
Gaza’s Afflictions (a Proem)

May I never see in the patient anything but a fellow creature in pain. (Oath of Maimonides) Empathy will never be exhausted as gaza schools and hospitalsare torn asunder by…

The Genocide Grinds On

It has become background noise. We know it is happening, but we can almost forget that it continues at a barbaric rate. The United Nations deputy special coordinator for Palestine,…

Women Dissenters Against Genocide

“There is only one solution!  Intifada!  Revolution!” --Pro-Palestinian Street March Chant, 2023-24 On November 2nd, there was a “No Votes for Genocide” protest in New York City.  To those pro-Palestinian…

Why I Resigned As Chairman Of Amnesty Israel

After Amnesty International released a report last Thursday calling the war in Gaza a genocide, Amnesty’s Israeli branch quickly issued a statement saying most of its members don’t believe genocide has occurred.…

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