Respected Sir,
The data of citizens who cast their votes in Phase 1 and phase 2 of the 2024 General Elections must have surprised you. Millions upon millions of voters have abstained from voting as they appear to have lost faith in you as a neutral umpire. It is crystal clear to them that this election is neither fair nor free. You alone are principally responsible for this. You have lowered the authority of this Constitutional body by acts of omission and commission even when public-spirited citizens, civil society members, political parties have been petitioning you to act fast and against the highest in the country. You chose to be subservient to the rulers. A few simple questions addressed to you are in order.
- Are you aware that the Election Commission of India functions as a quasi-judicial body?
- Do you know about the law of natural justice and that the Anglo-Saxon jurisprudence is the basis of the Indian judicial system?
- Are you aware that the Election Commission – upon receiving complaints regarding serious violation of Model Code of Conduct – cannot sit over the matter in the manner of sarkari babus?
- Do you have a functioning 24×7 ‘War-room’ operating to address these complaints at the speed of light?
- Is it known to you that you cannot set aside some parts of the complaint and enquire into other parts only?
- What makes you hesitant in sending a notice by name to the Prime Minister of India when the complaint pertains to his speech which is Islamophobic?
- Why are you ‘clubbing’ complaints regarding two top leaders of the two major political parties?
- The moment you ‘club’ two complaints is not the Commission indicating that both are at par even before you have heard the respective replies of the persons against whom the complaints have been made?
- Wouldn’t it be prudent to deal with complaints on a case-to-case basis on merits?
- Remember that you hold a post kept on parity with the Supreme Court Judges. Why not do whatever is in your power to deal with the complaint against the Prime Minister of India? You may, as yet, redeem the Commission’s reputation.
Yours sincerely,
P.S. Sahni
Member, PIL Watch Group
Blog: [email protected]