Appeal to 153 Countries Which Voted for Ceasefire – Unitedly Hold Peaceful Sit-in at Egypt-Gaza Border

Wanted 1

Extraordinary situations call for unusual forms of resistance and protests. Efforts of the majority of member countries at the UN for a ceasefire are being scuttled by brute veto power of one or two countries. The puffed-up bullies who have catapulted themselves to power through electoral maneuverings in imperialist-capitalist USA; former colonizers UK and France; Zionist Israel and erstwhile Nazi Germany are holding not just the brave and valiant Palestinians to ransom, but also cocking a snook at the international community. This mafia-raj of the five dons enumerated above must be uprooted and booted out of power. Rather than using the public financial resources to create jobs for an increasing unemployment amongst the working class, the exchequer is being emptied by directing money to war industry for providing arms and ammunition to the IDF to slaughter Palestinians.

Each of the 153 countries (including India) which voted for a ceasefire in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) could send one representative each for a collective action at the Egypt-Gaza Border (Rafah Crossing Point). The form of protest should be an indefinite peaceful sit-in. Let the Israeli army bombard just right up to the Gaza border but within Gaza itself. The protesters should continue with their peaceful action till the Israeli army is forced into a ceasefire. The protesters should be guided by the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi; Nelson Mandela; Martin Luther King. The 153 countries which have been sending representatives to UN meetings have learnt that their efforts are being thwarted. Peaceful sit-in at the Egypt-Gaza Border could be the first step in a renewed effort to stop the war on Palestinians by the Israeli army.

[P.S. Sahni is a qualified orthopaedic surgeon. He has worked extensively with the victims of Sikh Genocide in 1984; amongst victims of 1992 anti-Muslim violence; and at the India-Bangladesh border during the Bangladesh Liberation War resulting in 1971 Bangladesh Genocide of Hindus.

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