Featured Stories


Nudity in Hindu Religion, Art and Politics

A  pious  Hindu  lady,  Amita  Sachdeva,  a  Delhi-based  advocate  has  kicked  up  a  fuss  by  demanding    an  FIR  against  Delhi  Art  Gallery  for  displaying  paintings  of  the  famous  artist,  the …


What Is MAGAnomics?

CAMBRIDGE – While the end of World War II 80 years ago ushered in an age of reason, Donald Trump’s return to the White House has ushered it out. His…

Trumpism will swiftly crush the idyllic idea of a common humanity

Trumpism (also referred to as the Make America Great Again movement or MAGA for short) is a political movement in the United States that comprises the political ideologies associated with U.S. President Donald Trump and his political base. It incorporates ideologies such as right-wing populism, right-wing anti-globalism, exceptionalism,…


Human Rights


My Internal Exile

“Let me have war, say I; it exceeds peace as far as day does night: it’s spritely waking, audible, and full of vent. Peace is a very apoplexy, lethargy; mull’d,…

Communal Harmony

Celebrate Diversity

It is late evening, the day after Uttarayan (15 January), traditionally called ‘vasi uttarayan’. It has been a dull, cloudy day; the wind has been fairly good though. Since yesterday…

Climate Change

Climate Politics: What Would Donald Trump Do?

Recent scientific data shows that global temperatures exceeded 1.5 degrees Celsius (above pre-industrial levels) for the first time. Dr. James Hansen, the godfather of the modern-day climate movement, believes the global rise…

Killing The Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef has been seriously damaged by too much ocean heat. According to University of Sydney: The damage is at catastrophic levels. And as stated by the National…

Environmental Protection

Counter Solutions

Putting Nature at the Center

Life may be unique to Earth. Even if single-celled organisms can readily evolve in conditions that exist on millions or billions of other planets, we have no actual evidence that complex, multi-cellular…

An Economics of Love

In early 2024, I offered an online 12-week course called “An Economics of Love” under the auspices of Biodiversity for a Livable Climate. I hosted an introductory session to describe…

Simplicity and Complexity

It seems to me that when people talk about voluntary simplicity, they are talking about refusing to engage with wasteful lifestyle patterns. Which is well and good at face value.…

Resource Crisis

The Gritty Reality of Solar Power

by Priti Gulati Cox and Stan Cox Time is fast running out. The world’s affluent nations, with their abundant greenhouse emissions, have to finally drag themselves across the starting line…



South Asia

Annihilate Caste

Bhakti-Kal and Caste Question

An abridged version of talk delivered on 23rd October, 2024 at Calicut University I say this with emphasis that in Indian history two periods, only two periods, came as a…

Poona Pact and Its Adverse Effects

Caste is considered to be the cornerstone of Indian Hindu society. In this structure of hierarchical inequality, the untouchables are at the lowest level, who were officially called 'Depressed Classes'…


Setting an example for others!

This morning, a long term AU friend, who I’d met through Countercurrents in 2007, sent me verbatim this news: U.S. facing very active weather pattern for the next two weeks…


The White Rose

The light of reasonAnd the Higher LightAnd there is sanity in the light The fire of passionAnd that is LoveThe flow of passionate life Believe in the River of Crossing…

The Vanishing

behind the shadow of her nakednessthe vanishingbehind the vanishingsilencebehind the silencecowardicebehind cowardicethe maskbehind the maskthe shattered mirrorbehind broken realitythe drought of shallow tearsthe frothing spate of ragethe hating fleshbehind the…

A Day at The Dorchester: A Proposal

Let's meet up at The Dorchester,that posh hotel in the heart of London.Afternoon tea is the talk of the town.Damask table cloths, linen napkins,impeccable service, and a pastry cartthe envy…

Paatal Lok Season 2: A Treasure

When I did see Paatal Lok-1, I must say I treasured it. The five years hiatus for Paatal Lok-2 resurrection has been worth it. The OTT series, streamed on Amazon…

Book Review

Gaza: A History

Professor Jean-Pierre Filiu's book, Gaza: A History, which John King translated, is divided into five sections and sixteen chapters. It covers the history of Gaza from the time of the…

Natural Federalism or Un-natural Feminism

In the times when ‘unifying’ symbols are used as tools to homogenise, ‘diversity’ is only appropriated in the service of ‘unification’ project, the urgency of ‘pluriversality’ is felt more strongly.…

Editor's Picks

The Fuhrer Is Here

This an article I wrote on 16 December 2002, just after Modi was re-elected as CM of Gujrat for a second term. For some strange reasons, the article can't be…

Deaths in Gaza and Us

Death is normal unless if it happens one of our dear and near ones. 40000+ (as per official figures) people have been killed in Gaza. According to The Lancet almost…

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