Ever since two brave judges of the Punjab & Haryana High Court – of the order of those High Court judges who during 1975-77 allowed habeas corpus petitions to be admitted – talked of ethnic cleansing of Muslims, the case pertaining to the Nuh demolition is being treated like a pariah by all the benches before whom it gets landed. Meanwhile several contempt petitions and intervention applications filed before separate benches are in a state of limbo. Orders pertaining to whatever little gets heard are not being uploaded on the court website. Media reports indicate that right wing elements have put up posters locally at the demolition site ordering Muslims to move away.
Has the court wondered how these Muslims are struggling to survive without a roof over their head in the nearby jungles?
A fact-finding report by an NGO, Socio Legal Information Centre is eye opening. The trustee list of this NGO includes Justice Deepak Verma, former judge Supreme Court of India. The report mentions:
“According to the affidavits, 443 structures were demolished, of which 162 were permanent and the remaining 281 temporary structures. However, the fact-finding report says that as many as 1,208 structures at 37 sites spanning 72.1 acres were razed down.” [Source: Frontline Aug 25, 2023]
So the Government affidavit admits to only 443 structures being demolished whereas the fact-finding mentions 1208 structures. Isn’t perjury?
Why is justice being denied to those who have filed intervention applications and contempt petitions? Why are these not being heard? The case is not getting heard on the date listed and the next date of hearing is kept in abeyance. The corporate media is maintaining a deathly silence on these developments.
Since pleas to Attorney General for India fell on deaf ears, are we not letting the displaced Muslim victims in Nuh to their fate? A truly Kafkaesque picture indeed with the Muslims waiting to be heard in Punjab and Haryana High Court.
Grapevine has it that the present Chief Justice of Punjab and Haryana High Court is due to retire in a few weeks time and could be accommodated in Supreme Court provided he does the rulers’ bidding.
PIL Watch Group
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