Enough of this suffering, the gruesome betrayal; 10 years of despotic rule, 10 dreadful deceptions – Part- I 

Eddelu Karnataka

Given the declining quality of life and political decay in the country, the forum has come to a conclusion. This means that the BJP, which is deceiving this country and quickly leading it to ruin, should be ousted from power in this election of 2024. At the same time, we must not bow down to whoever comes to power or compromise our goals and ideals. On this occasion, for the first time, we make a humble request to the people of this country. You should not vote without serious consideration and without forethought. “Even if you can see with your own eyes, you should see for yourself” is the saying. Make sure the ideas we put before you here are logical and accept them only after ascertaining their value and reliability. As the age-old wisdom of our people states, you should never trust those who aim to strangle you. Today, the life of common people is seriously deteriorating. Rising inflation, falling incomes, debt burdens have people worried and the future bleak. But the assets and wealth of Prime Minister Modi’s powerful corporate kings, Adani and Ambani, have increased twentyfold. Today, they are in the top ranks of the world’s richest people. BJP has become the richest political party in the world through illegal acquisition of funds.

Acting like a dictator, it has destroyed all the democratic values ​​of our nation in the name of caste and religion. Hatred, riots and extremism are fueled by these. All these have become the normal code of conduct in our country today. Those who are supposed to rule the land are burning the land today. There is so much to say and discuss. Saying everything means saying nothing. So, here are the top 10 frauds perpetrated on the people of India in the last ten years. Come, let us first read what is written in it. We can then use our discretion to decide who to vote for this time.

10 dreadful deceptions of the Last 10 Years

  1. Price rise – Government’s daily loot
  2. Farmers’ Crisis – Sacrificing farmers at the altar of corporate interests
  3. The crisis of massive unemployment – ​​crushed the dreams of the youth
  4. Shrinking wages – modern forms of slavery
  5. Corporates are looting India – Adani Modi’s mask
  6. Massive corruption – an unimaginably organized criminal mafia
  7. Reservation subverted- poisoning the societies
  8. Women and sexual minorities are cheated – subjected to constant exploitation
  9. Obstacle as Centre- stifles development of states and attack on federal system
  10. Sedition presented as religion – systematic killing of the Constitution.

(to be continued)

From a pamphlet published by Eddelu Karnataka, Translation: Naveen Prasad Alex

About Eddelu Karnataka

Eddelu Karnataka is an independent civil society platform and campaign.It is not affiliated with any political party. Its soul is the thinkers, writers and artists who are the conscience keepers of the nation and democracy. The strength of Eddelu is the combination of organizations and grassroots movements of farmers, workers, Dalits, students, youth, women, LGBTQIA movemnts etc., who have been working selflessly for the welfare of the people for many decades, from various communities (Dalit, Tribal, Tribal, Backward Classes, Vokalinga, Lingayat, minority communities and other exploited sections) and it is a broad civil society.

About Translator

Naveen Prasad Alex is a master’s student in biological sciences at the University of Turku, Finland. He is a Junior Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences and has authored two books in Malayalam. He is also passionate about Anti-caste movements, Anthropology and politics.

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