Exclusion of Darwin from School syllabus deprives  rational Knowledge to Indian School children


Several scientists, educators  last week raised serious concern about NCERT  removing theory of evolution from science syllabus in class X curriculum of CBSE. The letter said, “Understanding the process of evolution is crucial in building scientific temper”. And depriving students of this exposure is ‘ travesty to of education’. Sadly,  the list of  deleted science topics include, Charles Darwin, molecular Phylogeny, Evolution and tracing evolutionary relationships.

The scientists appealed  against exclusion of Evolution  from Curriculum  and demanded it’s immediate restoration.  The signatories include prominent scientists from  IITs, IISER, ICAR, TIFR, CSIR and other  Central and Universities. Knowledge and understanding  of evolutionary biology is important not just for biology, but  key to understanding  tapestry of life and place of man in the  nature surrounding him or her.  Evolutionary Biology  will help to   analyze  array of problems we face in daily life  in society from human diseases to  epidemiology, ecology, environment  to  drug discovery.

We though do not realize in our busy  daily life,  Natural selection played a major role in  analyzing the  genome of recent  COVID viral pathogen, it’s gradual evolution  and mutation  to various strain sub types. These scientific investigations  have helped  epidemiology in containing further spread of the pandemic. Viral genome evolutionary studies greatly helped to understand  the various  disease causing genes & enzymes in pathogen that eventually led to  discovery of different vaccines that saved millions of human lives.

Our planet is populated with diversity  (different species) of animals, plants, microbes. Understanding Biodiversity and existing relationships between different species only helped scientists  to  hybridize related  plants and  come out with  high yielding, better adopted crops, that helped to increased food production and saved  our planet from hunger. Darwin’s  theory of  Origin of species    helped us to understand how  different  plants and animals  gradually  transformation to other species for better survival when challenged with threats in the environment. Biology taught us that all  living creatures  share a common structure of DNA or RNA, metabolism, physiology, inheritance of common genetic code ( programme of life). Genetics , is an  area of biology that flourished after Darwin’s epoch making  theory of evolution and helped to  draw similarities and interrelationships  among  different  animals using Tree of life. Frederic Engels, in an essay on ‘The Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man”  analyzes  evolution of man to present civilized stage  and lauds  role played  by  human labour in thie process of evolution.

Contrary to the universal understanding of Evolution,  Mr. . satyapal, former BJP Union minstefor Human Resources  development ( January, 2018)  not only challenges Darwin’s theory of evolution,  but said, “nobody saw apes turning into man”.Further, said Darwin’s theory (of the evolution of humans) is scientifically wrong. It needs to change in school and college curriculum.”  So, today’s  exclusion of  Darwin’s Evolutionary theory, Euclidian geometry  and replacing  them with fictious  “Dashavatars”,  Vedic mathematics From Hindu mythology) and endorsement of theory of Creativity  is no  surprise in this background. RSS and  present  regime  have been targeting  science,  rational thinking   so as to   subvert ‘Critical thinking” and Questioning” from student minds.  This is part of a  larger design  to drag modern India in to  dark ages of ignorance, Manusmriti and castism.

That’s why  nearly 1800   prominent scientists, educators  from IITs, IISER, ICAR, TIFR, CSIR and other  Central and Universities appealed  against exclusion of Evolution  from Curriculum  and demanded it’s immediate restoration.  The signatories include prominent scientists from. People  should  join the scientists in demanding the  NCERT and Union Ministry of Human Resource Development  to immediately  restore the excludd content  from school  syllabus.

  Dr. Soma Marla, Principal Scientist & Head, Genomics, Retd., ICAR, New Delhi

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