A Vengeful Israel Is Committing A Second Nakba Against The Palestinians



Israel’s Shock of Horrors, with its revengeful onslaught of the brutal, relentless, indiscriminate crimes-against-humanity it has waged, non-stop, for eight decades against the Palestinian people, continues to mount. With each passing day, since the attack on October 7th by Hamas and its fellow Palestinian prisoners undergoing such inconsolable grief being caused by Israel, America, Canada’s and the rest of the world’s brainless, heartless lawmakers and citizenry, who continue to contribute to, or passively tolerate, Israel’s perpetration of ever grosser acts of depravity, genocide and the virtual extermination of whole Palestinian families, neighborhoods and villages is too much for the conscience to bear.

Short of Israel reverting to the actual use of gas chambers against the Palestinian peoples in Gaza, the West Bank and greater Palestine; Israel’s long-standing, well-documented criminal apartheid actions by the likes of Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the Jerusalem-based B’Tselem Human Rights Organization now threatens to rival anything the Nazi ever did to those they equally hated during WWII – Jews, Catholics, Negroid Race, Communists, Gypsies, Writers, Intellectuals, Mentally and Physically Handicapped, and countless others.

The mind-bogglingly-nightmarish travesty of Zionist Jewry’s inhumanity waged against innocent, vulnerable, unarmed Palestinian men, women, children and infants was first witnessed, but likewise similarly mostly denied or utterly ignored by the entire world during the First Nakba Catastrophe in 1948. But that human catastrophe is once again being revisited with an ever-greater vehemence by rageful, murderous, vengeance-minded Zionist settler-colonists who seemingly know no equal in their efforts to create yet a Second Nakba Catastrophe against a mass-imprisoned whole nation of Palestinian peoples.


This writer never though he would ever have to think it, let alone admit it to himself or say it in public, but, at 84 years of age, he now must resign himself to the simple fact that when he first came into this world, Nazi and fascist humans were massacring wholesale innocent countless millions of fellow humans around themselves, without a blink of the eye, and without ever any real resolution to all their problems.

While not too far off in the future of his own life, because time is always relative, sooner or later this writer must accept the fact that he, too, will simply have to go off to somewhere else in the universe in search of some undefinable truths of existence and conscious awareness, just as he left this beautifully-gorgeous planet, yet inhabited by far too many humans who mostly only know how to endlessly massacre their fellow humans, as well as every other living thing around them, for whatever their own prurient ends.

After barely only one month since October 7th, when Hamas and virtually the entire nation of Palestinians, in utter desperation, decided, for better or for worse, that the time had finally come when Enough Was Enough, and Hamas brilliantly master-minded yet another historic Third Palestine Uprising. Israel’s and Netanyahu IDF forces were totally humiliated and infuriated by the Palestinians once-and-for-all break out, as captives of their nightmarishly-oppressive apartheid Gaza Ghetto Open-Air Concentration Camp, who seized the responsibility for determining their own destiny. This third act of desperation, yet fierce determination, has already since simply come to be known as The Awakening.


October 7th, in truth, was a colossally-massive successful prison break by virtually an entire race and nation of oppressed, captive human beings; the calamitous effects of which already have clearly begun to call out from the darkness into the light, the actual extent and degree of Israel’s and Benjamin Netanyahu’s vile fascist government and those black-hearted, racist, Israeli citizens, and Zionist colonial-settlers in their kibbutzim’s, who rabidly support him and his arrogant apartheid government. It exposed the real extent of the deep-seated, vehement racism and unprecedented savagery that, when push comes to shove, exists among all of Israel’s fascist allies in the world, towards all Palestinian peoples.

It begs the need to call to mind the long-standing historical state of hatred in the twisted, sordid political and human affairs of America and its centuries-old troubles with its own First Nation peoples, Black, Brown and White Americans who once found themselves, or likewise still do, locked out of mainstream America for any number of similar political, social, cultural, ideological reasons.

Oddly enough, or maybe it shouldn’t be so surprising, that the United States, among all the nations of the world, yet remains Israel’s staunchest, tweedled dumb tweedle dee, ally and defender of Israel’s long-standing lying declaration of innocence in its perpetration of racist apartheidism towards the Palestinian peoples. Especially when the United States, itself, historically, is equally guilty-as-charged of the mass imprisonment of those of its own indigenous peoples they didn’t actually massacre themselves, shoving the survivors onto isolated, out-of-the-way reservations where they couldn’t readily be seen or troubled by the consciences of America’s immigrants. Not to mention those former black slaves who were kept shackled and controlled by their plantation overseer’s, until finally, before during and after it took the mightiest and bloodiest of civil war’s in history to free them. Even, to this day, America still has never ever fully recovered from the effects.


Ultimately, if any real justice still exists in this world, in order to quickly resolve its war now with Hamas before it blows up into a major WWIII with the entire Middle East, Israel and Netanyahu must agree in principle to immediately cease and desist from its “shock and awe” onslaught against Hamas and the Palestinian people, try to make some kind of meaningful restitution for its heinous, disgraceful behavior, and begin to institute and implement, before the United Nations entire General Assembly, its formal acceptance of Palestinian Statehood and Two-State Solution.

Without such legal proceedings immediately being undertaken, the long-overdue resolution to its own racial problems can only but end up becoming, for Israeli’s and Palestinian’s, yet a long drawn out, unparalleled, diabolical work-in-progress of ugly race hatred and still more violent crimes against humanity in 2023 and beyond that may, in the end, turn into a civil war involving the entire Middle East, and whatever ugly consequences may yet eventuate.


Scott Ritter, the former UN Nuclear Weapons Inspector in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Russia has a clear sense of the complicated dynamics that are Now in play in the War between Hamas and Israel.

US Marine Corps Officer Scott Ritter Reveals TRUTH About Israel War – YouTube


Meanwhile, the Christo-fascist allies of the Zionist Jews in the UK’s House of Lords, Canada’s House of Commons, America’s U.S. Senate, to name but a few of the world’s equally culpable political bodies and their citizenry; along with the aid of the international corporate mainstream’s mass media, constantly underscored and underwritten by its world-wide biased newspapers of note and their editorial boards, continues to manufacture, with endless lies upon lies, the compliant consent of the masses to continue to sit on their hands and do next to nothing to address or alleviate the crisis in Gaza; beyond tacitly accepting all the propagandic spin, censored views, muzzled truths and endless lies upon lies by Israel and its Western allies as to the real truth of what actually is occurring on the ground in this latest brutish assault against humanity: (i.e. “Hamas continues to brutally massacre innocent Jews”, “We don’t really know how many Palestinians are actually being murdered by Israel’s IDF military. There exists just too much fake news out there”; “There’s nothing sinister going on, Israel’s carpet bombing of places like the Jabiliya Refugee Camp, is just part of Israel’s on-going normal military operations.”)


What is now occurring in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel is nothing more nor less than a thumbnail sketch of what has happened in the Old World and New World for countless centuries. The nightmare happening in Gaza simply proof-positive that Homo sapiens haven’t yet progressed one iota up to the present moment of the Nuclear Age and home sapiens ability to finally exterminate, in a blink, all life on the Earth. End of the story.


At the heart of the current crisis in the so-called joint ‘Holy Lands’ of Palestine and Israel, lies the 64,000-dollar question, “Who actually has the right to lay claim to the ancient lands and natural resources that exist between them? Notwithstanding some ancient Biblical proclamation from God, noted by some group of crusty-old male clerics who originally awarded them their hegemony over the lands that, ostensibly, forevermore, is to be God’s Law; other than mankind’s, eons-old, primitive, prehistoric might-makes-right rule that forever denies and excludes from the equation Homo Sapiens wealth of womenkind and their diametrically-different take on life and how best to resolve such vast differences. They continue to remain light years apart in consciousness from their male counterpart adversaries everywhere on earth. These light years of differences between their perceptions suggest that, unless some kind of quantum leap, shock-and-awe leap in awareness somehow, somewhere, magically occurs out-of-the-blue, very quickly, the ultimate fate of Homo Sapiens would seem to be self-evident.


Many of the impressions and insights of this writer come from conversations he has had in the past with Adam Keller, a co-founder of the organization Gush Shalom – the Peace Bloc in Israel – that is part of Israel’s peace movement. Keller also the editor of The Other Israel, as well as being a corporal in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) Reserves. A long-time peace activist, Keller, in 1968, having also served a jail term for refusing to serve in the occupied Palestinian territories.

See Natasha Roth-Rowland, a writer-researcher at Diaspora Alliance, latest related piece, “When ‘Never Again’ Becomes a War Cry”:



A centuries-old root problem clearly still faces the Human Race and Palestinian peoples unresolved struggle for survival as a people in their own ancient native homelands. Through no fault of their own, one can see how it happened, if one goes back in time and begins counting forward the decades since the United Nations approval, at the end of WWI, three decades before even the Palestinian’s 1st Nakba Catastrophe occurred at the hands of Israel’s terrorist Zionist Jews in 1948, when its UN members, in utter ignorance and denial, voted to approve what came to be known as the Balfour Declaration.

The Cristo-fascist zealots and Zionist biblical ideologues in the world’s young United Nations at the time took as their lead, the racist, fascist beliefs of the Austro-Hungarian journalist Theodor Herzl, called The Father of Political Zionism, and accepted his teachings that advocated a return of the Jews to the Holy Lands of Palestine as part of an ‘End of Times’ ideological belief of how all the worthy humans on Earth finally one day will gather in this place to be raptured up into Heaven with the fantasized return of God; who will gather all those anointed ones in the sacred place where the human story first began in earnest. All those humans, if they’ve properly prepared themselves, would then be counted among those chosen ones by God the Father to return with Him and forever sit by His side in His heavenly paradise.

With the adoption of the Balfour Declaration, the world of nations essentially consciously decided it would be necessary to steal the ancient lands pof the Palestinian’s, who were deemed to be collateral damage, and award these Holy Lands to the Israelites who, historically, had been previously scattered to the four directions for their ancient crimes against God’s Son – Jesus.

At that point, the neophyte Christian-Jewish dominated United Nations didn’t consciously contemplate any type of Two State Solution for the Palestinian peoples. It was simply a Might-Makes-Right, ‘tough-titty’ for the indigenous, nomadic Bedouins and Palestinians. The goal was simply a fervent desire to create for Israel either a solely purest Jewish apartheid state, like South Africa, or enact an ethnic cleansing process Three State Solution; a blatant violation of international law, that would desired to divide the Palestinians into three groups to be exiled to: Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon.

Unaware of the colossal crime against humanity that had unilaterally been decided for them at the end of WWI, the Palestinians, unwittingly, at that point, became the victims of a grandiose religious scheme and ideological fantasy that was utterly irrational in its origins, but had the full backing of other Christian and Jewish-dominated states, like the UK, America and Canada who repeatedly vetoed the suggestion of a Two State Solution every time it was put forth for a vote.

The fate of the Bedouin and Palestinian peoples was sealed, or, as the colloquial saying goes, “They were toast! Israel’s toast!”, as it were.Ever since, they’ve become the world’s accepted designated victim and the sacrificial lamb of a grandiose Judeo-Christian religious idea; forever to be victimized and kept firmly pinned at the neck beneath the jackboots of their violent Zionist Jewry colonial settler oppressors; who, to this day, continue, with the United Nations of the world tacit nod, if not their actual approval, to rape, murder, brutalize and pillage, at will, the Palestinian peoples and their homelands, with ever more arrogant impunity and abandonment that is culminating in 2023.

As previously mentioned, Israel remains forever indifferent to the pronouncements of World organization’s like: Human Rights Watch; Amnesty International; and; B’Tselem, a Jerusalem-based International human rights organization; who all have already repeatedly branded Israel a flagrant Apartheid State. They continue to strive to end Israel’s current regime as the only way forward to the future in which human rights, democracy, liberty and equality can ever be assured for those like Palestine and Israel.

At this point in time, all one can say is, unfortunately, as humanity attempts to pass through the eye of a needle, ‘Everyone! Especially you Palestinians! It’s time to just bend over, grab your ankles, and take what is coming like a man or woman, because neither Heaven nor the United Nations can help. There simply still exists far too few humans and nations who really care enough to do so.”

Indigenous peoples the world over will at once readily understand the thankless, heartless predicament Palestinian peoples now face because, as the University of Chicago’s John Mearsheimer, the R. Wendall Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science, points out, ”Ther’s no way Zionist Israel will ever accept a fair-minded Two State Solution. That train has already long since left the station. But I have no other solution to give. This crisis definitely isn’t going away, but if it continues to spin out of control, and the likes of Saudia Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Hezbollah, even the West Bank get into this war, the U.S. is in serious trouble.” Mearsheimer might add, “So is the world”.

Israel-Hamas, Ukraine-Russia and China: John Mearsheimer on why the US is in serious trouble! – YouTube

Perhaps, one could say all this simply reflects the same reality no less than if the Americans, Canadians, Australians and other New World colonial settler invaders would have tolerated, for even a minute, accepting a Two State Solution with their own indigenous and First Nation peoples in 1492, 1792, 1892, 2092, if ever. Ownership by the conquers always constitutes nine tenths of the law that they’re never prepared to share with the indigenous peoples they massacred and deposed, such is the still primitive development of the species.

But, as Professor Mearsheimer goes on to say in a concluding remark, “As my mother always would say, “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”


It’s important at this point to do a quick review of what all has occurred in recent history in that part of the world. In 1987, when an “Uprising” by the Palestinian peoples became known as the First Intifada, the State of Israel, and the entire world, were faced, as they are today, with the undeniable fact that millions of Palestinians are still living side-by-side Israel under the harshest, punitive military rule imaginable of fascist Zionism. The awkward uncomfortable question then, as it was in 1948 and still is now in 2023, is how to deal with innocent Palestinian men, women, children and infants, who continue to be brutally murdered and treated by the Zionist Israeli’s exactly how the Jews themselves once were treated throughout human history and especially by the Nazi during WWII.

For ten years, Israeli public opinion continued to lean towards some kind of peaceful solution, simply sealed with a handshake between Israel’s Prime Minister Rabin and PLO leader Yasser Arafat. This epic period became known as The Peace Process.

But it was short-lived. At the 2000 Camp David Summit, its failure to reach a consensus of opinion, blamed on Palestinian intransigence but really caused by the malevolent, Machiavellian-ness of their American and Jewish Zionist counterparts that ultimately led to yet a Second Intifada, with Palestinian suicide bombers blowing up buses in the streets of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem that completely changed the dynamics between the Palestinians and Israeli’s.

Most Israeli’s, by this time, had been thoroughly conditioned by Zionist propagandists to believe that peace with the Palestinians wasn’t ever remotely possible. The propagandists among them likewise began to convince the world at large, as well, that there indeed existed no viable Palestinian partner in any kind of peace process, nor stable Palestinian to talk with. But did Israeli’s ever really want a Palestinian partner any more, in the first place, than would a pioneering American colonizer want a Sioux Indian, a Canadian want a Cree Partner, or Australian want an Aboriginal partner? The Labor Party of Rabin and Peres soon emerged and became identified as The Party of Oslo, which gradually shrank to a mere few advocates.

Next came Prime Minister Sharon who proposed yet another solution – a Unified Withdrawl. The Palestinians were to be isolated from the main Israeli population. Canada did the same thing with their indigenous reserves as did Australia with their aboriginal settlements. “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” was the preferred solution of the conqueror. The attitude still among many Israelis then or now was that there was, in fact, “no need to any longer have a partner among the Israeli Parliament, thus no need to enter into negotiations of any kind.” So, the Palestinian’s continued to invisibly languish in their hell-hole ghettos, with their multi check points, ruthlessly controlled and ruled by hostile, brutal Israeli overseer guards.

This led to The Status Quo Solution or The Solution of No Solution. The pervasive attitude of this non-solution was, “Don’t look for any solution. Just leave everything as it is. Continue the oppressively-brutal occupation of the West Bank. Continue the suffocating siege of the Gaza Strip. Just Manage the Conflict, by keeping the Palestinians in some back water place where Israel’s Jewish population could ignore and forget about them.” In other words, continue the classic definition of a racist, apartheid system!

This is the reality that Netanyahu offered to Israeli citizens and their society[JI1]  and that of its Zionist colonial settlers in their kibbutzim’s. As a result, Netanyahu and his Likud Party won election after election after election, with the plight of Palestinians getting ever worse over time.

Yet, when it finally came to the point where Netanyahu was voted out, and Israeli voters opted for a Government of Change, headed by Bennett and Lapid, the same racist apartheid policies, with the explicitly-stated same position that neither of them would take any favorable political or diplomatic initiative towards the Palestinians.

Considered by many Israeli citizens as inherently unsound and bound to fail, the growing widespread belief on the streets was that the Palestinians would not accept forever living like virtual animals in a brutally unacceptable concentration camp setting under an oppressive occupier with a siege mentality, and no other hope for the future.

The handwriting was clearly on the wall that the much-feared ‘Awakening’ would be terribly painful for both the Palestinians and Israeli’s. The obvious solution that was patently clear then, and even more so now, is that the occupation and concentration reality of the Palestinian peoples confinement in the Gaza Ghetto could not last much longer and once and for all had to end as it has.

Jerome Irwin is a Canadian-American writer who, in previous lives, has been involved in a wide range of diverse and varied worlds, including the Criminology profession with an American police department, and later for a brief-time in the capacity of clandestine communications with the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. For decades, in various other professional capacities as an educator, researcher, geo-political analyst, and writer. Irwin has sought to call attention to a broad spectrum of world problems pertaining to the degradation and unsustainability caused by a host of environmental-ecological-spiritual-ideological issues that exist between the conflicting world philosophies of indigenous and non-indigenous peoples. Irwin is the author of the book, “The Wild Gentle Ones; A Turtle Island Odyssey” (www.turtle-island-odyssey.com), a spiritual odyssey among the native peoples of North America that over the decades has produced numerous articles pertaining to: Ireland’s Fenian Movement; native peoples Dakota Access Pipeline Resistance Movement; AIPAC, Israel & the U.S. Congress anti-BDS Movement; the historic Battle for Palestine & Siege of Gaza, as well as; the many violations constantly being waged by industrial-corporate-military-propaganda interests against the World’s Collective Soul. To examine a portion of the eclectic body of his work google: “Jerome Irwin, writer” The author and his wife are long-time residents on the North Shore of British Columbia.

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