Unravelling the Disinformation Machine: How the Hamas-Israel War Became a Tool for Pre-Election Fear-Mongering?

Gaza Truce


In the realm of contemporary politics, the utilisation of disinformation has become a potent tool for shaping narratives, influencing public opinion, and, in some cases, instigating fear. As India gears up for elections, the party in power has been accused of deploying a disinformation strategy that exploits the ongoing situation in Gaza for pre-election fear-mongering. This article aims to unravel the tactics employed by the BJP’s alleged disinformation machine and the implications of using international crises as political leverage.

The Role of Disinformation in Politics

Disinformation, defined as the deliberate spread of false or misleading information, has become a pervasive force in global politics. In the age of social media and instant communication, political actors often leverage disinformation to manipulate public sentiment, create divisive narratives, and gain a strategic advantage. The BJP, as India’s ruling party, has not been immune to these tactics.

Gaza as a Convenient Tool

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has been a persistent flashpoint in international affairs. The humanitarian crisis and geopolitical complexities surrounding the region make it a sensitive and emotionally charged topic. The BJP, it is alleged, has seized upon the situation in Gaza as a convenient tool for fear-mongering in the run-up to elections.

Fear-Mongering for Political Gains

The right wing’s disinformation machine is accused of exploiting the emotions attached to the Gaza conflict to stoke fear among the electorate. By framing the situation in a way that emphasises potential threats and insecurities, the party seeks to position itself as a guardian against external dangers. This fear-based strategy aims to consolidate support by presenting the ruling party as the only force capable of ensuring national security.

Social Media Amplification

The proliferation of social media has become a fertile ground for the dissemination of disinformation. The BJP’s alleged disinformation campaign is said to be amplified through various social media platforms. The rapid spread of misleading narratives, images, and videos can have a profound impact on public perception, shaping attitudes toward the ruling party and its competitors.

Exploiting Nationalistic Sentiments

The disinformation campaign is accused of tapping into nationalistic sentiments, portraying the BJP as the party that can safeguard India against external threats. By drawing parallels between the Gaza conflict and potential security risks in India, the party aims to evoke a sense of urgency and position itself as the only reliable option for voters concerned about the nation’s safety.

Impact on Public Discourse

The utilisation of Gaza for fear-mongering not only impacts electoral dynamics but also influences public discourse. By injecting a contentious international issue into domestic politics, the BJP’s disinformation machine shapes the narrative in a way that diverts attention from critical domestic challenges and focuses on perceived external threats.

Challenges to Fact-Checking

Fact-checking becomes a critical tool in countering disinformation, but the challenges are immense. The rapid and decentralised nature of social media makes it difficult to trace the origins of false information, and by the time fact-checking efforts are underway, the disinformation may have already permeated public consciousness.

Global Implications

The alleged disinformation campaign by the right wing has broader implications on India’s global standing. By using an international crisis for domestic political gains, the party risks damaging diplomatic relationships and contributing to a narrative that ties India’s internal politics to international conflicts.

Calls for Ethical Campaigning

As accusations of disinformation swirl, there are growing calls for ethical campaigning and responsible use of information. Political actors are urged to prioritise transparency, accuracy, and integrity in their communication strategies, fostering a political environment that values informed decision-making among voters.


The alleged use of the Gaza conflict by the right wing’s disinformation machine for pre-election fear-mongering raises profound questions about the intersection of global crises and domestic politics. As technology continues to shape the landscape of information dissemination, the responsibility of political actors to uphold ethical standards becomes increasingly crucial. Unravelling the tactics employed by the BJP sheds light on the complex dynamics at play in the realm of disinformation, emphasising the need for vigilant media literacy, fact-checking mechanisms, and ethical campaigning practices to safeguard the democratic process.

Mohd Ziyauallah Khan is a freelance content writer based in Nagpur. He is also an activist and social entrepreneur, co-founder of the group TruthScape, a team of digital activists fighting disinformation on social media.”

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