This year has been one of the toughest. With the raging pandemic, climate crisis, wars, the failure in Glasgow….. We also have moments to celebrate with the victory of the farmers in India which was totally ignored by the mainstream media and they even tarnished the fighting farmers image and intent.
We toil day and night for the betterment of humanity and our beautiful planet and for all the species sharing it, throughout the year. We’ve been working without a break every day of this year.
Now is the time for reckoning. If we have to continue our work, we have to collectively pull together. This is the time we extend our hands for your support for this important work to continue. Somehow we managed to take CC for almost 20 years. That is an achievement in itself and we wholeheartedly thank you for it.
Over the last 20 years CC published over 75,000 articles that are critical for the survival of humanity and other species on earth and all of them are totally free to access. Over the years our readership also has grown. Each month CC is accessed between 600,000 and one million readers. They read more than two million articles. Great! But with it our hosting charges also have gone up. As you all know, we don’t accept advertisements or funds from NGOs sponsored by big corporates. We keep out of the ambit of capitalist/corporate journalism. That’s why we keep our independence. That’s why CC is a PEOPLE’S JOURNAL.
I know 2021 was a difficult year. The coming years maybe even more difficult with Climate Emergency, Energy Crisis, growing wars, famine, environmental crisis…. We have to keep fighting for our survival and that of our children and our grandchildren. Without your support CC can not keep this fight going. So please chip in with whatever you can. Without your support, CC won’t survive.
Our target is $ 15000 or Rs 10 Lakh to keep CC going for another year. Kindly lend your helping hand to keep CC alive. Don’t wait for others to do the job for you. Please chip in with whatever you can.
You can make the payment at this link
There are multiple options like PayPal, PayuMoney, UPI, Patreon or direct bank transfer, Pay by Cheque and Western Union
If you need any assistance in contributing send an email to [email protected]
In Solidarity,
Binu Mathew
Email : [email protected]