Video by Aabha Joshi, Neethu Saji and Kritika
Now that Mr. Modi has appealed to the people to maintain calm for the next 50 days while he brings back the ‘black money’ from the ‘rich’, the people continue their struggle to get by each day.
A fruit seller accounts the result of demonetization on her, who is one among the 93% of the unorganized sector of the Indian working class. She tells how despite working each day from morning till the night, she has been unable to make 50 rupees a day. In spite of exercising her fundamental right to vote and participating in the democracy, she is disappointed that the state has not been able to deliver anything as she continues to share her plight. The recurrent issue of change for the new 2000 rupees currency note has directly impacted her everyday earning as she hardly has the change to return the customer on a purchase of Rs. 100, hence she is forced to decline the purchase. Even the small amount of old denominations of 500 and 1000 had to be exchanged in the market at a loss of 50 rupees.
She has left us wondering how much share of black money is accumulated with the poor juxtaposed to rich.