This is a book to celebrate the Bicentenary of the Bicycle from the perspective of Indian women. To begin with it has a section on the role of bicycles in the history of women’s liberation in the 19th century in the West. Then there is a chapter on the history of women and bicycles in India. This is followed by twelve autobiographical accounts of Indian women from different age groups (92 years to 21 years). Then there is the story of Deborah Herold, a tribal woman from Nicobar Island who put India on the world map of cycle racing. This is followed by a short story of a Bengali woman of 50 doing a solo ride from Calcutta to Pondicherry to fulfil her dreams of learning French and seeing the world. The last section covers the Free Bicycles for girls in Indian states with a letter to the Chief Minister of Telangana to start a similar scheme in the state.
A highly readable book for women and for all bicycle lovers all over the world.