trend from 16% in 2011 to 22% in 2021. In the case of female students this number was as high as 30% in year 2021. In other words, almost one-third of female high students in the USA were so distressed as to “seriously consider attempting suicide” during this year.        In fact the YRBS statistics tell us that as many as 18% of high school students in the USA had actually “made a suicide plan” in 2021. This also had an overall increasing trend from 13% in 2011 to 18% in 2021. In the case of female students this percentage was again higher at 24 in year 2021. Most sadly, the YRBS survey tells us that as many as 10% of high school students in the USA actually attempted suicide in 2021. This means that one out of 10 USA high school students attempted suicide in 2021. This percentage increased from 8 in 2011 to 10 in 2021. The number of female students who attempted suicide in 2021 was again higher at 13%. Another aspect of distress suffered more by female students related to sexual violence. 18% of female students experienced sexual violence by anyone during the past one year. These high levels of distress are extremely sad and have increased despite remedial actions proposed by eminent experts in the past. These should be seen as a wake-up call for US society.

  1. Highly Distorted Spending Patterns

The excessive military expenditure of over 850 billion dollars (official figure, some unofficial estimates are much higher) annually can be reduced by a third to a half easily without sacrificing any real security interests. The private spending on legal and illegal various forms of gambling is around 600 billion dollars in a year—this can be greatly reduced. The current spending on all intoxicants (alcohol, tobacco, legal and illegal intoxicating drugs etc.) also adds up to around 600 billion dollars. This too can be significantly reduced with adequate effort. These three steps by itself ( many more such reductions of harmful expenses can be considered), while helping the cause of peace, health and stability in important ways, will also release annually about 1000 billion dollars in public and private funds to meet the real needs of food, health, housing, education and environment protection in very significant ways. Those who are the wealthiest and most influential have important links to and positions in the military industrial complex and so whip up war fury to benefit the big arms suppliers and military contractors, as well as mobilize public support around the imagined threat from this enemy or the other, in the process launching one war after the next. Hence more and more of public resources are spent on enriching the military industrial complex, while people are starved of essential funds to end hunger and homelessness. For almost 22 years 8000 billion dollars have been spent on the so-called war on terror, amounting to expenditure of 365 billion dollars per year or 42 million dollars per hour, while hunger and homelessness worsened in the USA.

  1. High Costs of Military Interventions Abroad

Reckless military misadventures led to 925,000 people being killed (counting only direct war deaths, not counting those who died due to war-related many disruptions) in the War on Terror and over 38 million displaced. These Brown University Costs of War Project estimates increase very steeply to nearly 4.5 million deaths in the War on Terror if indirect deaths are also counted ( for example deaths caused by disease following the bombing of health and sanitation facilities).

  1. Increasing Existential Threats

The quest for military dominance results in situations which can lead to nuclear war and a race involving weapons of mass destruction which can ultimately endanger the entire world. Prioritization of military dominance results in a situation where existential threats related to environmental problems, such as climate change, cannot get the due attention as well as the resources and the international cooperation needed for resolving them before it is too late.

 Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Protecting Earth for Children, Planet in Peril, Man over Machine, Earth without Borders and A Day in 2071.

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