Lying Australian Media & Labor Government Complicit In US-Israeli Massacre Of Palestinian Children

Gaza 6
Photo by Phil Pasquini

The 2023-2024 Gaza Massacre has continued now for nearly 4 months while the World looks on. The  Zionist-subverted and US lackey  Australian Labor Government  has fervently assisted Apartheid Israel diplomatically, with  key arms supplies, intelligence, weapons targeting and now with cessation of support for UNRWA – racist Labor is complicit in the US-Israeli massacre of  Palestinian children. Zionist-subverted Australian Mainstream media are complicit by lying for Apartheid Israel.

(A). Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australian Labor Government  is complicit in  Apartheid Israel’s Gaza Genocide.

As of mid-January 2024 after 100 days  of the Gaza Massacre 100,000 Palestinians were killed, missing or wounded, and 31,497 Palestinians had been killed  including  12,345 children [1]. The ostensible Israeli “excuse” for this horrendous mass murder of Palestinians by neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel was the Israeli-asserted Hamas massacre of 1,200 Israelis on 7 October. However Apartheid Israel and its US, Western and Australian politician and media supporters consistently violate the core ethos of Humanity, specifically Kindness and Truth, by  genocidal Racism and pathological Lying. The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) responded on 7 October with tank shelling and high explosive missiles from helicopter gunships, killing about 1,500 Occupied Palestinian fighters inside Israel and a presently unknown proportion of about 1,200 Israelis killed on 7-8 October. The huge death toll and evidence of mangled and incinerated cars, buildings and people suggest that the IDF was actually responsible for most of the Israeli deaths in Israel after the Breakout [2].

Thus analysis of the Israeli dead from detailed photographic and statistical data provided by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz yields the following breakdown of Israelis killed: Of the 1,200 Israelis killed 84.2% (1,010) were 18-39 years old (i.e. were current Israeli military, conscripts  or reservists), 13.3% (160) were 40 and older (with most being former or existing military), and  2.5% (30) were aged under 18 (children) i.e. about 97% of those killed were legitimate military targets as past or serving Occupying forces [3]. Further, the firepower of the IDF (high explosive shells and missiles) vastly exceeded the firepower of the lightly-armed Palestinians. If deaths in the fire zone are proportional to firepower then most of the Israeli deaths on 7-8 October were due to the IDF [2].

The 7 October Breakout of lightly-armed Occupied Palestinian fighters from the Gaza Concentration  Camp was to acquire Israeli hostages to swap for 10,000 Occupied Palestinian hostages held by Israel. The Israel Defence Force (IDF) responded with tank shelling and missiles from helicopter gunships, killing about 1,500 Palestinians in Israel and a substantial proportion of the 1,200 Israelis killed in Israel, but lying Western governments and compliant media  falsely report a “Hamas terrorist massacre” [2]. The Orwellian US and US Alliance further falsely assert the “right of Israel to defend itself” but International Law expert Professor Francesca Albanese  states that under International Law subjugated Occupied people (the Occupied Palestinians) have the right to defend themselves but the war criminal Occupiers (the genocidally racist Israelis) do not in an occupied territory [4].

Expert investigation (notably from prize-winning Western journalists Seymour Hersh, Chris Hedges and Jonathan Cook) has revealed that the Egyptians, Americans and Israelis were well aware of the Hamas Breakout plans for a year and that the Breakout was effectively permitted to occur in an Israeli version of the US 9/11 in which a massive “intelligence failure” permitted the disaster in which about 3,000 Americans perished [2]. It was estimated in 2015 that 32 million Muslims died from violence, 5 million, and from imposed deprivation, 27 million, in 20 Muslim countries invaded by the US Alliance since the US Government’s 9/11 false flag atrocity [5, 6]. The serial war criminal US and UK are now bombing starving Yemen, the US is also bombing Syria and Iraq, Apartheid Israel is bombing Lebanon and Syria, and Israeli and US warmongers are calling for the bombing of Iran.  

Chris Hedges: “Israel will not be deterred. It plans to finish the job, to obliterate what is left in the north of Gaza and decimate what remains in the south. To render Gaza uninhabitable. To see its 2.3 million people driven out in a massive campaign of ethnic cleansing via starvation, terror, slaughter and infectious diseases” [7] and  “The Biden presidency, which ironically may have signed its own political death certificate, is tethered to Israel’s genocide. It will try to distance itself rhetorically, but at the same time it will funnel the billions of dollars of weapons demanded by Israel — including $14.3 billion in supplemental military aid to augment the $3.8 billion in annual aid — to “finish the job.” It is a  full partner in Israel’s genocide project… Israel is a pariah state” [8]. Jonathan Cook: “The concentration of Palestinians into southern Gaza – where they are also being bombed and deprived of power, food, water and communications, with hospitals and aid compounds unable to function – has created an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe. The pressure is building day by day on Egypt’s military ruler Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to open the Rafah crossing on humanitarian grounds and let Palestinians flood into Sinai. Hamas’ attack on Israeli communities next to Gaza on 7 October may have provided precisely the pretext Israel needs to dust off its ethnic cleansing plan” [9].  

Acting on Israeli advice that a dozen out of 13,000 UNRWA workers were somehow “linked to” to Hamas, the US and the US Alliance, including US lackey Australia, have suspended donations to UNRWA that is desperately trying to stem the Israeli state terrorism-imposed humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. Chris Hedges: “The cuts to funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA)— collective punishment for the alleged involvement in the Oct. 7 attack of 12 its 13,000 UNRWA workers  —  will accelerate the horror, turning the attacks, starvation, lack of health care and spread of infectious diseases in Gaza into a tidal wave of death. The evidence-free charges, which include the accusation that 10 percent of all of UNRWA’s Gaza staff have ties to Islamist militant groups, appeared in the Wall Street Journal. The reporter, Carrie-Keller Lynn, served in the Israel Defence Forces (IDF). Given the numerous lies Israel has employed to justify its genocide, including “beheaded babies” and “mass rape,” it is reasonable to assume this may be another fabrication”[10].

Under the Zionist-subverted, Zionist-perverted, US lackey Australian Labor Government Australia is second only to the US as a fervent supporter of Apartheid Israel. As a UK or US lackey Australia has violated all 80 Indo-Pacific countries and Australians have been involved in US-backed Coups in 8 countries [11, 12].  

In addition to endless diplomatic support for Apartheid Israel, Australia  supplies weapons-targeting intelligence to Apartheid Israel and the US from the joint Australia-US electronic spying base at Pine Gap, Central Australia. Thus Australia plays a key role in variously Israeli and US attacks on devastated Lebanon, devastated Syria, devastated Iraq, starving Yemen, starving Somalia and starving Gaza. Australia has extensive military trade and co-research links with the US, UK and Apartheid Israel [13, 14], Thus, for example, Australia is the sole provider of key parts for the Israeli F-35 bombers reducing Gaza to rubble [15, 16].  

The fervently pro-Zionist  Gillard Labor Government brought thousands of US troops to the Northern Territory and now the Albanese Labor Government has invited (nuclear-armed?) B52 bombers and US warships to be based in Australia. The Australia-UK-US (AUKUS Alliance) locks Australia in to UK and US nuclear terrorism for decades, and the $400 billion deal for 8 US or UK,  AI-detectable and nuclear-powered submarines commits Australia to an absurd $20 billion annual cost for 20 years while 100,000 Australian die preventably each year from “life-style choice” and “political choice” reasons [17].  And Australia’s reward? The US shares raw intelligence on Australian with child-killing neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel [18], and Australia becomes a key nuclear target [19].

Even though it is official Labor Party policy, the cowardly and dishonest Australian Labor Government (1) won’t sign and ratify the Treaty on the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) (because it prohibits States Parties from assisting the nuclear terrorism of nuclear terrorist states like the UK, US, France and Apartheid Israel “in any way”), (2) won’t recognized the State of Palestine (out of cowardice, genocidal racism, Islamophobia,  and egregious anti-Arab anti-Semitism), and (3) flagrantly and traitorously lies for Apartheid Israel (a detailed Submission on this account has been sent to the Australian National Anti-corruption Commission (NACC)) [20].

And now the unforgivable Australian Labor Government has added to its obscene military and diplomatic support for Apartheid Israel in this latest Gaza Massacre by criminally joining the US and the US Alliance in withdrawing support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agencyfor Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA) that is desperately trying to save lives among the 2.3 million Gazans mostly rendered homeless and largely deprived of  water, food, sanitation, medical supplies and medical care.

(B). What major Australian Mainstream media don’t want Australians to know about Australia’s role in the Gaza Genocide.

In addition to researching and publishing detailed and highly referenced articles about the Gaza Massacre over the last 4 months (and publishing hundreds of articles about the Palestinian Genocide over the last 2 decades) I regularly send short, carefully composed Letters to Mainstream Australian media on these matters. Almost none are published but I am stubbornly committed to exposing the truth, these Letters clarify my thinking, and hopefully they may influence editors obliged to toe the dominant Zionist American line by their bosses. Thus the extreme right-wing and fervently pro-Apartheid Israel US Murdoch Media Empire has about 70% of the daily Australia city newspaper readership and has an appalling record of lying by commission and lying by omission  in the interests of Apartheid Israel and the Zionist-perverted US Establishment. The major “quality” newspapers The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney) and The Age (Melbourne)  have high standards and wouldn’t dream of lying by commission but nevertheless massively lie by omission in reporting the official Anglo-American view of reality, as do the substantially taxpayer-funded Special Broadcasting Service (SBS; multicultural with good international coverage including regular truthful reportage from  Al Jazeera) and the ABC (the taxpayer-funded right-wing and Zionist-subverted Australian Broadcasting Corporation that is the Australian equivalent of  the politically correct racist (PC racist) and mendacious UK BBC). The excellent UK Guardian in Australia is a  remarkable exception to the racist and mendacious morass that is Mainstream media in Australia.

Biased and false reportage of the Middle East illustrates  the extraordinary self-censorship of Mainstream media in neoliberal, Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australia and indeed in the West in general. Thus set out here is a realistic view from truthful reportage – notably from some prize-winning Western journalists – but which is overwhelmingly ignored by Zionist-subverted Mainstream Western and Australian media:

(a) Apartheid Israel allowed the 7 October (10/7) event to happen (like the US re 9/11);

(b) the 10/7 Breakout from the Gaza Concentration Camp was to get hundreds of Israeli hostages to trade for 10,000 Palestinians in Israeli military prisons and indeed for 5.6 million highly abusively confined  Occupied Palestinians;

(c) the IDF was responsible for a substantial proportion of the 1,200 Israelis killed;

(d) 97.5% of the Israelis killed were adults involved militarily in the 56 year Occupation because of Israeli compulsory military service;

(e) 84.2% of the Israeli dead were present serving Israeli military responsible for violently maintaining the 56-year Occupation and hermetically sealing the bombed and blockaded Gaza Concentration Camp;

(f) the Israeli-complicit 10/7 carnage (like the US-complicit 9/11 carnage as perceived by both former US president Donald Trump and former US Vice President Al Gore) provided the “excuse” for disproportionate violence (after  just 100 days 100,000 Gazans killed, missing or wounded, 31,497 killed including  12,345 children killed); and

(g) in the present Gaza Massacre there is an Occupied/Occupier reprisals Death Ratio of 31,500/1,200 = 26 (versus the 10 ordered by Nazi leader Hitler in 1944), and 30,000,000/3,000 = 10,000 in the US War on Terror, this including  avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation in 20 Muslim countries  invaded by the US Alliance since 9/11) [5, 6].

However US, UK and Australian Mainstream media reportage is overwhelmingly dominated by emotive “official” reportage about the 250 Israeli hostages, “peace moves” by the serial war criminal US, (falsely) asserted claims of verbal “antisemitism”, and the bombing of “terrorists” in starving Palestine, devastated Lebanon, devastated Syria, devastated Iraq and starving Yemen. A shocking testament to Zionist perversion of Western media: a Google Search for “Hamas massacre” yields 500,000 results whereas that for “IDF massacre” yields 1,400 results.  

Indeed numerous Australian journalists have signed an Open Letter protesting censorship of Middle East-related reportage by Mainstream media managers (reported in full by the ethical Tasmanian Times [21, 22]) only to be threatened with re-assignment by Mainstream media managers [23]. Calum Jaspan reported in the Sydney Morning Herald: “[ABC] Staff shared frustrations over the broadcaster’s unwillingness to use terms including “invasion”, “occupation”, “genocide”, “apartheid” and “ethnic cleansing” regarding Israeli government policy and allegations made by human rights groups. The broadcaster’s managing director, David Anderson, said while taking talkback calls on ABC Melbourne last week that it wasn’t the ABC’s place to use such terms” [24]. Lebanese Australian ABC journalist Antoinette Lattouf was sacked, evidently for the “crime” of reposting an item from the respected Human Rights Watch, an action that  that offended the salivating Zionist Lobby and thus assertedly violated the ABC “principle” of “Balance” [25-27].   

Impressive Lebanese Australian ABC political reporter Nour Haydar  resigned from the ABC and stated: “This was not a decision that I made lightly, but one I made with total clarity. Commitment to diversity in the media cannot be skin deep. Culturally diverse staff should be respected and supported even when they challenge the status quo” [28]. It a disgrace that these excellent, truth-telling journalists no longer work for the taxpayer-funded ABC. If Jewish journalists had been sacked or otherwise removed from the ABC in a way relating to their ethnicity one would reasonably suspect repugnant anti-Jewish anti-Semitism at play, and in the present cases of the departure of the excellent Lebanese-origin journalists Antoinette Lattouf and Nour Hardar one reasonably suspects equally repugnant anti-Arab anti-Semitism driven by traitorous Zionist agents of genocidally racist and inexorably mendacious Apartheid Israel.    

This vile Zionist-driven censorship and intimidation is entrenched in the Zionist-subverted West and is increasing as the utterly unforgivable mass murder of Palestinians continues in Gaza. Rami G. Khouri (Distinguished Fellow at the American University of Beirut):“Dismissals and sidelining of journalists and pro-Palestinian commentators are increasing as Israel scrambles to dominate the Western media narrative… The Palestinian-Israeli conflict that now enters its second century is fought on two parallel battlefields. The first comprises the violence on the ground which has reached new heights in recent weeks. The second is the less visible but equally virulent battle in the media and the public information sphere in North America and Europe, where Israel and its surrogates have stepped up attempts to silence journalists who express pro-Palestine or balanced and historically contextualised views” [29].

A growing list of such truth-tellers persecuted in Australia for  supporting Palestinian human rights includes renowned  Arab journalist  Essam Al-Ghalib (temporarily suspended by SBS for legitimate criticism of Apartheid Israel) [30], top columnist Mike Carlton (effectively forced out of his job for criticizing Apartheid Israel’s 2014 Gaza Massacre) [31], academic Dr Sandra Nasr (vilified and censored by Notre Dame Australia and the London School of Economics for comparing present-day and Biblical ethnic cleansing in Palestine) [32], anti-racist and pro-peace Sydney University academic Dr Jake Lynch (vilified, and seriously threatened by Apartheid Israeli “lawfare”) [33], sports journalist Stuart McIntyre (sacked by SBS for anti-war comments) [34], ABC journalist Yassmin Abdel-Magied (vilified and sacked for  posting the following 7 words on her Facebook page: “Lest we forget (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine)” [35], outstanding human rights lawyer Melissa Parke (forced out of Labor candidature in the 2019 elections) [36], and the outrageous, Australian Intelligence-linked  maltreatment of the Muslim parliamentarians  NSW Labor MP Shaoquett Moselmane [37] and Labor Senator Sam Dastyari [37, 38].  Zionists unsuccessfully attempted censorship of Palestinian writers Susan Abulhawa and  Mohammed El-Kurd at the Adelaide  Writer’s Festival [39]. Outstanding expatriate Australian journalist  and Palestinian human rights advocate Julian Assange remains imprisoned  in London  for truth-telling [40]  and similarly lauded expatriate Australian journalist  and Palestinian human rights advocate, the late John Pilger, was threatened by the US lackey ABC [40]. The eminent the Indigenous journalist Stan Grant   was compelled to resign from the ABC [40] and the ABC “let go” outstanding and incisive journalist Emma Alberici [41].

Although I have been rendered “invisible” in Australia for a dozen years through sustained Zionist defamation, it has been my duty and my honour to publicly defend these wonderful truth-tellers in print outside Australia [30-32, 34-41]. Nevertheless faced with unreason, blatant denial, egregious lying by omission and Orwellian lying by commission by Mainstream Australian journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes I regularly write Letters to Australian Mainstream  media in a Quixotic attempt  to make a hole in the Mainstream Wall of Silence. Thus the leading “quality newspaper” The Age (Melbourne) published (heavily edited) a Letter by me  on the Zionist attempt to censor Palestinian writers: “Palestinian writers Susan Abulhawa and Mohammed El-Kurd have been falsely defamed for alleged “anti-Semitism” and “hate speech” for criticising the century-long genocidal abuse of indigenous Palestinians by Zionists. Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism” [42].  

Some pertinent recent examples of my Letters in response to the latest Gaza Massacre are given below (as indicated 2 were published by the excellent Tasmanian Times (the island state of Tasmania being the smallest of the 6 confederated States of Australia).  

25 November 2023 re how Mainstream Media lies for Apartheid Israel: “As a holocaust-impacted, anti-racist Jewish Australian/Tasmanian humanitarian I am inescapably bound by the key messages of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust of “never again to anyone”, “bear witness”  and “zero tolerance for lying and racism”.  I applaud the ethical Australian journalists for their timely Open Letter (Tasmanian Times 24/11) protesting outrageous Mainstream media bias in reporting on Palestine and demanding  provision of truthful historical context  in reporting  the  latest horrendous and war criminal Israeli massacre of Palestinians in Gaza. I recently published a very detailed and  documented analysis of 35 outrageous Lies shockingly perpetrated and  perpetuated by Apartheid Israel, Zionists  and pro-Zionist Western Mainstream media and politicians *. The World has 2 kinds of people, those opposing the mass murder of innocents and the others. Decent Australians will reject the Coalition, Labor and Independent “others” unforgivably opposing immediate permanent Ceasefire and immediate cessation of the killing, the Occupation and the century-long Palestinian Genocide. The core ethos of Humanity is (a) Kindness and (b) Truth. However this is grossly violated by Apartheid Israel that per capita based on the  population of the Occupied Palestinian Territory leads the World in (a) the killing of children and (b) the killing of journalists.  *Gideon Polya, “Gaza Massacre: 35 Ways Zionist-perverted US, Australia & West Lie For Child-killing, Neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 23 November 2023: ” (published by the Tasmanian Times [43]).  

6 December 2023 re the ongoing genocidal Gaza massacre by an Apartheid Israel: “I am an anti-racist Jewish Australian scientist and humanitarian with a sole allegiance to Australia, author of huge books on genocide, and utterly appalled by the ongoing genocidal Gaza massacre by an Apartheid Israel that wants all the Land of Palestine (plus some) but not the Indigenous Palestinian inhabitants. 2.3 million  Palestinians in Gaza are being remorselessly herded by bombing and shelling  into an ever-diminishing tiny southern patch of  the formerly 400 square kilometer  Gaza Concentration Camp. The latest estimates are of  22,000 Palestinians  killed including  9,000 children (counting those buried in rubble), 40,000 injured and 2 million homeless in reprisals for the 7 October Hamas attack for 240 hostages to be exchanged for 5.6 million Palestinian hostages variously held by Apartheid Israel for up  to 56 years. Of the 1,200 Israelis killed most were past and present Israeli military and only 30 were children, with many killed in the massive Israeli tank and helicopter gunship response. Yet Labor or Coalition Australia is unforgivably second only to the US as a diplomacy, intelligence, and arms supporter of genocidal Apartheid Israel, and faces global Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) as applied against Apartheid South Africa and all its supporters.”

21 December 2023 re  2 kinds of people, those opposing  the mass murder of children, and the unforgivable others: “At Christmas we celebrate the birth of the wonderful Jewish Palestinian Jesus who articulated the core ethos of Humanity as Kindness and Truth. We are reminded  of the Biblical Nativity narrative of how the Rome-backed Jewish King Herod “When he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under” (Matthew 2: 16-18). Today this Biblical fable is matched by the horrible reality of over 10,000 Occupied Palestinian children killed so far in US-backed Apartheid Israel’s ongoing  Palestinian Genocide in the Gaza Concentration Camp (Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, 15 December). The taxpayer-funded ABC has trashed Kindness and Truth by forbidding use of the terms “apartheid” and “genocide” in this context, and by sacking humanitarian journalist and radio host Antoinette Lattouf for protesting this ghastly present-day Massacre of the Innocents. Memo for Christmas gatherings: The World has 2 kinds of people, those opposing  the mass murder of children, and the unforgivable others. Silence is complicity” (published by the Tasmanian Times [44] and in an abbreviated version by The Age, Melbourne [45] ).

5 January 2024 re the pro-Apartheid Israel Australian KILLs and 10 times more anti-racist Jewish, Muslim and Arab voters than Jewish  Zionist voters: “While  71% of UK Muslims supported Labour in 2019, by late October 2023 this had shrunk to 5%, and the Muslim Conservative vote had likewise shrunk from 9% to 1% (Pearls & Irritations, 5/1/2024), with this 10-fold drop in the Muslim vote occasioned by the despicable support by both Labour and the Tories for Israel and its ongoing Palestinian Genocide in Gaza. No doubt many other decent Brits  will react similarly. One week after the Israeli bombing started all Federal Australian MPs (except for the Greens and Senator Lidia Thorpe) rejected a ceasefire, this occasioning the acronym KILLs (for Koalition, Independent and Labor Liars). Not just Australian Muslims and Arabs but all anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish Australians are utterly appalled by the massacre that has so far killed over 29,000 Occupied Palestinians including over 11,000 children (Euro-Med 27/12/2023). Muslims, Arabs, and anti-racist Jews are about 4% of Australian voters, and Jewish Zionists about 0.4%, but the KILLs fervently and unforgivably back the latter and support child-killing Apartheid Israel out of fealty to Zionist-subverted America that is now widening the killing  to Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. Decent Australians will overwhelmingly reject  the US, Apartheid Israel and the KILLs. Silence is complicity”. [One can also advance  KILLERs for Koalition, Independent and Labor Liars and Egregious Racists] .

2 February re  an utterly unforgivable Labor Government: 2024: “The New Testament, Matthew 18.21-22: “21. Then Peter came to Him and said, Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Until seven times? 22. And Jesus said unto him, I say not unto thee, until seven times, but until seventy times seven”. In terms of child killing in the latest Gaza Massacre US-, West- and Australia-backed Apartheid Israel has unforgivably sinned not merely 491 times but over 12,345 times. Thus  Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor (13/1/24): “On 100th day of Gaza genocide: 100,000 Palestinians killed, missing or wounded … A total of 31,497 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been killed… including 12,345 children, 6,471 women, 295 health personnel”. The unforgivable Australian Labor Government has exceeded its 490 quota by opposing a ceasefire in October and now joining the US Alliance in withholding its contribution to UNRWA based on claims by the mendacious Israelis. According  to Pulitzer Prize-winning  American journalist Chris Hedges the cuts to UNRWA funding “will accelerate the horror, turning the attacks, starvation, lack of health care and spread of infectious diseases in Gaza into a tidal wave of death”. Anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish Australians simply cannot vote for an utterly unforgivable Labor.”

Of course the Australian Mainstream media and major party (government and opposition) complicity in the ongoing Palestinian genocide and the mass murder of Palestinian children simply mirrors that in the US and the US Alliance as a whole.

(C). The World must take urgent action against genocidal Apartheid Israel and its US, US Alliance and Australian  backers to stop the horrendous genocide in Gaza.

In the 2 decades prior to 7 October Apartheid Israel engaged in half a dozen  Gaza Massacres with each involving the killing of from hundreds to several thousand Palestinians. Indeed  the genocidally racist Israelis described this regularly repeated slaughter of Palestinians (mostly women and children)  by the Zionazis as “mowing the grass” or “mowing the lawn” [46]. However in the present Gaza Massacre  the carnage has been an order of magnitude greater (31,500 killed in the first 100 days, with 100,000 killed, missing or wounded). The devastation has effectively converted a deliberately blockaded and periodically bombed impoverished  city of 2.3 million with bare-survival food, health, power, education, and critical services  into a Dresden-style wasteland with most Gazans (nearly half of them children) living in tents, denied requisite water, food, sanitation, medicine and medical care, and facing an existential catastrophe due to deprivation and disease. Expert observers correctly describe the forced displacement of Gazans to the south as a Third major mass population expulsion after the 1948 Nakba (800,000 expelled) and the 1967 Naksa (400,000 expelled), and now realistically fear a Fourth mass population expulsion into the Egyptian Sinai desert [2]. The genocidally racist Zionazis want the land of Palestine (plus neighbouring land) but not the Indigenous inhabitants.

The civilized World is utterly horrified  but must translate that horror into urgent action as summarized below.

(1). Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). The World immediately responded to the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre in Apartheid South Africa (60 killed) [47] with comprehensive sanctions and boycotts against Apartheid South Africa and all its supporters that eventually brought down Apartheid in South Africa. In response to the latest Gaza Massacre (about 30,000 killed in the first 100 days alone) the World must urgently apply comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians, parties, collectives, companies, and countries supporting this genocidally racist, neo-Nazi rogue state. At the top of the list of state terrorist entities complicit in the ongoing Palestinian Genocide are the US (unwavering diplomatic support, provision of bombs, other weaponry, and $14 billion extra on top of $3.8 billion annual military aid to Apartheid Israel) and Australia (provision of arms, intelligence, weapons targeting and diplomatic support for Apartheid Israel). 

(2). Dump the US dollar. 2 decades ago eminent American economist and writer Dr Paul Craig Roberts (Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration, and former Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal ) argued that dumping the dollar would stop horrendous US attacks on the Muslim world (2007): “If the rest of the world would simply stop purchasing US Treasuries, and instead dump their surplus dollars into the foreign exchange market, the Bush Regime would be overwhelmed with economic crisis and unable to wage war. The arrogant hubris associated with the “sole superpower” myth would burst like the bubble it is. The collapse of the dollar would also end the US government’s ability to subvert other countries by purchasing their leaders to do America’s will” [48]. Israel and America are variously presently involved in the bombing of Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen, with Iran (and consequently the World) under acute threat . The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are already variously shifting away from the US dollar [49].

(3). UNSC, UNGA and other action over genocidal Israeli violation of the South Africa-requested ICJ ruling on Gaza genocide. The South African Government made a detailed submission to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) over genocide by Apartheid Israel in Gaza. The mendacious Zionist-subverted Western media quickly announced the failure of the ICJ to order a ceasefire or to find on Israeli commission of genocide. However top expert legal opinion  interpreted the ICJ ruling otherwise. Thus outstanding Australian lawyer Paul Heywood-Smith KC: “The Court expressed the first measure thus: “The State of Israel shall, in accordance with its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, in relation to Palestinians in Gaza, take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within the scope of Article II of this Convention, in particular: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; and (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group”. With respect to all nay-sayers, that can only be tantamount to a ceasefire – Israel cannot kill Palestinians. Let me assert the true position. South Africa won the preliminary application” [50].  Professor  Richard Falk (former UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Professor of International Law,  Princeton) said the decision “marks the greatest moment in the history of the [court]… [because] it strengthens the claims of international law to be respected by all sovereign states — not just some” [51]. Professor Marjorie Cohn (professor emerita at Thomas Jefferson School of Law, former president of the National Lawyers Guild, and a member of the national advisory boards of Assange Defense and Veterans For Peace): “The January 26 provisional ruling – which was a landmark victory for the Palestinian people, and indeed, for international law itself — now goes to the United Nations Security Council for enforcement. It would be within the Security Council’s purview to order economic or trade sanctions, arms embargoes, travel bans or even military force…The ICJ made extensive factual findings about Israel’s conduct in Gaza and cited dehumanizing language by high Israeli officials and statements of alarm by several UN officials. The court essentially accepted the bulk of South Africa’s detailed accusations against Israel. These findings should serve as a warning to the Biden administration that its continued provision of weapons to Israel would violate both the Genocide Convention and the Arms Transfer Policy” [51].

(4). Young-impelled decent Third Parties to urgently replace war criminal and climate criminal Western duopolies (e.g. the US Republican/ Democrat duopoly). The ongoing, Western-backed Israeli  mass murder of children (over 12,000 after 100 days of killing) demands  a Third Party Revolution in the Western democracies as demanded by Professor James Hansen and colleagues over deadly climate change inaction [52]. The existing Major Party politicians are utterly unfit for decent human company let alone public office. Thou shalt not kill children. Status quo pragmatists  might argue that when it comes to social policy, economic justice  and climate action the Democrats (in America), Labour (the UK) and Labor (Australia) are at least a bit better than their salivating, anti-science and anti-equity conservative opponents namely the Republicans (US), Conservatives (UK) and Coalition (Australia). However Mainstream Western complicity in the mass murder of children  is so shocking that it should be utterly impossible for decent people to vote for any of the major Mainstream  duopoly parties – and hence the urgent need for a massive and immediate shift driven by the utterly betrayed young to decent, humane Third Parties such as the Greens and Socialists and away from the utterly unforgivable, pro-Apartheid Israel  Mainstream Western duopoly politicians complicit in the unforgivable, unthinkable and horrifying  mass murder of children by US-backed Apartheid Israel.

(5). Decent voter backlash in the US, UK, and US Alliance e.g. Australians voting for either the unforgivable, Apartheid Israel-supporting  Australian Labor Government or the even worse Coalition are complicit in genocidal Apartheid Israeli crimes. Presently Australia has a Labor Government and a conservative Coalition opposition. While the UK and US have non-compulsory, first-past-the-post voting, Australia has an excellent, compulsory preferential system  (for a valid vote voters must list their order of preference for all candidates, and  if a candidate fails to get 50% of the primary vote then second preferences are taken into account). Presently Labor can only win by gaining the second preferences of the decent Greens  who (unlike rotten Labor and the even worse Coalition) support recognition of the State of Palestine,  all human rights for everyone (including the sorely oppressed Palestinians), and urgent action on the existential threats from nuclear weapons and climate change. However decent Australians would not want an even worse, unforgivable,  pro-Apartheid Israel and climate criminal Coalition government. It can be argued that the Coalition is not in government and actually believe in their despicable policies whereas Labor is more culpable by actually being in government and adopting climate criminal and genocide-complicit  policies while knowing that they are morally wrong – this arguing for punishment of the Labor Government at the next election (2025). Nevertheless  the pragmatic argument against this is that a theoretically altruism-based Labor is a bit better for the disadvantaged in society than the heartless and fervently neoliberal Coalition. However the key decision may be up to strongly disaffected anti-racist and anti-Zionist Jewish, Arab, and Muslim voters who represent  about 4% of the Australian electorate whereas the politically highly influential Jewish Zionists may only represent 0.4%. In the US many fear that geriatric child killer Joe Biden’s despicably fervent support for Apartheid Israel will result in a victory for an even worse Donald Trump  if decent, young anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish Democrat voters  stay home and don’t vote. Thus Whitney Bauck (the UK Guardian): “Numerous polls have indeed shown Biden trailing Trump among young voters, in stark contrast to their overwhelming preference for Biden in 2020. Recent polling by the New York Times suggests that young people’s support of Biden is wavering in light of his stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict…That prospect would be extremely concerning to the youth climate vote, who understand the risk Trump poses to the environment” [53]. Similarly, many decent anti-racist UK voters are no doubt repelled by Labour support for genocidal Apartheid Israel.

(6). Unexceptional and immediate granting of  equal rights and all Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)-specified  human rights for 15 million sorely oppressed Palestinians. The 15 million mostly impoverished Palestinians comprise  7 million Exiled Palestinians (illegally excluded from living in the land continuously inhabited by their forebears for millennia), 5.6 million  Occupied Palestinians (highly abusively confined under military rule to West Bank ghettoes (3.3 million) or the Gaza Concentration Camp (2.3 million), and 2.0 million Israeli Palestinians, without human rights and excluded from voting for the government ruling them i.e. subject to Apartheid), and 2 million  Israeli Palestinians  (able to vote for the government ruling them albeit as Third Class citizens under 60 Nazi-style,  race-based  discriminatory laws) [54]. A proposal that would be unexceptional to decent Humanity which could and should be implemented immediately would be to grant equal rights and all Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)-specified  human rights to 15 million sorely oppressed Palestinians. However this is totally rejected by neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and by the ostensibly democratic US Alliance supporting this racist rogue state (who for 56 years have covered their genocidally racist evil with the dishonest fig-leaf of a “2-state solution” that has been dead for years because 90% of Palestine has now been ethnically cleansed of Indigenous Palestinians. Indeed  the present Apartheid Israeli Government is implacably opposed to a “2-state solution”  and envisages a continuing Apartheid regime in which Occupied Palestinians are (a) killed, (b) expelled or (c) permitted to live in Palestine without human rights.

(7). In relation to the present horrifying Gaza circumstances the Indigenous Palestinians should at the very least be immediately given the rights accorded  to pets and livestock in the West. In Australia pet owners and farmers guilty of not providing proper water, food and shelter to their animals would be prosecuted and in severe cases suffer custodial  punishment over their inhumane treatment. Yet US-, US Alliance- and Australia-backed Apartheid Israel is criminally denying requisite life-sustaining water, food, sanitation, shelter, medicine and medical care to Gazans with the horrifying prospect of huge deaths from deprivation and disease, with this grossly violating International Law, notably Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention as well as the UN Genocide Convention [54].

(8). If Palestinians are to be denied life without foreign occupation the World should immediately insist on [interim] occupation by a decent country. It is a blot on Humanity that the Occupied Palestinians have had to endure over 56 years of violent, deadly and highly  abusive military occupation by genocidally racist Apartheid Israel backed by the serial war criminal state terrorist entities of the US Alliance. The very least that should be implemented immediately  is  that the present neo-Nazi Occupiers are replaced by police forces from a decent country with no history of human rights abuse or any association with invasion, devastation and occupation of another country (e.g. Switzerland, Ireland, Mauritius, Fiji or even Costa Rica that does not even have an army).

(9). Immediate ceasefire with Apartheid Israel out of the Occupied Palestinian Territories immediately to permit entry of life-saving security, humanitarian aid, health workers, reconstruction teams, and forensic teams to examine all the dead. The World must demand an immediate Ceasefire and that the genocidal Israelis leave the Gaza (and indeed the whole of the Occupied Palestinian  Territory) to enable safe entry of clean-skin international peace keepers, life-saving humanitarian aid, health workers, reconstruction teams, and forensic teams to examine all the dead bodies to identify them and to accurately determine the magnitude and details of the carnage (with inspection of organs in particular because Apartheid Israel was a major player in illegal trafficking in human body parts).  Of course this atrocity should never have been allowed to happened. The Old Testament of the Holy Bible that inspires the Zionazis demanded “an eye for an eye” but  on Day 100 of the present Gaza Massacre the Palestinians dead have totalled 33,000 (1,500 Palestinian  fighters killed in Israel on 7-8 October plus 31,500 Palestinians killed in Gaza) versus 1,200 Israelis killed on 7-8 October for an Occupied/Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio of 33,000/1,200 = 27.5, vastly greater than the Biblical “life for a life”. If one conservatively assumes that 50% of the Israelis killed on 7-8 October were killed by the IDF [2]  then the Reprisals Death Ratio would be 55  as compared to the 1 advocated by the Bible and 10 ordered by Nazi mass murderer Adolph Hitler and effected in the Ardeatine Massacre in 1944.

 (10). Action now – if the UK- and Australia-backed  US and Apartheid Israel continue to get away with mass murder of children in Gaza then  we are all existentially threatened. What should deeply concern all of Humanity living under the threat of a catastrophic Climate Genocide and a near-terminal, Humanity- and Biosphere-devastating Nuclear Holocaust is that if US Alliance-supported, genocidally racist and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel is permitted to continue grossly, criminally,  murderously and genocidally violating its presently 52% majority Indigenous Palestinian Subjects then the same thing can happen to us all. If them then us – there but for the grace of God go I. Indeed if Western governments continue to support the mass murder of Palestinian children – the unforgivable worst of crimes –  then anything goes.


[1]. Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, “On 100th day of Gaza genocide: 100,000 Palestinians killed, missing or wounded”, 13 January 2024:,000-Palestinians-killed,-missing-or-wounded  . 

[2]. Gideon Polya, “IDF Killed Israelis On 7 October Enabling 9/11-style Excuse For Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 31 December 2023: .

[3]. Gideon Polya, “Free Palestine: Australian National Union Of Students (NUS) Condemns Apartheid Israeli Occupation, Human Rights Denial & Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 14 December 2023: .

[4]. Francesca Albanese’s Address to the National Press Club of Australia, 14 November 2023: .

[5]. Gideon Polya, “Paris Atrocity Context: 27 Million Muslim Avoidable Deaths From Imposed Deprivation In 20 Countries Violated By US Alliance Since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 22 November, 2015: .

[6]. “Experts: US did 9/11”: .

[7].  Chris Hedges, “The Genocide in Gaza”, YouTube, 9 December 2023  : .

[8]. Chris Hedges, “The Death of Israel”, Countercurrents, 18 December 2023: .

[9]. Jonathan Cook, “Mounting evidence suggests Israel may be ready to ‘cleanse’ Gaza”, Modern Diplomacy, 7 November 2023: .

[10]. Chris Hedges, “The silence of the damned”, Pearls & Irritations, 2 February 2024:  .

[11]. Gideon Polya, “AUKUS & Quad In Context: Australia Violates All Indo-Pacific countries”, Countercurrents, 9 December 2021: .

[12]. Gideon Polya, “Australia violates all Indo-Pacific countries”, Stop state terrorism, 9 December 2021: .

[13]. Gideon Polya, “Australian Universities Complicit With Pro-Zionist Censorship And Genocidal Israeli Militarism”, Countercurrents, 24 May, 2012: .

[14]. Vacy Vlazna, “Israeli Hawkademia in Australian Universities”, Palestinian Chronicle, 5 February 2012: .

[15]. Binoy Kampmark,  “Corporate murder: the Australian companies behind Gaza’s destruction”, Pearls & Irritations, 11 January 2024: .

[16]. Kellie Tranter, “Australia’s role in the bombing of Gaza”, Pearls & Irritations, 23 November 2023: .

[17]. Gideon Polya, “Rich Australia Ignores 100,000 Preventable Deaths Annually: The Cost Of Neoliberalism & Lying”, Countercurrents, 29 September 2022: .

[18]. Philip Dorling, “US shares raw intelligence on Australians with Israel”, Sydney Morning Herald, 12 September 2013: .

[19]. Gideon Polya, “Why Australia Should Quit  Military Links With Serial War Criminal America”, Countercurrents, 28 January 2023: .

[20]. Gideon Polya, “NACC Submission To National Anti-Corruption Commission: Australian Labor Government’s Lying For Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 22 July 2023: .

[21].  “Letter from Journalists to Australian Media Outlets”, Tasmania Times, 24 November 2023: .

[22]. Gideon Polya, “Feature Letter – how Mainstream Media lies for Apartheid Israel”,  Tasmanian Times, 26 November 2023: .

[23]. Sam Buckingham-Jones, “Guardian warns over open letters and social posts amid Israel row”, Australian Financial Review, 4 December 2023: .

[24]. Calum Jaspan, “Journalists urge ‘improved’ coverage of Israel-Hamas war in open letter”, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 November 2023: .

[25]. Binoy Kampmark, “Cancelling the journalist: ABC’s coverage of Israel-Gaza war”, Green Left, 18 January 2024: .  

[26]. Binoy Kampmark, “Cancelling a journalist was a cowardly act by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation”, Middle East Monitor, 18 January 2024: .

[27]. “Strike threat over claim pro-Israeli lobby forced out Australian journalist”, Al Jazeera, 16 January 2024: .

[28]. Olivia Cleal, “ABC staff threaten walkout amid mistreatment of culturally diverse journalists”, Women’s Agenda, January 2034: .

[29]. Rami G. Khouri, “Watching the watchdogs: Fear in newsrooms silences pro-Palestine voices”, Al Jazeera, 1 November 2023: .

[30]. Gideon Polya, “Zionist Australia’s SBS Suspends Renowned Pro-Palestinian Journalist Essam Al Ghalib” , Countercurrents, 19 February 2023: .

[31]. Gideon Polya , “Mike Carlton, Top Australian Columnist, Forced From Job For Criticizing Apartheid Israeli Gaza Massacre”, Countercurrents,8 August 2014: .

[32]. Gideon Polya “Academic Free Speech Under Zionist Attack At Notre Dame Australia And LSE, UK”, Countercurrents, 16 December, 2015: .

[33]. “Jake Lynch”, Wikipedia: .

[34]. Gideon Polya, “ Australia Trashes Free Speech – SBS Sacks Journalist Scott McIntyre Over Anti-War Tweets”, Countercurrents, 4 April 2015:  .

[35]. Gideon Polya, “Yassmin Abdel-Magied Censored On Anzac Day – Jingoists Trash Australian Free Speech”, Countercurrents, 28 March 2017: .

[36]. Gideon Polya, “Pro-Apartheid Israel Australian Labor Party Scraps Outstanding Anti-Apartheid Candidate, Melissa Parke”, Countercurrents, 17 April 2019: .  

[37]. Gideon Polya, “Nuclear Terrorist Australia, UK & US AUKUS Alliance Threatens Humanity”, Countercurrents, 4 October 2021: .

[38]. Gideon Polya, “US Lackey Australia Attacks Free Speech Of Senator Dastyari, Muslims, Chinese, Journalists & Truth-Tellers”, Countercurrents, 10 December 2017: .

[39]. Gideon Polya, “Abulhawa, El-Kurd, Palestine & Ukraine: Zionists Attack Australian Free Speech”, Countercurrents, 28 February 2023: .

[40]. Gideon Polya, “Censorship Of Stan Grant, Indigenous Australians & Palestinians, Julian Assange & Truth Tellers”, Countercurrents, 25 May 2023: .

[41]. Gideon Polya, “Submission To Australian National  Anti-Corruption Commission: Corporations & Governments Ignore  Huge Carbon Debt”, Countercurrents, 19 August 2023: .

[42]. Gideon Polya, “Writers smeared”, The Age, Letters, 22 February 2023: .

[43]. Gideon Polya, “Feature Letter – How Mainstream Media Lies for Apartheid Israel”, Tasmanian Times, 26 November 2023: .

[44]. Gideon Polya, “Featured Letter – Present-Day Massacre of the Innocents” Tasmanian Times, 21 December 2023: .

[45]. “The ABC is tied in knots by social media comments”, The Age, 21 December 2023: .

[46]. Sebastien Roblin, “Mow the Lawn: Israel’s Strategy For Perpetual War With the Palestinians”, National Interest, 22 May 2021: .

[47]. Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, 2nd edition, Korsgaard Publishing, 2021.

[48]. Paul Craig Roberts, “War and Terror: How the World Can Stop Bush”, Counterpunch, 12 February 2007: .

[49]. “Dumping the Dollar: Will a new BRICS currency replace the US currency for trade?”, Firstpost, 4 April 2023: .

[50]. Paul Heywood-Smith, The decision of the International Court of Justice”, Pearls & Irritations, 2 February 2024: .

[51]. Marjorie Cohn, “What Happens Now That the ICJ Has Ordered Israel Not to Engage in Genocide?”, Truthout, 29 January 2024: .

[52]. James Hansen et al, “Global warming in the pipeline”, Oxford Open Climate Change, Volume 3, 2023: .

[53]. Whitney Bauck, “Young voters helped Biden to victory. They may abandon him this year”, Guardian, 8 January 2024: .

[54]. Gideon Polya, “Australia must stop Zionist subversion and join the World in comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters”, Subversion of Australia, 15 April 2021: .

Dr Gideon Polya taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia over 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, notably a huge pharmacological reference text “Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds” (2003). He has also published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (2007, 2021), “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (1998, 2008, 2022), “US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” (2020), and “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions” (2020), and contributed to Soren Korsgaard (editor) “The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published – Dangerous Deception Exposed!” (2020). For images of Gideon Polya’s huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see:  .

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